Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1635: Light gate

"court death!"

"Most of the dragon blood spar was taken away by them!"

"Damn, these **** guys are just grabbing the dragon blood spar, why even my space ring was taken away, there, but pretending that I have entered the fairy world during this period of time, almost half of the harvest. !"

"Hateful! I entered the realm of falling immortals. Fortunately, I was struggling. I managed to earn so many treasures. I was robbed of half of them all at once!"

Above the low mountain, frantic anger sounded intensively.

Soon, the sealing effect of the third magic forbidden law began to disappear.

One by one, the body regained freedom.

Especially those strong, just a breath time is already the power to break free of the seal.

"court death!"

The disciples of the ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou and the students from the four major colleges were the first group of warriors to regain physical freedom. One by one, with cold eyes and murderous aura, they directly expanded their body skills and chased them in the direction of Lin Fei's escape.

"Even my space ring dare to grab! All are going to die!"

The holy son of the dust-free school was raging with anger, and the murderous intent in his eyes was so rich that it was substantive. He held a golden halberd in his hand, bursting out terrifying waves of energy, like a golden sun, Chased in the direction where Lin Fei left.

This holy son of the dust-free faction had conflicts with Lin Fei and had a strong murderous intent on Lin Fei.

Therefore, the goblin rushed over for the first time and grabbed a space ring in his hand.

Not only that, the saint son of the Profound Prison Sect, Xiao Changsheng of Qinglong Academy, and the saint son of Mingjiao, these powerful men were all snatched a space ring by the goblins.

Goblins are not only good at space power and body speed, they are also one of the talents of the goblin family. It can be said that the body speed of goblins is faster than Lin Fei.

During the breathing time just now, the goblin and Xiao Yuanshan joined forces, but they grabbed a lot of space rings from the strong.


The powerhouses who were snatched away from the space ring burst out endless and terrifying fluctuations in their vital energy, chasing them in the direction where Lin Fei fled.


Everyone chased them together, and we must catch the dozen people just now and put them to death! "

"Yes, it's so irritating. We fought to death, but they used evil methods and snatched all the dragon blood spar at once."

Not only those strong men, but the rest of the warriors, also took action one by one, and followed them.

The temptation of the dragon blood spar is so great that many warriors want to catch up with them and **** them when the time comes.


The city was shaking, and there were a total of seven or eight thousand people chasing it down.

"The demon body clone just now seems to belong to Lin Fei."

"Yes, I have seen it before."

"It seems that what happened just now may have been caused by Lin Fei."

Some people from the three holy places and three aristocratic families of the Eastern Region began to speak.

Because Lin Fei used to use the demon body clone to fight many times in the Eastern Region before, and many people have seen it.

Therefore, these people from the Eastern Region are all speculating.

Lin Fei disappeared, using his speed to the extreme, walking quickly through the streets and lanes.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little shocked as he sensed the situation behind him.

Thousands of people came chasing, the scene was very shocking.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's posture is fast, and, in the process of escaping, Lin Fei also directly used the Dadao breath technique, and began to gradually cover up his appearance and spirit.

However, those genius disciples of the ancient Great Sect of Central Shengzhou, and some enchanting students from the four major colleges, seem to have clever tracking secrets, and they have been looking for the direction of Lin Fei's escape and have been chasing them.

In this way, Lin Fei kept fleeing in the city. Thousands of people chased after him.

Fortunately, the area of ​​this immortal burial city is very wide, densely packed with buildings, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The streets and alleys are criss-crossed and the terrain is very complicated, which provided great convenience for Lin Fei to escape.

After a long time.

Lin Fei took advantage of the chaos and broke into a remote palace, directly changing his appearance, changing his spirit and aura, turning into a strange young warrior with ordinary appearance.

Then, quietly rushed out of the palace, hiding in a remote alley nearby.

Soon, a large number of warriors came one after another.

"In this area, start a search."

Someone seemed to perceive something and shouted.

Soon, a large group of people searched the streets, alleys, palaces and other buildings around here one by one.

When a dozen warriors passed by the alley, Lin Fei appeared directly, followed behind, and joined the searched warriors team.

Soon, more and more people chased this area and joined the search operation.

And Lin Fei was also mixed among the people, pretending to participate in the search.

Of course, there are also many strong people who have thought of this.

"Huh, that ant seems to be good at some kind of secret art of changing his head, maybe he has appeared in another appearance."

The holy child of the dust-free faction, holding the golden spear, looked at the nearby warriors with that sharp and compelling gaze.

There are other strong men who have also released their divine consciousness, perceiving the martial artists moving around one by one, and want to find some clues from them.

However, with the Dao Aura Technique, coupled with A Zi's illusion, under the double guarantee, it is difficult to recognize Lin Fei even if a master of the Heavenly Caverns comes.

What's more, those who entered the city of immortal burial were all people below the strength of the Mahayana realm.

Therefore, for those strong men, there were several times when the power of divine consciousness shot past Lin Fei's body, but there was no discovery.

After half an hour.

The crowd gradually dispersed and began to give up searching.

Including those students from the Central Saint State University and the four major colleges, they also began to leave.

Because, in this city, there are still many places waiting to be explored, and no one wants to spend too much time here.

Only those who had been robbed of the space ring remained here, angrily, searching back and forth.

However, in the end, I finally gave up all.

At this time, Lin Fei had already mixed in with everyone and left.

Lin Fei returned directly to the low mountain.

On the top of the low mountain, faintly, there seemed to be a light gate.

"The gate of light is a gate of time and space, probably leading to a small space."

The goblin's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Yes, that light gate emits waves of transmission power."

Lin Fei nodded.

It is precisely because of this light gate that Lin Fei returned to Aishan.

At this moment, before the figures kept coming to the low mountain, a large number of people gathered again near the low mountain in a moment.

Lin Fei discovered that most of these people were the people of the ancient Great Teachers in Zhongshengzhou and the students of the four major colleges.

Everyone's eyes are on the light gate on the top of the low mountain.

"It seems that these people seem to know the door of light."

Lin Fei's heart moved.

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