Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1636: Bamboo Forest Enlightenment

Soon, the disciples of the ancient Great Sect of Central Shengzhou and the students of the four major colleges all set off, rushing to the top of the short mountain.

Then, rushed directly into the door of light.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that these people must know where this teleporting light gate leads, otherwise, they would never just break in like this boldly.

The last time Falling Immortal Realm appeared on the Saint Venerable Continent was in Central Saint State.

There are many people in those ancient big sects and four colleges in Zhongshengzhou, who have entered the world of Luoxian, so they know something about the world of Luoxian.

Unlike the sectarians in the other four states, they don’t know anything and just go around.

Lin Fei didn't hesitate. After all those people entered the light gate, he also stretched out his figure, came to the light gate, and rushed in directly.

A wave of teleporting power came, wrapping Lin Fei's body and teleporting.

Soon, Lin Fei found that he was already down to earth.

"Where is this?"

Lin Fei was surprised, looked forward, and saw all kinds of visions, endless rays of light blooming everywhere in the space.

Some mysterious runes, branded in the void, drifting in the wind, faintly, there are bursts of deafening sounds of reciting ancient scriptures, coming from a distance.

The extremely rich aura of heaven and earth turned into thick fog, making all the scenery look hazy, like looking at flowers in the fog.

This is a mysterious space.

In all directions, there are endless green bamboo forests. At a glance, a sea of ​​bamboo forests undulates with the wind, endless.

The dense bamboo forest and mysterious runes are imprinted in the void.

The white mist haze fluttered in the bamboo forest, like white ribbons hung on the bamboo shoots, looking like a fairyland.

The people from the ancient sect of Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges have already rushed into those bamboo forests.

Lin Fei also moved his body and shot away at the bamboo forest.

However, Lin Fei's figure just flew up with a snap, and was forcibly pulled back to the ground by an irresistible force.

"This space cannot fly!"

Lin Fei immediately understood.

Moreover, Lin Fei discovered that there are certain laws in this space that suppress the vitality of the martial artist.

Lin Fei circulated the vitality in his body, and found that he could only exert 60 to 70% of the vitality power at most.

Then, Lin Fei tried his physical strength again.

"Fortunately, there is no suppressing effect on the flesh here."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Lin Fei stepped on his feet and ran towards the bamboo forest.

Unable to fly, the strength of vitality was suppressed to a certain extent, and many clever body techniques could not be used. Therefore, Lin Fei simply used physical strength to run directly.

Soon, Lin Fei entered the dense ocean of bamboo forests and walked through the forests.

"Hey? What kind of runes are these, it seems very mysterious, contains some very brilliant rules."

Entering the depths of the bamboo forest, Lin Fei found that in the space between the forests, there are many brilliant runes that are as rich as metal texture, like countless fireflies, wandering back and forth in the bamboo forest.

Lin Fei looked curiously at these runes that wandered in the space, and faintly felt that these runes seemed to contain some truth.

Could it be that this is a mysterious inheritance?

Not only Lin Fei, but many people in the bamboo forest felt their hearts. They sat down cross-legged and released their divine consciousness, earnestly comprehending the mysterious glowing runes wandering in the bamboo forest.

Lin Fei simply found a place, sat down cross-legged, and began to comprehend.

"The way of law!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness and soul perception are so powerful. Soon, Lin Fei affirmed that the mysterious runes in this bamboo forest expounded the great principles related to the power of law.

Between heaven and earth, there are a variety of original laws, and you can have the power of the laws by comprehending these original laws to a certain degree.

The power of law is an ingenious application of the original law that exists between heaven and earth.

Comprehending the law and using the power of the law is too difficult. It requires a strong divine consciousness, soul perception, and a high level of vitality to cooperate with each other, so that it is possible to understand the laws of the world and use the power of the law.

Generally speaking, only masters with the strength of the Heavenly Cave Realm are qualified to initially contact the power of the law.

Lin Fei closed his eyes tightly, embraced the Yuan and returned to one, completely entering concentration, silently experiencing and comprehending the golden and mysterious runes wandering among the bamboo forests. There is a faint sense that seems to be beginning to sense something mysterious.

Of course, both the goblin and Azi are always paying attention to the movements around them, protecting Lin Fei.

As soon as there is any movement, Lin Fei, who is in the stable state, will be notified immediately.

With the deepening of Lin Fei's insight, some invisible marks that pointed directly to the Origin Avenue of Heaven and Earth faintly gathered towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei seemed to hear the roar of various scriptures, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth appeared in the spiritual world, and realized these mysterious Dadao of Heaven and Earth. Lin Fei felt that he seemed to be able to communicate with the whole world.

In an instant, Lin Fei saw all things in the world, the heavens and stars, the plants and the trees, the gods, animals and animals.

The living, the inanimate, everything is in sight!

Faintly, Lin Fei felt that he had seen something essential.

This piece of sky, this piece of land, has never been so intimate, close, or even integrated.

"The master's head is actually glowing."

Suddenly, Azi perceives a magical scene in the illusion beads, that is, behind Lin Fei's head, there is a mysterious white halo, shining brightly, making Lin Fei extremely holy, as if faded. Exhausted the worldly atmosphere, turned into a majestic deity.

"Unexpectedly, this kid has such a terrifying soul perception!"

The goblin spoke too.

"The legend says that when a warrior enters the deep state of enlightenment, once he realizes the true origin rules of the world, he can communicate with the great avenue of heaven and earth, gain some blessings of the mysterious power of the origin between heaven and earth, and various visions appear.

It seems that this kid is also in this state. "

The goblin continued to sigh.

In the bamboo forest, there are many warriors who are enlightening the way like Lin Fei.

In particular, the ancient sect of Central Shengzhou and the people from the four major colleges gathered together, sitting in the woods, and felt one after another.

In addition, besides the light gate, there are many warriors who came to the low mountain and looked at the light gate on the top of the low mountain.

"It seems to be a portal of light."

"Just now, I saw with my own eyes that the sects of Zhongshengzhou and the students from the four major colleges have entered this light gate."

"In this way, within this light gate, there must be some amazing treasure, or a great opportunity."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go in too."

As a result, many warriors from the other four states also rushed into the light gate.

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