Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1639: wake up

"It's a pity, that kid, being able to enter the deep state of enlightenment, shows that his talent is indeed very enchanting. It is a pity that he was killed in the state of enlightenment and concentration."

There are also some warriors who secretly pity for Lin Fei in their hearts.

"Hmph, no matter how evil the talent is, so what, a genius who died halfway is not a real genius at all."

Most people are gloating, happy to see a genius fall.

However, at this time.


Among the bamboo forests, the black ancient seal that completely swallowed Lin Fei suddenly exploded and turned into shatters. All the black energy disappeared in an instant, and the sky was clear and bright, only the golden runes that filled the sky were left. Lin Fei's body kept walking.

At the same time, the Saint Son of the Xuan Sect that day trembled slightly, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"That kid is okay?!"

"The runes are protecting him!"

Everyone around was stunned and shocked.


Suddenly, the golden runes around Lin Fei began to faintly become violent, and the speed of rotation began to accelerate.

Then, each rune rushed out in all directions.

"No, run away!"

The warriors around had just witnessed the power of these runes. At this moment, they were all scared and trembling, and they ran away one by one.

"In this bamboo forest, no one will kill that kid. These **** runes are actively protecting him!"

Someone shouted.

In a moment, all the people from the Profound Sky Sect escaped cleanly.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you can stay in this **** bamboo forest forever, and then I will make you pay for it."

The Saint Child of the Profound Sky Sect showed his way to leave, turned his head, gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Fei who was still sitting cross-legged, furious.

The disciples of the Profound Sky Sect naturally felt extremely aggrieved.

In the bamboo forest, there is a wolf.

Lin Fei was still sitting cross-legged, still in a state of deep enlightenment.

Azi and the goblin were very happy at this time, and felt very relieved.

Lu Qi in the slave tower also sighed, what happened just now was indeed very magical.

Who would have imagined that these runes in the bamboo forest would take the initiative to protect Lin Fei.

Until half an hour later.

Lin Fei, who had been sitting in a state of meditation, finally slowly opened his eyes closed.

"It turns out that this is the power of the law, so mysterious."

Lin Fei's gaze scanned the golden runes wandering around his body, feeling extremely close.

After the insight just now, Lin Fei faintly felt that he had understood some fundamental laws between the heavens and the earth, and the distance between the heavens and the earth seemed to be much closer.

"The law of origin, the power of the law..."

Lin Fei slowly stretched out his hand, and immediately, countless runes wandered towards Lin Fei's palm, and then passed through Lin Fei's palm, back and forth, as if playing with Lin Fei.

"It turns out that these runes are manifestations of the power of law."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, Lin Fei waved.

Huh, a large piece of golden runes suddenly gathered together to form a huge sword with hundreds of feet. On the huge sword, there were countless mysterious patterns engraved on it, and it crawled all over the sword.


Following the movement of Lin Fei's thoughts, the hundred-zhang giant sword slashed to the ground.


That huge sword, like cutting tofu, did not receive any resistance, and continued to cut below the ground, deep into the heart of the earth.

On the ground between the bamboo forests, there was only a swarthy gap of a hundred meters long, which was not bottomless.

At this moment, Lin Fei realized that he could fully use the golden runes manifested by those laws and powers in this bamboo forest.

A terrible power can be exerted in every gesture.

Even cutting up the whole land is easy.

"Unfortunately, I can't take these runes away."

Lin Fei tried it and couldn't help but shook his head.

These numerous runes contain very advanced principles of origin, and they are infinitely powerful. If they can be taken away, Lin Fei's combat power will immediately be horribly improved, and it can even crush the Heavenly Cave Master!

It is a pity that although Lin Fei can temporarily mobilize these runes, he cannot take them away.

"Forget it, be content, after the insights just now, I seem to have initially touched the threshold of the original law and gained some insights.

These initial insights alone have greatly improved my combat effectiveness. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's gaze scanned the corpses of the dozens of Profound Sky Sect disciples around him.

"Azi, what's the matter?"

Lin Fei asked Azi.

A Zi explained what happened just now in detail.

"Sky Profound School!"

After Lin Fei listened, his eyes were a little cold.

As we all know, when a martial artist is practicing or entering concentration, he is most afraid of being disturbed by others.

The practice of those disciples of the Profound Sky School clearly meant to put themselves to death.

"I have written down this grudge."

Lin Fei said coldly, a vaguely murderous burst in his eyes.

For no reason, being treated like this by others, no one can swallow this breath.

"Boy, don't waste time, go ahead.

In this space, there must be many treasures, or chances.

I went too late and were charged by others. "

The goblin said to Lin Fei.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded, moved forward and rushed forward.

After a while, the bamboo forest in the front began to become sparse, clouds and mist filled, and it became less and less real.

In front, there are many warriors who are groping forward.

After a while, all the thick fog suddenly disappeared.

Lin Fei walked out of the bamboo forest area.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that there was an abyss in front of him, extremely dark, and under the abyss, covered by heavy fog, it was impossible to see the scene below, and even the power of divine consciousness could not penetrate the perception.

Before the abyss, many warriors gathered, and some warriors were carefully walking past the abyss.

It turned out that there were several single-plank bridges above the abyss, and they were built on both sides of the abyss by using very old black wood to form a simple bridge.

Before Lin Fei walked out of the bamboo forest area, he had already used the Dao breath technique to change his appearance again, and Azi was also applying illusions.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Fei became another completely unfamiliar young man. His appearance was so ordinary that no one could recognize it.

All the warriors are carefully passing the single-plank bridges.

Lin Fei also walked to the side of the abyss, preparing to line up, from the single-plank bridges, through the abyss.

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