Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1640: Public enemy

When he came to the abyss, Lin Fei discovered that the first to pass the single-plank bridge were all the disciples of the ancient sects in Zhongshengzhou and the students of the four major colleges.

Every single-plank bridge is guarded by strong men, and the warriors in the other four states are all blocked and temporarily not allowed to pass.

Although the warriors of the remaining four states are not convinced, there is no way. The troops of the Central Saint State and the four major colleges are strong and powerful. If they fight, the warriors of the remaining four states, even if they work together, are probably not. Their opponents.

Fortunately, after a while, all the people from the Central Saint State and the four major colleges passed the abyss, and then the warriors of the other four states began to walk on the single-plank bridge and pass through the abyss.

Lin Fei kept a low profile, mixed among the warriors, and finally passed the abyss.

Ahead is a pure land full of spiritual energy.

The brown mountains are not high, one after the other, but there are purple spiritual energy steaming, which looks like a fairy mountain.

On the purple cliff, the vines glow, the red clouds are shining, and the high-grade Taoist medicines are floating and fragrant.

This is a pure land, peaceful and tranquil, lacking poisonous insects and beasts. There are many rare Tao medicines rooted in the crevices of the mountain walls, as well as many eye-catching treasures of heaven and material. At a glance, Ganoderma lucidum, old medicines, etc., bloom in purple Xia.

"A lot of treasures!

Get it! "

All the warriors couldn't calm down, one by one went crazy and rushed forward.

Of course, since the people from Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges passed through the single-plank bridge first, they had already been the first to collect those precious treasures and medicines.

Lin Fei also showed off his body and joined the robbery team.

The area of ​​this piece of land is very wide, and there are high-rank Tao medicines and treasures of heaven and earth everywhere, and almost all warriors have gained something.

However, in this space, it is impossible to fly off the ground, and some clever body techniques are difficult to display.

Therefore, no matter how powerful people are, they can only run forward on the ground.

When you encounter a mountain, you can only climb up from the bottom of the mountain honestly.

Especially those Tao medicines and natural treasures that grow on the cliffs, if you want to pick them, you also need to use both hands and feet to climb to the cliffs to pick them.

Therefore, in this situation, the warrior with strong physical strength has the advantage.

And when it comes to physical strength, Lin Fei definitely ranks first among all these people.

Therefore, Lin Feishi unfolded his physical power much faster than everyone else.

Whether it is flat ground, mountain climbing, or cliff climbing, it is as fast as lightning.

Especially when climbing cliffs, Lin Fei looked like an ape, swish a few times, and climbed up the tall cliffs like lightning.

Therefore, Lin Fei picked the Taoist medicines, and the treasures of heaven, material and earth, were the most, and the rank was also the highest.

"Damn, that guy, how can he run so fast!"

"It's just a magic leopard!"

The rest of the warriors looked at Lin Fei, who was as fast as lightning.


"Hey, boy, I've already taken a fancy to the dozens of Eight-Rank Dao [Jiujiu novel] medicines on this cliff.

I'm already halfway through the crawl, how can you show up halfway and **** wildly. "

There are more than a dozen warriors who are climbing a cliff. On the cliff, there are dozens of eight-rank Taoist drugs. But, suddenly, Lin Fei appeared like lightning, climbed onto everyone’s head, and began to pick. Those dozens of eight-grade Taoist drugs.

The dozen or so warriors below who had just climbed halfway to the cliff couldn't help but yelled at Lin Fei.

"Fancy, is it yours.

Then I have taken a fancy to all the Taoist medicines and the treasures here.

Does it all belong to me? "

Lin Fei rolled his eyes and unceremoniously said to the dozen or so anxious warriors below.

Then, quickly all the Taoist medicines were lighted up, and the figure swung away, like a flexible ape, and rushed to another place.

"Damn, kid, looking for death!"

"Boy, come and die!"

The dozen or so warriors who were still staying on the cliff were so angry that they made smoke.

No matter who it is, this feeling of grabbing love with a sword is uncomfortable.

This scene happens constantly.

What Lin Fei needs most now is Tao medicine and heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Lin Fei planned to practice the Immortal Refining Artifact Gold Body Formula again.

Therefore, Lin Fei was not polite, and used his speed to the fastest.

Running fast on this land.

Even Lin Fei snatched away many Dao medicines and heavenly materials that the people of Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges had taken a fancy to.

Gradually, as Lin Fei picked more and more Taoist medicines and natural treasures, they began to become public enemies.

"Damn, it's that kid. Just now I was about to reach out to pick a Nine-Rank Dao Medicine, but he unexpectedly appeared in the thorn and snatched it all at once."

A warrior pointed at the back and cursed, gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Be careful, it's the kid just now, he's here again, we have to speed up, otherwise, he will be ahead of him again."

A group of warriors just wanted to climb a mountain peak and pick the Taoist medicine on the top of that mountain peak. They saw that Lin Fei was already running over like flying, and was so frightened that he speeded up quickly.

However, with Lin Fei's physical strength, who can run.

In a moment, Lin Fei rushed to the top of the mountain from another direction first, picking all the precious Taoist medicine on the top of the mountain.

Then, those warriors rushed to the top of the mountain, but Lin Fei had already left.

"Boy! Stop!"


I want to kill that hateful guy! "

An angry roar sounded from the top of the mountain.

Of course, in this process, Lin Fei also encountered the Cangyan Holy Land, Yaozu, Fire Crow, Xiao Kou's subordinates, and even the men and horses of the Luohai Commercial Bank in the Eastern Region.

Once encountered these people, Lin Fei would naturally not snatch, and even help.

After half an hour, Lin Fei almost became a public enemy in this area.

Whether it was the people from Zhongsheng State and the four major colleges, or the people from the other four states, they all stared at Lin Fei angrily.

"Everyone work together to contain that **** guy!"

"Yes, that guy is too hateful. All the people, work together to kill him. The Tao medicines and the treasures he picked just now, both in quantity and rank, far exceed ours."

"Boy, don't run, stop!"

"Boy, you are dead!\"

Suddenly, many people began to surround Xiang Lin Fei.

"Damn, it seems that I caused public outrage.

Forget it, I will leave now. "

Lin Fei was also a little helpless. There were too many opponents and he was alone, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't deal with it.

Therefore, Lin Fei had to leave this area and move on, deep into this space.

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