Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1643: Grab the Half Elixir

After the battle lasted for more than half an hour, most of the more than 1,000 wolf demons were beheaded, and only about a hundred were left.

The remaining more than a hundred wolf demons were swarmed by many warriors, surrounded by them, and in a moment, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Lin Fei no longer loves fighting, and rushes towards the medicine garden.

"Go! Enter the medicine garden!"

Numerous warriors all began to react, leaving behind the dozens of wolf demons that were beaten to death, and rushing towards the medicine garden.

Lin Fei stepped away and ran like electricity. In a moment, he surpassed everyone and ran at the forefront of the team.

Behind Lin Fei, a group of strong men followed.

And those warriors with ordinary strength are running at the back.

"It's that kid again, the guy who grabbed our Taoist medicine just now!

He ran ahead again! "

The warriors behind, looking at Lin Fei, who was running like flying, realized one by one and roared one after another.

"Yes, it's that nasty guy. Seeing him running so fast, you know it must be him!"

"Damn, how could this kid's physical strength be so powerful!"

Most of the warriors yelled.

"Huh! Do you want to fish in troubled waters again? Go to hell!"

Not far behind Lin Fei, a twelve or thirteen-year-old child stared at Lin Fei and said in a cold tone.

This twelve or thirteen-year-old child is the yin and yang son of the Xuan Prison Sect.

His back spread out two wings, one black and one white, and two air currents, black and white, were constantly flowing. The two wings were constantly flapping to generate booster airflow, which made him move very fast, closely following Lin Fei.


The yin and yang saint son of the Profound Prison Sect suddenly shot Lin Fei in front of him, slashing forward with a punch, the runes spread radiantly, the vitality was overwhelming, and swallowed towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei mobilized his physical strength, blasted back with a punch, and collided with the terrible Yuanli shock wave.

There was a roar, and the space was trembling, shaking violently.

A strange force enveloped Lin Fei's body.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt that his body seemed to have lost a lot of essence and blood. The function of the body, for no reason, seemed to be one year old, and his life span seemed to be at least one year old.

This is a terrible feeling.

Suddenly, I felt a lot older.

This is definitely the power of time.

"Damn, it's weird."

Lin Fei speeded up, like a cheetah, and instantly pulled the saint son of the Profound Prison Sect away a distance.


Behind, the holy son of Mingjiao also shot at Lin Fei, only to see him stretch out his hand, a black spear appeared in his hand, exuding a strong life, and with a slam, it cut through the sky and pointed towards Lin Fei. The back flashed away.

Under Lin Fei's mental perception, he was naturally clear about everything behind him.

As soon as Lin Fei stretched out his hand, the white Infinite Sword appeared in his hand, a square with his backhand.


Sparks splashed everywhere, making a harsh sound.

"That kid, where is it sacred? The saint sons of the two ancient great sects, who personally took action, were successfully resisted by him!"

The warriors behind were all secretly surprised.

You know, the yin and yang sons of the Xuan Prison Sect and the Ming Sect's sons are both young and famous geniuses in Zhongshengzhou.

Their combat power is extremely terrifying.

Now the two holy sons, with their own hands, actually didn't kill the kid who ran in front, so that everyone was secretly surprised.

Moreover, what left everyone speechless was that the kid seemed to run faster.

After a while, Lin Fei was finally the leader and the first to rush into the ancient medicine garden.

Lin Fei's first goal was naturally the purple-clothed child, the tortoise, and the white snake. These three were all psychic half-immortals, and they were the most precious treasures in this medicine garden.

Lin Fei rushed towards the turtle's position.

However, the next moment, what happened before him made Lin Fei dumbfounded.

The tortoise, camel with a child in purple clothes, whizzed into the ground and disappeared.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the past, and can no longer perceive any breath.

Helpless, Lin Fei gave up decisively and ran to the white snake in the corner of the medicine garden.

The same scene happened again.

With a whistling sound, the white snake went straight into the ground and disappeared.

"Damn, no way."

Lin Fei was so angry that she almost wanted to swear.

The three half-immortal medicines that had been channeled all ran away, and Lin Fei felt like crying without tears.

However, under this situation, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all. When he moved, he immediately rushed to the other hundreds of half-immortal medicines.

Lin Fei's figure is fast, his physical strength is unreserved, and all his physical strength is released.

At the same time, a great hand of vitality was formed, rumbling forward, and physical strength and vitality martial arts were used at the same time. In just two breaths, they forcibly caught forty or fifty half immortal medicines.

At this time, other warriors, especially those strong, also rushed into the medicine garden.

All people are crazy.

With so many people coming in at the same time, it is inevitable that conflicts began to erupt.

The weaker, rushed to the Dao medicine field in the border, picking Dao medicine.

The powerful, rushed to those half-immortal medicines, shot and snatched them.

Lin Fei just stretched out his hand to grab a half-immortal medicine that was running away, and four or five strong men came at the same time. They shot together and grabbed the half-immortal medicine.


The palms of four or five strong men slammed together at the same time, and a strong energy shock wave erupted from this place, and the space was shaking violently.


Four or five powerhouses displayed their vitality martial arts at the same time, and shot at the same time. The terrifying vitality surged, and bright runes flew all over the sky.

When Lin Fei raised his hand, five different colors of Baizhang Jianqi slashed out.

With every sword aura, bursts of brilliant runes were raised, and the gold was brilliant.

This is the five-element tyrant sword, but its power is much stronger than before.

The Five Elements Hegemony Sword, which contains the Five Elements Principle, is actually the power of the five laws in the world, manifested as sword energy.

Not long ago, Lin Fei entered a deep state of enlightenment among the bamboo forests.

The golden runes in the bamboo forest contain some of the most original laws, and all other laws can be deduced.

The sentiment in the bamboo forest gave Lin Fei a deeper understanding of the Five Elements Rule.

Therefore, the five-element tyrant sword that Lin Fei is currently displaying is much more powerful than in the past.

Five different colors of the Five Elements Sword Qi burst out with the terrifying power of the Five Elements Rule, which respectively slashed towards the rest of the strong.

Those four or five powerhouses, one by one, were secretly shocked and dodged one after another.

But Lin Fei took the opportunity to use his physical strength, his whole body was full of blood, rolling like a dragon, and he shot like lightning, grabbed the half-immortal potion, and then rushed towards the other half-immortal potion without looking back.

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