Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1644: Zhan Ming teaches the son

Those four or five powerhouses, looking at Lin Fei's back, gritted their teeth one by one, but they also realized that Lin Fei was very strong, not weaker than them.

Although they belonged to the strong, they were not the real enchanting geniuses. Therefore, these people did not catch up and embarrass Lin Fei, but rushed towards the other half immortal medicine.

At this time, Lin Fei caught up with another half-immortal medicine, rushing forward with a flash of electricity.


A jet-black spear rushed towards Lin Fei's chest.

Lin Fei raised his hand, beheaded with a hundred zhang sword energy, and shook the jet black spear flying.

"Huh, something that lives and lives!"

A stiff figure appeared, it was the saint child of Mingjiao, his figure flashed, rushed to the half-immortal medicine, and reached out to grab it.

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, no matter where he was willing to let him succeed.

With a wave of his hand, five hundred zhang sword auras appeared, forming a mysterious sword formation, directly strangling the Mingjiao Saint Child, and the power of the Five Elements Principle shook the space swayingly.

At the same time, Lin Fei violently released his physical strength and slammed his fist. His whole body was full of energy and blood, and a raging illusory fire rose on the surface of his body.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The Holy Son of Mingjiao said in a cold voice, and then, a black giant sword appeared in his hand, blocking all the five sword auras.

call out!

A black iron chain rushed out of his body, surrounded by a strong death energy, and there were drops of bright red and dazzling blood, dripping continuously, among the chains, there were many miserable mournings. sound.


The chain ran across the air and killed Xiang Lin Fei, shaking constantly, shaking the sky with black light.

In Lin Fei's heart, he couldn't help but secretly startled, because the aura from this iron chain was so strange that it could strongly affect other people's emotions, making people feel an urge to give up resistance and obediently lead to death.

However, how powerful is Lin Fei's divine consciousness, plus, the divine soul body is guarded by the soul tree, and the will is as strong as gold, and it has not been affected.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and put the Infinite Sword in his hand, bursting out with peerless murderous intent, and slew forward.

The two battles, in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen rounds passed.

"Huh, I underestimated you!"

The son of Mingjiao couldn't help but look very ugly.

He is the saint son of the ancient great sect of Zhongshengzhou. Unexpectedly, a nameless person would have to fight with him a dozen tricks, which made him feel very embarrassed.

"However, you are still going to die!"

The holy son of Mingjiao shouted coldly, without any emotion in his tone, which made people feel palpitation.

Then, I saw a terrible black hurricane, swept out of his body, continuously spinning frantically, turning into a black hole, endless breath of death, teleporting out from that black hole.

Moreover, faintly, one can see that deep in the black hole, there are densely packed icy corpses, floating up and down, making people look at it, and the scalp is numb.


The black hole produced a terrible pulling force, which was instantly applied to Lin Fei's body, pulling Lin Fei's body into the black hole.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that the black hole is constantly expanding, like a huge monster mouth, overwhelming the sky, swallowing it towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

Mingjiao, as one of the ancient sects in Zhongshengzhou, is really terrifying.

The saint child of Mingjiao was too powerful in combat, and the techniques he cultivated were very strange.

Even Lin Fei felt a little difficult to deal with.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, the divine consciousness Xiaoding rushed out directly, towards the head of the Mingjiao Saint Child.

At the same time, as soon as he raised his hand, five hundred zhang sword auras of different colors appeared, forming a sword formation, strangling toward the black hole.

Hush, a black light shot out quickly. It was the Wusha blade, which burst out fierce runes, and shot towards the chest of the Mingjiao Saint Child.

At the same time, Lin Fei roared, all over his body, illusory sacred fire, raging up, a long dragon of blood, rushing out of the body, lingering on the surface of the body, at this time, Lin Fei's physical strength has reached a peak.

Lin Fei slammed his feet and kicked the ground at the same time.


The whole ground trembled violently like a wave.

Lin Fei's body, like a cannonball, shot out to the rear, instantly getting rid of the terrible pulling force of the black hole.

"Hmph, I remember what happened today, if I have a chance next time, I will definitely kill you."

Lin Fei shouted to the Mingjiao Shengzi.

This Holy Child of Mingjiao is very powerful, and Lin Fei feels that the most important thing for him now is to grab as many half-celestial medicines or Dao medicines as much as possible.

If you waste time on fighting with this meditation saint child, it would be more than worthwhile.

"Huh, something like ants, let's see who kills whom by then."

Shengzi Mingjiao stared at Lin Fei, who was retreating quickly, with his cold gaze, but he was secretly surprised.

Lin Fei's series of attacks just now, Xiaoding of Divine Sense, Wusha Blade, and Five Elements Sword Qi made him a little rushed.

However, he didn't chase Lin Fei either. Instead, he turned around and rushed forward. Within a few steps, he caught the half-immortal medicine just now.

Lin Fei tried his best to avoid those who are particularly strong, but specifically picked those who were weaker, and rushed over to grab the half fairy medicine.

Soon after, Lin Fei had already grabbed sixty or seventy half immortal medicines.

In the medicine garden, at this time, there were about a hundred and half-immortal medicines left.

"Forget it, it's time to grab some Taoist medicine."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

To re-practice the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art, at least nine thousand Taoist medicines of Rank 6 or above are needed.

As for Lin Fei, there are now only 5,000 or 6,000 Dao medicines of six or more grades.

Therefore, Lin Fei decisively gave up to continue to **** the half immortal medicine, but turned around to **** the Taoist medicine.

"Damn, get out of here!"

Lin Fei rushed towards the medicine field, roared, and his arms shook, as if a big Peng spread his wings.

Bang bang bang...

In this Qidao medicine field, all the warriors were caught off guard, and they were all knocked into the air by Lin Fei's powerful physical force.

Lin Fei's hands are like electricity and quickly collect Taoist medicine.

"court death!"

Those warriors who were hit by Lin Fei were furious and rushed back.

However, the real powerhouses are still fiercely robbing half immortal medicine over there, and most of those who participated in the robbing of Dao medicine are not very strong.

As soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, five hundred sword qi swept away, forcing a large group of warriors back.

Lin Fei's current Five Elements Hegemony Sword is very powerful, and it is one of Lin Fei's main enemy methods.


Lin Fei rushed towards another Dao medicine field with a long roar, and the illusory sacred fire all over his body, like a furnace, burned the entire space swayingly.

Lin Fei's double fists blasted out like lightning, and threw a dozen warriors away like a kite with a broken line.

Of course, Lin Fei specifically looked for those who are weak to start.

If there is a strong person present, Lin Fei directly retreats.

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