Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1662: Encounter the psychic half fairy again

The rest of the people were shocked when they heard what the tall and thin young man said.

"Yes, the martial arts inheritance he got is so powerful that it must be very scary."

Said the Saint Child of Profound Sky School.

"Everything this kid gets is priceless."

A strong man said enviously.

"Hmph, all of his treasures were actually robbed from the hands of our disciples in the Central Saint State and the Four Colleges.

These treasures and opportunities should actually belong to the elite disciples of our Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges.

That rubbish, only from four other states, dare to rob us of our luck, it is indeed a crime!

I suggest that you use all your power to thoroughly investigate the person's true identity from now on. "

The Son of the Cleansing School gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, though, the strength of this kid is really not simple.

However, he is only a person born in the other four states, and has not yet joined the four colleges, so, based on his identity, he is not worthy of these treasures and opportunities.

Okay, from now on, the various sects of Zhongsheng State, and the four colleges, will unite to thoroughly investigate the identity of this person.

I don't believe that with our energy, we can't find out the true identity of this kid. "

A purple-clothed youth nodded in agreement and said in a loud voice.

This purple-clothed youth is just a genius from Suzaku Academy. He had worked with Lin Fei in the main hall before and used the wind to deal with Lin Fei.

The other sects and disciples from the four major colleges all nodded in agreement.

As a result, the major sects of Zhongsheng State and the people from the four major colleges all took out the jade slips and sent messages to the same door, describing Lin Fei's situation in detail, and wanted to mobilize all forces to investigate Lin Fei.

Only Wang Chan stood behind everyone, very anxious.

"He should be Lin Fei.

How is this good.

Now all sects, and the four major colleges, are going to join forces to deal with him.

His strength, no matter how great, how could he be an opponent.

What's more, there are many masters of the older generation in our Zhongshengzhou and the four colleges, and they have also come in.

What is even more frightening is that there are several great powers that transform the fairyland.

This guy, no matter where he goes, he always likes to cause trouble.

In the Yuanwu world before, now I have come to the Saint Venerable Continent, and I still have this character. "

Wang Chan's silver teeth clenched, his eyebrows frowned, and he kept stomping in secret.

At this time, Lin Fei had already returned to the old medicine garden before.

Lin Fei's gaze couldn't help but look around.

Sure enough, in the distance, in a relatively hidden valley, Lin Fei saw the purple-clothed child, the old tortoise, and the white snake.

Although these three are all hidden behind a thorn bush in the valley, Lin Fei's cultivation strength, whether it is the naked eye or the divine consciousness, is very powerful, I still found them.


The child in purple seemed to know that Lin Fei had discovered them, and couldn't help sending a voice transmission to Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At the same time, he stared at Lin Fei violently.

Lin Fei couldn't help being secretly funny.

It seems that these three half-immortal medicines, although they are preliminary psychic, are still very simple, otherwise, as soon as you find yourself, you should run away immediately, and even actively send a voice transmission to yourself.

Isn't this tempting oneself to catch them?

However, looking at the clear and innocent eyes of the purple-clothed child, they were completely indistinguishable from the real expression that day.

Lin Fei shook his head and decided not to disturb them.

After all, the other party has thoughts and feelings, and the difference from humans is not much.

Lin Fei had heard that some plants, especially precious herbs, ingest the essence of heaven, earth, sun, and moon. After a long period of cultivation, they will gradually change, possess intelligence, and eventually evolve into human form.

Such an existence is already a creature with thoughts and emotions, and it is no longer different from human beings.

"Why are you still here? Soon there will be a large number of humans coming back here.

If you don't want to be caught by them, eaten in your stomach, or refined into a pill, please leave here as soon as possible and find a truly hidden place to hide.

I'm very sorry about the previous thing. "

Lin Fei spoke to the child in purple.

Then, Lin Fei ran away without looking back.

That hidden valley, behind a bush of thorns.

The child in purple, the old tortoise, and the white snake were all looking at Lin Fei's back.

"This human being is not too bad.

He is reminding us. "

Suddenly, the old turtle said.

Of course, it is not talking about human language, but using their unique communication methods between plants.

"Hmph, these humans have destroyed our homeland and captured all our brothers and sisters.

Especially this kid, who made our homes pits and pits, cracks everywhere, it was utterly bad.

What a good person this is. "

The white snake whispered.

"Alas, we, as herbs, sometimes have a relationship with humans, and we cannot simply distinguish between good and bad people.

Forget it, let's not discuss this issue.

That person is right, let's leave here quickly and find another place to stay.

The home here has been destroyed and it is not suitable for us to continue living here. "

The purple-clothed child watched Lin Fei leave with a complicated look, then gently shook his head and said.

Among the three psychic semi-immortal medicines, his level is the highest, and the spiritual wisdom he possesses is also the highest.

He faintly felt that the human being who had just left had indeed no malicious intent to the three of him, and even seemed to remind him of the three in real kindness.

Therefore, under the leadership of this purple-clothed child, the three psychic half-immortals finally left this area reluctantly, turning their heads one step at a time.

They have always grown in the old medicine garden before, and that is their home.

After living in that ancient medicine garden for a long time, it was naturally very difficult to leave suddenly.

Just after the three psychic half-immortal medicines left.

A large number of warriors finally appeared, passing by.

These warriors are the warriors of the Central Saint State, the four colleges, and the other four states.

At this time, Lin Fei was already stepping on the single-plank bridge, crossing the abyss and returning to the bamboo forest.

Among the bamboo forests, those golden runes, like countless fireflies, are still wandering in the bamboo forest back and forth.

"If only I could take these runes away."

Lin Fei walked into the bamboo forest, looked at the numerous, brilliant runes, could not help but sigh.

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