Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1663: Five Great Powers in Wonderland

Lin Fei stayed in the bamboo forest for a while, trying to communicate the golden runes with his spiritual power.

However, apart from being able to perceive them, I can't think of any way to collect them.

"Master, you can't take them away.

I estimate that there was once a senior of the great power level who fell into this bamboo forest. These runes were manifested by the law and power that the powerful senior had during his lifetime.

Although the powerful senior has died, his breath still exists in this bamboo forest, so these runes will not leave him. "

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, he received a transmission from Lu Qi.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei bowed deeply in the bamboo forest, as if to salute the powerful senior who had fallen in this bamboo forest.

Then, Lin Fei left the bamboo forest and found the light gate that entered this space before.

After passing through the light gate, Lin Fei returned to the low mountain where he had snatched the dragon blood spar.

Then, Lin Fei quickly left the low mountain and disappeared in the streets and alleys of the city of immortal burial.

At this time, there are still many warriors active in the city of immortal burial.

Because not all warriors pass through the light gate on the low mountain and enter the space inside the light gate.

There are more than half of the warriors who continue to stay in the city of immortal burial, exploring this vast, almost endless ancient city.

Lin Fei found a hidden place and used the Dao breath method to change his appearance and spirit aura again.

A Zi also used illusion techniques to help Lin Fei put another layer of protection to hide the true spirit of spirit.

As a result, Lin Fei became an ordinary-looking strange young man again, and then continued in the city of immortal burial, heading to the areas that had not yet been explored.

The area of ​​this immortal burial city is too big, it can be called a miracle.

One after another various buildings and palaces, the streets and alleys, seem to have no end.

Moreover, in most buildings, there are more or less treasures and opportunities.

It can be said that the number of warriors who entered the city of immortal burial this time was tens of thousands, and almost everyone had a good harvest.

At this time, he fell into the fairy world and was buried in the sea of ​​immortals.

The depths of the sea of ​​burial are magnificent and vast.

The sea is black, and there is a terrible mysterious force similar to death inside. The ancient corpses float up and down in the sea.

Moreover, from time to time, there are some unnamed monsters with huge body and terrifying looks, from below the sea surface, protruding their huge heads out of the sea, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

At this time, there was actually a huge ancient ship sailing in this endless sea of ​​immortals.

The size of this ancient ship is very huge, like a mountain on the land, advancing rapidly in the sea of ​​immortals.

On the bow of the ancient ship, there were five figures standing, and each figure exuded tremendous pressure.

Compared to this endless sea of ​​immortal burials, these five people are too small.

However, they felt like five unattainable mountains, and the five terrifying auras emanating from them faintly suppressed the entire sea area nearby.

These five people are truly superb masters from the Holy State in the Holy Land Continent.

Five are all powers to transform the strength of Wonderland!

This time entering the world of falling immortals, the five great powers of transforming immortals joined forces to break into the sea of ​​burial immortals, looking for a legendary opportunity, an opportunity related to becoming immortal.

"Sigh, this sea of ​​burial is really unpredictable.

With the strength of the five of us, it was still so difficult to join forces to break in. "

On the bow of the ancient ship, a small, thin, gray-haired old man with his hands on his back, sighed.

"Not bad.

Over the past few days, having been spent in this terrible sea area, it really feels exhausted. "

The other four people nodded in agreement.

"No, there is a corpse glowing ahead!"

Suddenly, a tall, red-faced old man suddenly screamed in surprise.

"That's right! It's actually a corpse with golden glow all over, don't be the enemy, adjust the direction immediately, and try to avoid face-to-face confrontation with it!"

Another Transmigrating Wonderland Great Nang said with a jealous expression.

As a result, the five great powers of the fairyland, at the same time exuding monstrous vitality, passed into the ancient ship that was comparable to a giant mountain.

The ancient ship speeded up suddenly, adjusted a direction, and the arrow fleeed.

Sure enough, not far away, on the surface of the sea, a corpse wearing ancient costumes slowly rose into the air from above the dark surface of the sea.

This corpse burst out with a very dazzling golden glow, dyeing the entire sea area completely golden.

A terrible wave radiated from this golden corpse. The golden glow was overwhelming, and the mysterious energy was overwhelming, like a great demon **** from **** who wanted to wake up here.

Being able to frighten the five fairyland transformations back, one can imagine how terrifying this golden corpse is, for ordinary warriors, it is simply unimaginable.

However, after the ancient ship quickly escaped, the golden corpse did not chase after it. After floating in the air for a while, it finally recovered calmly and landed in the sea. Dissipated, the power was lost, and it became a lifeless ancient corpse again.


On the ancient ship, the five great powers of the fairyland, perceiving the golden glowing corpse behind, did not catch up, and could not help but let out a long sigh.

Because, in the past few days of breaking into the sea of ​​immortality, they have encountered these ancient corpses with various colors on many occasions, and each one is very scary.

Some, even the five of them, can barely deal with it.

"The legendary Luoxian Island should be coming soon."

A middle-aged woman with lingering charm said in a loud voice.

Although she is an old monster who doesn't know how many years she has lived, she still looks like a middle-aged beauty with a skillful appearance. The skin, the figure, the charming style, even more than most The girl is much more enduring.

"It should be near this sea area."

Said the red-faced old man.

"Look, an island!"

Suddenly, the small, thin, gray-haired old man yelled in surprise.

"Yes, Luoxian Island is here!"

The other four great powers of the fairyland all lifted their spirits at the same time, staring forward.

There is a small island in the dark sea where the water meets the sky.

"Haha, it's worth the hard work we have done in the past few days."

The red-faced old man laughed.

"It is said that there are many corpses of immortals on this island, all immortals who died during that tragic battle in ancient times.

The immortal corpse they left behind suppressed the entire Luoxian world. "

Said the middle-aged beautiful woman.

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