Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1664: Seems to be back to the Eastern Region

"Yes, the Luoxian Island in front of you can be said to be the core hub of the entire Luoxian Realm."

The old man with short stature and thin, gray hair nodded.

"Then, there shouldn't be a problem if we get on this island and move the corpses of those immortals.

It is said that the remains of these immortals suppress some very scary existence. "

The middle-aged beautiful woman was slightly worried, and remembered some related legends.

"There will be no problem.

This world of Fallen Immortal is just a broken, abandoned small world, even if there is any problem, it will not affect the outside world.

After we succeeded, we quickly left this world of falling immortals.

Besides, a few of us, staying in the realm of Huaxianjing, don't know how long there are, I am afraid that this life will not be able to go further.

Now, there is such a chance that lies ahead.

As long as you get a corpse of a fairy at random, maybe you can get the opportunity to become a fairy.

Success or failure gains and losses, in this one action, we cannot give up at this time. "

The old man with short stature and thin, gray hair said slowly.

Opportunity to become a fairy!

When the other four people heard these words, their hearts immediately became hot.

Perhaps, for those other warriors, becoming immortal is just a legend, a far-reaching ideal to pass on.

However, for these great powers of the fairyland, it is the actual reality, right in front of them, it seems only a little bit, but what a difficult step.

It can be said that every great power in the fairyland hopes that they can truly take this step.

Once immortal, it is said that it is truly immortal, the universe is immortal, immortal, immortal.

This is real longevity, eternal longevity!

"Well, no matter how dangerous this Luoxian Island is, we all have to break into it!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman also made up her mind in an instant and no longer hesitated.

So, under the urging of the five great powers of the fairyland, the ancient ship swiftly sailed towards the small island in the distance, where the water and the sky meet.

After a while, finally, I came to the island.

This small island, it seems, is too large and clear at a glance.

In contrast, the ancient ships at the feet of the five fairyland great powers are too big.

Like an elephant, came next to a little ant.

"Go down, everyone must be careful."

The old man with short stature and slender stature and gray hair said, then, his stature rose in the air and walked towards the island step by step.

The other four people also acted at the same time. The five great powers of the fairyland lined up in a line, carefully and cautiously, and finally set foot on the ground of the island.

"Hey? Why is the area of ​​this small island instantly boundless!"

The moment she landed on the ground of the island, the middle-aged beautiful woman suddenly whispered.

The five raised their eyes and looked into the distance. Sure enough, what they saw in front of them was no longer a pitiful island anymore.

It is a vast and vast, as if there is no border on the vast continent.

Tall mountains and rivers, vast plains, deserts, and even a lot of vast oceans.

"This is a small world, sealed here.

The small island we saw before was nothing more than appearance. "

The red-faced old man said.

The other four people all nodded in agreement. They were all capable of transforming fairyland, and their vision was naturally extraordinary.

"Xianqi, I feel it, in this small world, there really is an Xianqi.

It seems that there is indeed a corpse of a fairy here! "

The red-faced old man suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Yes! Go, you must find the corpse of the fairy!"

The short and thin old man, his figure lifted up, drove forward.

The other four, naturally unwilling to fall behind, rushed out at the same time.

Then, at this moment.

"Hey, there seems to be someone?"

The eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman suddenly looked like a ghost, staring far in one direction.

I saw that in that direction, six creatures came slowly, in human form, covered in armor, with fairy aura.

The five great powers of the fairyland were all shocked and stopped.

Are the living creatures just corpses?

The five great powers of the fairyland, all of them are a bit creepy, holding their breath, motionless, all like fossils, all set in place.

This small world hidden in the depths of the buried immortal sea has not known how long it has existed.

It must be the small abandoned world left over from ancient times. It has existed for a long time. How can there be living creatures today?

The six creatures finally approached, and even their faces were covered with armor. Only the eyes showed sharp gleams, which swept out like lightning and fell on people's faces, causing pain.

"Those who trespass into the fairyland, die!"

The next moment, from one of the armors, a icy voice came out, without the slightest emotion, and it made people feel like a puppet.

Then, a black Tian Ge stretched out, and the sharp edge of the blade burst out with black light. It was very dazzling, with a terrible murderous intent, and it was about to sweep nine days and ten places.


The other five creatures screamed for killing at the same time.

The terrible murderous aura swept out from the bodies of the six creatures, so dense that the naked eye could clearly see it, and instantly filled the whole world.

Boom boom boom...

The five great powers of the fairyland are forced to fight.


Just after fighting a few moves, the black war spear in the hands of one of the creatures turned into a black lightning and pierced out. With a snorting, the body of the middle-aged beautiful woman was pierced and picked up in the air. It shook suddenly. The body burst into pieces.

"Oh no!"

The beautiful woman's body was torn apart by the explosion, her flesh and blood were flying all over the sky, and she screamed in pain.

call out!

An illusory streamer shot far away, and all the flesh and blood stumps scattered on the ground flew up one after another, following this streamer to escape.

Ten thousand meters away, all the flesh and blood remnants regrouped, and the complete body of the middle-aged beautiful woman appeared again.

However, her face was very pale.

As long as the soul body is immortal, the body can be reorganized at any time.


The old man with short stature and thin, gray hair was also shot straight through his chest with blood splashing.

Then, every great power in the fairyland was seriously injured.

"Run away, we are not rivals, this place is terrible!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman screamed.

Boom boom boom...

As if to prove the words of the middle-aged beautiful woman, in the distance, suddenly, there was a loud noise that shook the world.

A team with hundreds of figures is slowly coming, each one is covered with armor, full of fairy aura.

"Flee, if this continues, we will all fall here!"

The red-faced old man sighed.

With just six, it's already impossible to beat.

Now there are hundreds of them, how to fight?

Therefore, the five great powers of the fairyland turned around and fled.


Five figures rushed out of the island and jumped onto the huge ancient ship.

Then, the ancient ship went away instantly.

On the island, in that small world.

Hundreds of figures covered in armor stood still, watching the departure of the five magical wonderland.

"Start the teleportation formation immediately, and teleport all the outsiders who have broken into the fairy cemetery.

Alas, don't let them continue to disturb the peace of the dead. "

One of the tall armors came out with a cold, creepy voice.

So, after a while, in this small world, an ancient altar was activated.

next moment.

In the entire Falling Immortal Realm, all the martial artists, including the five Immortal Transformation Great Powers, can feel that there is a powerful, time-space transmission force that people cannot resist.

Then, all the warriors who entered the world of falling immortals, their bodies were directly pulled into a space-time passage, and left the world of falling immortals.

At this time, Lin Fei was in a palace in the city of immortal burial.

In this palace, there are many special law crystals.

Lin Fei and Azi, as well as goblins, are happily collecting spar.

Suddenly, he discovered that his body had been pulled into a space-time transmission channel.

"Hey? What's the matter! I seem to have returned to the Eastern Region."

Finally, when Lin Fei was down to earth, he opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding scenery, and couldn't help exclaiming.

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