Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1678: Reinforcement of Cangyan Holy Land

"Old man, it's been a long time since I saw you, where did you go?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Hey, old man, I have been practicing in retreat some time ago, and I have realized the inheritance left by the real person in the purple mansion.

Do you still remember that half pond of blood, and that piece of shroud, and that wooden fish, it really contains the inheritance of the real person of the Purple Mansion. "

The old man said with a smile.


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

The real person of Zifu Mansion, but the ancient human race master, the inheritance left by it is not trivial, and it is unexpected that the old man actually got it.

"Hey, boy, now my old man is a great master.

Take a good look and see how awesome my old man is. "

The old man at the stall was a little narcissistic, and then, his body moved and rose into the sky.

"I'm coming too!"

The old man from the stall screamed, and a broken wooden fish and a short wooden stick appeared in his hands.

Originally shabby wooden fish and short wooden sticks, at this time it was full of purple light, and thick purple beams of light swept out, powerful and powerful.

Lin Fei was stunned. The broken wooden fish and the short stick in the hands of the old man in the stall were obtained from the burial ground of the real person in Zi Mansion, and Lin Fei had also seen it.

However, Lin Fei only discovered now that these turned out to be two magic weapons that were as powerful as the Extreme Immortal Soldier.

"I will meet you!"

The old man from the stall rushed to the holy master of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty, and the short wooden stick slammed forward, like a blazing purple sun, shaking the void in front of him continuously, and the void cracks continued to spread.

"Late Dadi, when have you become so powerful!"

Facing the offensive of the old man from Ditan, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty only felt frightened and could not help but back again.

Lin Fei was also overjoyed. It seems that the old man at the stall has really gotten the inheritance of the real person of the Purple Mansion. Compared with the past, his strength is indeed much more powerful.

With a few moves, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty was completely at a loss.

"Haha, how about it, you know it's amazing."

The old man at the stall laughed, and the short wooden stick in his hand banged on the broken wooden fish. Suddenly, circles of purple sound wave erupted from the wooden fish, rippling towards the holy lord of the Yuan Dynasty holy land.

The holy lord of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty quickly reached out and pointed a white jade bracelet in front of him, continuously rotating, blocking the circles of purple sound waves.

"Lady Dadi, this is a festival between us and Cangyan Holy Land, why do you get involved."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the holy land was forced to retreat continuously by the old man of Ditan, both frightened and angry.


Those of you from the Holy Land family, in the past few years, one day you don't want to capture my old fellow and **** the inheritance of the real person from the Purple Mansion.

Why, now I blame me for troubles?

Humph, do you really treat me as a kid! "

The old man at the stall laughed.


In the fierce battle, the short wooden stick and the old wooden fish in the hands of the old man were spread out at the same time, and they blasted at the white jade bracelet together. The three magic weapons hit together at the same time, and a shock wave of terrifying energy spread.

The old man Ditan came to the Saint Fang of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty in one step, and a monstrous momentum rushed up. The Holy Master of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty yelled, coughing up blood and flew out thousands of feet away.


The Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty yelled with a face full of disbelief. The strength of this layman of the earth was much weaker than him before, but now he was easily injured.

His heart was full of unwillingness and amazement.

"Hehe, what is impossible.

You sacred places and aristocratic families, don't you really want to get the inheritance of the real person of the Purple Mansion? Now I will show it to you and see it clearly. "

The old man sneered.

Then, with a move, he attacked again.

"It seems that the old man from the stall really got the inheritance of the real person of Zifu Palace, and he has successfully cultivated."

Lin Fei looked very happy.

The relationship between this old man and Lin Fei is very good.

The old man at the stall has become stronger, and Lin Fei will have another powerful helper in the future, which is naturally a happy thing.

"Haha..., friends of Cangyan Holy Land, I'm here, Xiao Yi."

At this moment, suddenly a loud laughter sounded.

Then, an iron cavalry exuding a **** evil spirit roared and appeared in the sight of everyone, like a flood that shook the sky.

Before this iron cavalry rushed to the great guardian formation in Cangyan Holy Land, the great elder naturally knew who had come, so he waved the flag and let this iron cavalry land in the headquarters.

"It's Da Kou Xiao Yi!"

Suddenly, many people exclaimed in a low voice.

"Haha, fortunately, I am still worried that I will be late. Now it seems that the time is just right!"

A sturdy middle-aged man who seemed to be around 30 or 40 years old laughed. He was wearing a gleaming iron armor, and he was very powerful.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw big flags burst out of his body one after another.

Huh hoo hoo...

Finally, a total of nine, nine and eighty-one banners appeared around him.

The eighty-one flag trembles and hunts and hunts, that kind of aura seems to shatter the world, every shot is red as blood, maddening to the sky, it seems to drink the blood of endless creatures.

This eighty-one flag is Xiao Yi's famous weapon, and it can fight the extreme immortal soldiers!


Xiao Yi rose into the sky and broke into the fierce battlefield. With an eighty-one flag, he rushed to the holy lord of Taizhen Holy Land. In an instant, he fought with the holy lord of Taizhen Holy Land.

"Brother Lin Fei, I, Fire Crow Clan, come to help Cangyan Holy Land. I hope it won't be too late!"

Suddenly, in the distant sky, a sea of ​​fire spread rapidly, and the blazing sea of ​​fire almost overwhelmed the sky.

Then, I saw thousands of golden fire crows, bathed in the golden sea of ​​fire, aggressively rushing to the Cangyan Holy Land.

Then, all the fire crows turned into human forms, exactly the people of the fire crow tribe.

The elder hurriedly waved the flag of the formation, and the formation opened a door to allow these people to enter the headquarters.

"Haha, little friend Lin Fei, I'm not late."

An old Taoist priest with a thin body, with sharp and sharp eyes, came to Lin Fei and said with a smile.

"The old man is serious. Under this situation, the old man can come to help, Lin Fei has no teeth to remember."

Lin Fei said quickly and respectfully.

"Hehe, you and I are welcome.

Thinking about it, I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time. Today, let's do some exercises. "

The old Taoist smiled at Lin Fei, and then, with a movement, he rose into the sky, and his body burst out with dazzling golden light, like a round of human-shaped sun.

The old Taoist rushed directly into the center of the fierce battle, and a golden whisk appeared in his hand. With a swipe forward, the golden dust on the whisk immediately turned into three thousand thick golden spears, rushing towards the old woman in the Moon Palace. go with.

"Haha, it's so lively, I'm here, Ren Xiaotian!"

Suddenly, in the distant sky, there was another large group of people, rushing across the sky, and in a moment before they came to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, the leader was Ren Xiaotian of Luohai Commercial Bank!

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