Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1679: Have the upper hand

"Ren the head office."

Lin Fei quickly greeted him.

The Great Elder also controlled the Great Array and opened a door to let the people from Luohai Commercial Bank come in.

"As soon as I got the news, I rushed over with people and horses, and finally it was not too late."

Ren Xiaotian said with a big smile.

"The head of the head office is interested."

Lin Fei said.

"By the way, Miss Ren, how is it?"

Lin Fei then asked.

"Shanshan, she is fine now. However, she is inherited from that old predecessor, and she is still practicing in retreat. It is not suitable for her to come out for activities for the time being."

Ren Xiaotian said.

"Huh, the old dog of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, Shanshan was chased and killed, and was almost caught. It was planned by the people in the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

In the ancient city of sunset, I almost fell into the trap of the holy land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This account must be settled properly. "

Ren Xiaotian raised his head and looked at the high sky. The Holy Land Sage Lord in the early Yuan Dynasty, who was being forced to retreat by the old man of Ditan, gritted his teeth.

"Leader of the head office..."

Lin Fei was taken aback, and it seemed that Ren Xiaotian also wanted to join the ongoing fierce battle in the sky.

Because, those masters who are now fighting fiercely in the sky, everyone has an extremely immortal soldier in their hands.

As for Luohai Commercial Bank, there is no such thing as an immortal soldier.

Therefore, if Ren Xiaotian rushed up and joined the battle at this time, it would be very dangerous.

Without the Extreme Immortal Soldier in his hand, no matter how strong he was, it would be difficult to intervene in this earth-shattering battle.

Because, in a sense, this is a great battle of immortal soldiers.

"Hehe, don't worry, in that realm of falling immortals, the old man gave me a magic weapon, which is exactly the level of the extreme immortal soldier.

That old predecessor gave me a piece of the Extreme Way Immortal Soldier, hoping that I would be able to protect Shanshan in the future, because Shanshan is her only descendant in the world.

In the future, my Luohai firm will also have an extremely immortal soldier.

Humph, in the Eastern Region, I think there is still that holy land and aristocratic family, and dare to bully me Luohai Firm! "

Ren Xiaotian said with a smile, he could see Lin Fei's worry.

It is also true that in the Eastern Regions, the Immortal Soldiers of the Extreme Path are one of the most powerful backgrounds of the Holy Land or the family.

Luohai Commercial Bank had an extremely immortal soldier, and there would be no holy land or family in the future, dare to provoke it casually.

"So it's like that. That's great."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

call out!

As soon as Ren Xiaotian stretched out his hand, there was an old bronze mirror in his hand, and then, with a movement, he rushed to the Holy Master of the Yuan Dynasty Holy Land high in the sky.

As the so-called enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

"The old dog of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, I will let Xiaotian teach you how to do it!"

Ren Xiaotian roared.


The bronze mirror in Ren Xiaotian's hand suddenly glowed, and a bucket-like thick white beam of light burst out of the mirror, tearing through the void and blasting towards the Holy Master of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.

The Holy Lord of the Holy Land at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, under the attack of the old man Ditan, was already in danger and hurried.

In a rush, the holy master of the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty stretched out his hand, and the white jade bracelet trembled violently, rippling waves of terrible pressure, blocking the thick white beam of light.


But at this time, the old man at the stall had already slammed the broken wooden fish over, like a purple sun, aggressively.


That pure white jade bracelet was an extremely immortal soldier from the holy land in the early Yuan Dynasty, constantly rippling out a sea of ​​white energy, while resisting the attacks of Xiao Xiaotian's bronze mirror and the old man's broken wooden fish.


You are going to be miserable! "

The old man at the stall laughed.

The short wooden stick in his hand glowed flamingly, magnified infinitely, and turned into a huge wooden stick, condescendingly, hitting the Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty.


The white jade bracelet could no longer be resisted, and was thrown away far away.


The holy lord of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty screamed, half of his body was smashed into pieces, and the blood and flesh foam in the sky continued to splash, and the remaining half of his body was thrown away like a broken kite.

"Old dog, take his life!"

Ren Xiaotian refused to let him go easily. With a move, he held the broken mirror and chased after him.

But the old man at the stall turned around and attacked the other masters.

Now, the number of people on both sides is exactly the same.

On the side of Cangyan Holy Land, Elder Nie, five middle-aged men, the old man of the stall, Xiao Yi the big bandit, the old Taoist priest of the Huo Crow clan, and Ren Xiaotian, a total of ten people.

And the other party, the elders of the Wuchen Sect, the elders of the Profound Sky Sect, the elders of the Profound Prison Sect, the elders of the Ming Sect, the elders of the Moon Hall, and the Patriarch of the Family Planning, the Patriarch of the Shen Family, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land in the Early Yuan Dynasty, Taizhen The Holy Land’s Holy Land, the Holy Land’s Holy Land, is also just ten people.

The number of people on both sides is equal.

There are a total of 20 masters and 20 extremely immortal soldiers. This is an extremely terrifying battle.

The people around, one by one escaped far, everyone was thrilled to see.

"Oh my God, this time I was really eye-opening. That was a total of twenty extreme immortal soldiers. In the same place, twenty extreme immortal soldiers appeared. What is this concept!

Nothing, I seem to be dizzy..."

"It's really shocking. I guess I can only see such a scene this time in my life.

It is so lucky to witness such a battle.

Fortunately, I dropped a very important party today and came here to watch the excitement not far away.

Otherwise, I really regret it for life! "

Those warriors from the Eastern Region who watched the excitement, some were shocked, some were surprised, some were excited, some were scared to the ground, and some were scared to run away, afraid to look again, all kinds of reactions have .

It is also true that a total of twenty great battles of immortal soldiers have occurred in the entire Eastern Region.

"How is this!"

"Impossible, a small sacred place in the Eastern Region has so many masters and so many magic weapons of the extreme immortal soldier level, how is this possible..."

Those people from Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges, at this time, were shocked and unwilling.

Originally, they thought that with the strength of these ancient masters of the Central Saint State and the four major colleges, it would not be easy to send out a few masters and some personnel to fight a small holy land in the Eastern Region. Things.

Unexpectedly, in their eyes, the Cangyan Holy Land, which was not worth mentioning, suddenly appeared so many terrifying masters and possessed so many magic weapons of the extreme immortal soldier level.

"Haha, three seniors, as well as Xuanyuan and Huang, I didn't expect that the six of us still have the opportunity to fight side by side. It's really happy!"

In the fierce battle, Elder Nie controlled a nine-story crimson tower, burst out a torrent of red coercion, and shook the Shen Family Patriarch upside down. He kept spurting blood and his face was pale. It was seriously injured.

The Patriarch of the Shen family paled with fright. He no longer dared to collide with Elder Nie head-on. He kept backing away and wanted to escape the battlefield.

"I haven't moved my body for such a long time, and the combat power is not as good as it was before."

A tall and thin middle-aged man smiled and replied. He was controlling Lin Fei's Chaos Cauldron, completely suppressing the Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Land, and the Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Land could not fight back.

Boom boom boom...

The Chaos Cauldron is like a giant mountain, constantly smashing against the Holy Master of the Heavenly Quantity Holy Land.

After a moment, the Holy Master of Tianliang Holy Land couldn't support it anymore, and his body slammed upside down, spurting blood like a waterfall, his face pale as paper, his breath instantly wilted.


Almost at the same time, the Holy Master of the Holy Land was also the old Taoist priest of the Huo Crow tribe. In a sweep of the dust, he blasted his arm to pieces.

Then, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Holy Land Lord, the Shen Family Patriarch, the Heavenly Sacred Land Holy Land, the Taizhen Holy Land Holy Land, and at the same time flee the battlefield far away, afraid to fight again.

Of the five great sects of the Eastern Region, only the master of the family plan was left, fighting fiercely with the great bandit Xiao Yi.

Now, the entire battle situation is very clear, and the Cangyan Holy Land side has the absolute upper hand.

And the other side, retreat, retreat, disabled.

The elders of the several ancient Great Sects from Zhongsheng State, knowing that they could never win again, exchanged glances with each other.

At the next moment, they all stepped back.

Only the Cangyan Holy Land side, ten masters, hovered above the Cangyan Holy Land, staring coldly at the opponent's men and horses.

Suddenly, the scene was deadly silent, there was no sound, and the needle fell!

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