Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1697: The Hidden Elder of Taizhen Holy Land

"Emperor! Traitor, **** you!"

Seeing that her son was killed, the queen couldn't help but screamed.

The Emperor Yan stepped out again, and the queen's head was also blown to pieces. The brain smashed and the blood was blurred, and it flowed all over the ground.

Lin Fei has injected some vitality into the simulated body of Emperor Yan, so it is easy to kick a person's head.

"Hahaha, good, very good, Wei Wuji, unexpectedly, you are still alive, and after so many years, you actually found revenge!

Hahaha, this is heaven to destroy me! "

The emperor, Wei Renping, knew that the situation was over, and the other party could not let him go, so he couldn't help laughing miserably.

"Brother Wuji, this old dog Wei Renping instigated me in all this.

He was the prince of the Izumo Empire back then, with great power. He threatened me that if he didn't help him with this matter, he would kill me, and he would also impede me all over the family and even the Nine Clans!

So, it's none of my business, I was forced, brother Wuji, let me go for the sake of our friendship back then. "

Na Lu Qingfeng also pleaded with Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan did not answer him, kicked it out, stepped on his head, and smashed his head completely.

This Lu Qingfeng caused Yan Emperor to suffer for thousands of years, and Yan Emperor could not let him go.

"Wei Renping, it's you."

Emperor Yan walked to the emperor.

"Stop, daring fanatic, we dare to make trouble in the site of our so holy land, it's just looking for death!"

Suddenly, an angry shout came from a corner of the imperial capital.

In that corner, there is a magnificent and magnificent palace, obviously there are very important people living in it.

"It's the national teacher, the national teacher is out!

National Teacher, save me! "

When the emperor heard this anger, he was surprised and delighted, like a desperate person who had finally caught a straw.

Lin Fei smiled lightly and stood there.

Emperor Yan also stopped moving.

A faint figure rushed out of the palace at the corner of the city, with a terrifying speed, and appeared in the street in an instant.

This is an old man about fifty years old, in a black and yellow robe, tall and thin, with a majestic face.

Huh hoo hoo...

Then, in that palace, there were a series of fierce figures, rushing in this direction.

In a moment, more than one hundred people stood behind this old man in a yellow shirt.

These are all people from Taizhen Holy Land.

The old man in the mysterious yellow shirt is just an elder from Taizhen Holy Land.

Moreover, he is a very powerful elder.

"It turns out to be a master of the cave world."

Looking at the old man in the mysterious yellow shirt, Lin Fei couldn't help but move in his heart.

The strength of the elders in the cave world is already the strength of the hidden elders in the too true holy land.

It seemed that this elder turned out to be a hidden elder in Taizhen Holy Land.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little strange. He didn't expect that in the imperial capital of the Izumo Empire, there was a hidden elder here in retreat.

However, every sacred land and aristocratic master of the Heavenly Caverns is a divine dragon, not necessarily staying in the headquarters, but living in seclusion in other places, away from educational affairs, and retreat.

"Master, you must not let these two beasts go, they must be punished!"

The emperor lying on the ground also yelled at this time.

He deeply knew that the elders of this too true holy land in front of him belonged to the most powerful group of masters standing at the top of the pyramid in the entire Eastern Region.

He felt that since the hidden elder of this too true holy land came to the field, he would definitely have nothing to do.

Now, the bad luck is the other party.


Wei Wuji, what happens when you come back.

Please come back to this helper, so what?

Let me tell you, the national teacher is the master of Taizhen Holy Land.

No matter how powerful you are, can it be that you have been able to fight too true holy land.

Wei Wuji, since you haven't died yet, you should learn your lesson and stay outside for a while.

Now he didn't know how to die, and he ran back to the Izumo Empire.

Wei Wuji, this time, you are dead, you will never have any chance again! "

The emperor laughed wildly.

"It's so bold, kid, who actually committed a crime in the Imperial Capital.

Okay, you bound your hands, kneeled on the ground, and then abolished your own cultivation and pleaded guilty.

Or I will do it myself. "

The hidden elder of Taizhen Holy Land stared at Lin Fei with sharp eyes, and said.

"Huh, is a master of the Heavenly Cave Realm in Taizhen Holy Land, is it worthy to make me kneel?"

Lin Fei smiled coldly.


Okay, very good, young man, ignorant and defiant.

Such young people are often the easiest to die. "

The Hidden Elder of the Holy Land sneered, his eyes surged with murderous intent, and he was obviously preparing to kill Lin Fei.


Elder, this person seems to be Lin..., Lin Fei!

Lin Fei of Cangyan Holy Land! "

Suddenly, next to the Hidden Elder of the Taizhen Holy Land, there was a middle-aged man staring at Lin Fei, his expression seemed like a ghost, he couldn't believe it, and continued to say.

Lin Fei of Cangyan Holy Land!

This sentence suddenly seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, making everyone in the entire street completely stunned.

Everyone, even the royal soldiers at the end of the street, fixed their eyes on Lin Fei in the center of the street.

During this period of time, Cangyan Holy Land and Lin Fei were definitely one of the focuses of attention of all warriors and even ordinary people in the entire Eastern Region.

It can be said that there are really few people in the Eastern Region who have heard of Lin Fei's name.

"You... are the descendant son of the Cangyan Holy Land, Lin Fei?"

The Hidden Elder of the Holy Land was also stunned, staring at Lin Fei, and asked.

"Yes, I am Lin Fei!"

Lin Fei had nothing to hide, so he admitted directly.

"You..., you..., you are actually Lin Fei!

Wei Wuji, you know Lin Fei, you can ask Lin Fei to help you, haha..., no wonder..."

The emperor lying on the ground also laughed miserably at this time.

As the emperor of a medium-strength empire, he was naturally very clear about the various things that happened in the Eastern Region.

He didn't know how many times he had heard of Lin Fei's name.

He deeply knew that once the young man in front of him was really the son of Cang Yan [无名故事] Holy Land, Lin Fei, I am afraid that the too true Holy Land could not keep him!

"Lin Fei, this Izumo Empire is a subject of our Taizhen Holy Land, and is the territory of our Taizhen Holy Land.

Do you do this, does it mean that Cangyan Holy Land has begun to act on our too true holy land, and wants to invade our too true holy land. "

The hidden elder said with a gloomy face.

"Take hands on you too true holy land, haha, you too true holy land, you have offended us Cangyan holy land many times.

Even if our Cangyan Holy Land dispatched troops to completely eradicate your Taizhen Holy Land, it should be.

However, our Cangyan Holy Land has no such thoughts yet.

I came here because I have some special causes with this Izumo Empire, and it is not aimed at you too holy land.

However, from now on, this Izumo Empire has become a subject country of our Cangyan Holy Land.

You leave immediately at last, don't wait for me to do it. "

Lin Fei sneered.


Lin Fei, don't be too arrogant, believe it or not, I'll kill you now.

At that time, even if Cangyan Holy Land investigates it, it will be too late. "

The hidden elder of Taizhen Holy Land said angrily.

Lin Fei spoke.

The next moment, Lu Qi teleported directly from the slave tower and stood beside Lin Fei.

"I count three times. If you still don't get out, I don't mind killing a hidden elder who is too sacred."

Lin Fei's voice was cold and merciless.

Looking at Lu Qi, the hidden elder of the so-sacred land couldn't help but shrink his eyes, secretly jealous.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, you wait, this matter will not stop like this."

The Hidden Elder of the Holy Land thought about it, and finally flicked his sleeves and turned into a stream of light, rushing out of the imperial capital.

The people and horses of Taizhen Holy Land naturally rose into the sky one by one, following the hidden elder, leaving the imperial capital.

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