Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1698: The meaning of the four colleges

"Wei Renping, what else do you have to say!"

After the Hidden Elder of the Taizhen Holy Land left, Emperor Yan looked hard at the emperor lying on the street and asked coldly.

"Huh, it's all to blame for Lu Qingfeng, a beast who didn't kill you when he didn't succeed and failed. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as today.

This is heaven to destroy me! "

The emperor looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Unexpectedly, by now, you are still unconscious.

Well, I don't need to waste time with you, let's send you on the road. "

The Emperor Yan's voice was cold and merciless, he walked forward, kicked out, and directly kicked the emperor's head to pieces, splashing all over the ground with blood and blood.

Although this emperor was Yandi's second uncle, he was cruel and heartbroken, which made Yandi almost fall. Therefore, Yandi did not show any mercy to him.

"From now on, the Izumo Empire is a subject country belonging to the Cangyan Holy Land.

The emperor of the Izumo Empire, from now on, is Wei Rentian.

All princes, ministers, and generals of the royal family, who obey orders, will keep their original official positions unchanged.

Anyone who dared to resist was put to death! "

Lin Fei slowly said, and, under the blessing of Yuanli, Lin Fei's voice seemed to be thunderous, spreading rumblingly over the imperial capital, almost everywhere.

After a while.

"Saint Son. The situation in the entire imperial capital is basically under control.

Most of the nobles, courtiers and nobles chose to surrender.

Those who refused to surrender had all been killed. "

A middle-aged man came to Lin Fei and said that he was the manager of the Luohai firm.

He brought a large number of troops into the imperial capital, and soon controlled the situation in the entire imperial capital.

Among the troops he led were the four forces of Luohai Trading Company, Monster Race, Fire Crow Race, and Da Kou Xiao Yi, totaling tens of thousands.

Moreover, most of them are elites from these four forces, and it is not difficult at all to control the imperial capital of the Izumo Empire.

"Ah, very good.

Now, organize all the princes and generals to lead the royal family to pay homage to the new emperor. "

Lin Fei said.

The new emperor, Yandi's father, has been under house arrest by Wei Renping in the imperial capital, living in a very remote and dilapidated alley north of the imperial capital.

"Yes, Son."

Manager He replied.

"Haha, Emperor Yan, it's time to meet your family."

Lin Fei looked at Emperor Yan and said with a smile.

"Boy, thank you so much!"

Emperor Yan couldn't help feeling a little bit, and said to Lin Fei.

"Boy, maybe the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you in the mysterious world.

If I hadn't met you, I might still be alone in the profound underworld, until the energy of the soul body is completely exhausted, and then my soul flies away. "

Emperor Yan said to Lin Fei sincerely.

"Hehe, why are you polite with me suddenly.

Okay, let's meet your family first. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.


Emperor Yan nodded.

Therefore, in the entire imperial capital, all the emperor ministers, and the imperial guards, all gathered together and headed towards a small alley north of the imperial capital.

After a while, the densely packed team was already crowded to the north of the entire imperial capital.

"Welcome me back to the emperor!"

More than a hundred ministers and generals with the highest official positions in the royal family knelt down at the entrance of the alley at the same time, shouting together.

"Welcome me back to the emperor!"

Suddenly, the rest of the officials, the royal guards, and the concubines of the eunuchs, no more than tens of thousands of people, all knelt down on the ground and shouted together.

Tens of thousands of people yelled at once, and the huge sound wave spread for dozens of miles, and the ground of the entire imperial capital was shaking slightly.

"Haha, Emperor Yan, why are you so nervous? Are you a little prosperous?"

Lin Fei suddenly realized that Emperor Yan beside him had become nervous, and made fun of him.

"Don't say it for a thousand years, it's fake."

Emperor Yan's mouth twitched.

Finally, in that small alley, an elderly couple slowly walked out with the help of a dozen eunuchs.

Both of them had pale heads, trembling bodies, and a little weak.

These two old people were naturally Yandi's parents.

Lin Fei discovered that Yan Di's parents were once masters of Mahayana realm strength, but it seemed that their cultivation was sealed, and they were no different from ordinary people who had not practiced martial arts.

Don't ask, this must be a good thing Yandi's second uncle did.

Lin Fei stretched out his space ring and took out several kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, including two half-immortal medicines, a small bottle of sea **** water, a jar of immortal wine, and two half-immortal pills, and gave them to Emperor Yan.

"Take these all to your uncle and aunt. It can restore their bodies."

Lin Fei said.

Each of these things is priceless, enough to restore the figure of Emperor Yan's parents to their peak state.

Emperor Yan did not decline and took these things.

Then, he walked quickly to the alleyway of the small alley.

At the entrance of the alley, Emperor Yan's parents were surrounded by a large number of princes and ministers and generals. This was called the emperor, and the other was called the queen. It was very lively.

However, Emperor Yan's parents didn't seem to know what was going on, they looked blank and at a loss.

"Father, mom!"

Emperor Yan separated the crowd and rushed over, kneeling before his parents.

Finally, the three of the family recognized each other, and that scene was naturally very moving.

"Finally fulfilled a wish."

Lin Fei was floating in the distant sky, watching this scene, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be said that the biggest reason why Lin Fei came to the Saint Venerable Continent from the Yuan Wu realm was to avenge the Yan Emperor and help Yan Emperor reshape his body.

Now, he has already taken revenge on Emperor Yan.

Then, there is one left, which is to help Yan Emperor reshape his body.

If you want to help Yan Emperor reshape his body, you need to go to a place called the place of life and death to get the legendary saint lotus of reincarnation.

That place of life and death, right in the Central Saint State, is one of the five restricted areas in the entire Saint Venerable Continent!

It is said that the warrior goes deep into the place of life and death, nine deaths for a lifetime, very dangerous.

"Emperor Yan, don't worry, I will definitely visit the place of life and death."

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Although, after Lin Fei came to the Eastern Region, he knew more people, had more things to do, and also had more pursuits.

However, Lin Fei is not a person who forgets his roots.

Lin Fei has never forgotten why he first came to Saint Venerable Continent.

It can be said that without encountering Emperor Yan, Lin Fei might still stay in the Yuan Wu realm, never having the opportunity to come into contact with a wider world like the Sovereign Continent.

Moreover, if the Emperor Yan hadn't brought the Golden Sun Sutra to Yuanwu Realm, Lin Fei would not have had the chance to obtain the Golden Sun Sutra.

Back then, it was precisely because of the practice of the Sun Golden Sutra that Lin Fei was able to break through and grow up quickly.

It can be said that if there is no Sun Golden Sutra, Lin Fei's life might be different.

Lin Fei would never forget the great favor of Emperor Yan.

One day later, the entire imperial capital was completely stabilized.

Emperor Yan's father officially became the emperor of the Izumo Empire.

At the same time, the Izumo Empire announced the news, and since then, it has become a subject of Cangyan Holy Land.

Taizhen Holy Land did not respond, and chose silence.

Now, among the Eastern Regions, Lin Fei's limelight can be said to be the most prosperous. It seems that the Holy Land does not want to provoke Lin Fei.

Two days later, another piece of news came out, immediately causing the Eastern Region to boil.

That is, five days later, the four colleges officially began to recruit new students in the Eastern Region!

The location is in the Kuncang Mountains!

After the news came out, the entire Eastern Region, especially those young people in the Eastern Region who were eager to enter the four colleges, were completely excited.

"Master, you must strive to join the four colleges."

Lu Qi said to Lin Fei suddenly.

"Oh? Why?

In fact, I think that the disciples of the four major colleges are not necessarily very good.

Even if I stay in the Eastern Region, I can still cultivate. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, you underestimate the four colleges.

The four colleges are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Moreover, you are a candidate for apologist, you must enter the four major colleges.

Once you enter the four colleges, you will find that you will face a different world.

Because, after you become a core student in the four major academies, what you are facing is not the Continent of the Lord, but countless worlds, big and small.

Let's put it this way, the four colleges are the channels connecting the Continent of the Holy Venerable with other large and small worlds.

Without entering the four colleges, your world will always be limited to the Continent of the Lord, and you will not be able to move on to a broader stage.

do you understand? "

Lu Qi said slowly.

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