Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1719: Tragic war on the mainland

Gradually, Lin Fei realized that he could actually feel that some of the thinking fluctuations of the middle-aged man could faintly spy on the other's consciousness.

"Hey, where is this?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei was taken aback and found that he seemed to have come to another strange world.

This is a vast and boundless continent,

This continent is too huge, lying in the center of the universe, extending out infinitely.

Lots of sun, moon and stars revolve around this continent, and all signs show that this terrifying continent with a huge area seems to be the center of a certain place in the universe.

On the mainland, there are a huge number of trillions of creatures, very prosperous, lively, and prosperous.

The whole continent is surrounded by endless bright fairy auras, and the auras between the heavens and the earth are astonishingly rich, transforming into a cloud of spiritual mists, covering the continents, nourishing all the living creatures in the continents.

On this continent, almost every creature, even many plants, is practicing.

Moreover, the strong came out in large numbers, and there were many very powerful warriors.

Even, there are a lot of powerful outrageous, who are already out of the general martial arts category, and are called immortals!

These great abilities have been cultivated to a very high level. The power is transformed into good fortune, the feet can break the whole ground, and the fists can break the stars outside the sky.

Moreover, the long life span is almost the same as this continent.

In short, this is a world where the cultivation civilization is extremely developed and the strong are like forests.

Lin Fei found that he could vaguely perceive many situations in this world.

"The warriors on this continent are far more powerful than those on the Saint Venerable Continent.

Here, could it be what the Holy Venerable Continent said, Immortal Realm? "

Lin Fei was very puzzled, perceiving the rich immortal auras on this continent, as well as those powerhouses whose lifespan was almost the same as this continent. Lin Fei suspected that this place was very likely to be the legendary immortal world.

Because, according to legend, only immortals have the same life span as the sun and the moon.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart was shocked, because the call to kill and shake the sky sounded in his ears, and suddenly a large cloud of strange and dark fog appeared in the depths of the sky.

The sound of shouting and killing came from the thick fog.

In the thick fog, there were countless harsh and strange laughs, one after another.

In a moment, the dark and thick fog in the sky approached the mainland.


Like a million ghosts crying and howling, as if the door of **** is open, among the terrible and strange thick fog, the black shadows are densely packed, thousands, endless, and they rushed out.


"To slaughter this continent!"

"Let darkness and death engulf this nasty continent!"

In the thick fog, a group of silhouettes were murderous, screaming and rushing towards the entire continent.

There are too many shadows!

That kind of scene made people scary, there were too many shadows, all kinds of monsters, ghosts, different shapes, weird, hideous and terrifying, all culled from the mainland.

For a moment, on the whole continent, there were mountains and plains everywhere, and black shadows were everywhere. Every black shadow was terrifying in strength. They were all masters, and they were ruthless and merciless. Don't leave one!

"Kill! Kill these demons from hell!"

"Defend your homeland!"


The warriors on the mainland, facing the invasion of foreign enemies, have unprecedented unity, one after another, to defend their homeland.

The extremely tragic fight is happening in every corner of the mainland.

The entire continent has all become part of the battlefield.

In every corner, every moment, there are souls dying.

There are warriors on the mainland as well as enemies.

Lin Fei could not help but be thrilling as he sensed this tragic battle covering the entire continent.

Because the scene was too tragic and terrifying.

The continent was vast and vast, with countless dead bones, and the entire land of the continent was stained blood.

From a distance, piles of corpses were everywhere, horrible.

Thousands of troops and horses are rushing, and the earth is densely packed with lives. Looking from a distance, they collide like ocean waves. What splashes is not spray, but blood!

Between heaven and earth, the cruelest battle is going on.

Shouting to kill the sky, abnormal iron and blood, ruthless scenes are being staged.

Lin Fei was completely shocked by everything that happened on this continent.

At this moment, Lin Fei truly understood what a real war is!

Here it is!

Lin Fei has experienced many things, encountered different opponents, and participated in many battles. Moreover, in the Yuan Wu realm, Lin Fei personally led an army to slaughter the invading demons.

However, Lin Fei was deeply shocked by the brutal and fierce battle on this continent before him, feeling that the previous battle was far inferior to the present one.

There are too many creatures, boundless, and there are battles everywhere, and there are shouts of killings everywhere. The strong man who looks very powerful during the day is like a scarecrow, and is cut off from time to time.

Even if it is a master of the cave world, here, it is just an ordinary soldier!

In this battlefield, they belong to the lowest level of existence. Although there are many people, most of them are dead.

The fairyland can dominate on one side, which is equivalent to the existence of half a fairy, but there is still no way to stop death here, one after another corpses fall, blood is gushing, and the corpses are everywhere.

At this time, Lin Fei felt a desolation, a kind of desolation, and a kind of emptiness, killing and cutting constantly, how many corpses of the strong have fallen on this continent?

All the big rivers on the mainland have already turned blood, and countless blood rivers are drifting on the mainland.

At the end of the battle, the strong men on both sides took action in person.

Boom boom boom...

The strongest of the two sides shot, and the ground broke, the mountains and rivers shattered, and in the depths of the sky, countless stars were picked off by the strong with incredible means and shot out as weapons.

"Great Flame Stele!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei stared at one of the strong men on one of the continents. Above that strong man, there was a stone stele that continued to erupt with brilliant golden light, it was the great flame stele!

Lin Fei carefully looked at the face of that mainland powerhouse, and was surprised to find that it was the middle-aged man in the dark palace not long ago.

It was the middle-aged man who had a reaction with Lin Fei that brought Lin Fei into this tragic battlefield.


Lin Fei stood not far away, shocked, and involuntarily shouted at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man seemed to hear Lin Fei's cry and turned to Lin Fei and smiled kindly.

"Senior, can you see me?!"

Originally, Lin Fei just tried to scream, but unexpectedly, the middle-aged man actually responded with a smile.

However, no matter how Lin Fei called, the middle-aged man never looked at Lin Fei again, but plunged into the fierce battle.


In the end, in the battle between the two strong men, the whole continent suffered severe damage and began to disintegrate, crumble, and fall apart.


Finally, this terrifyingly huge continent was completely blown up, turned into [新笔趣阁] countless fragments of the continent, and flew out.

The mainland was completely destroyed!


An ancient giant city appeared in the universe.

That city is extremely strong, lay across the sky, it is incredible, like a world.

Above the city, there are many powerful men from the mainland who used supreme methods to ingest all the creatures that belonged to the mainland and survived the war into the city.


One day, we will rebuild our homeland and retaliate this deep hatred! "

The voice of a strong man rang, shaking the sky rumblingly.

Then, the city turned into a stream of light and disappeared.


Cut the weeds and roots and kill them all! "

On the enemy's side, a weird-looking strong man stood up, waved his hand, endlessly chasing soldiers, and chased after the disappearance of the city.

Soon, the sky was crushed to pieces by the enemy's strong, and a space-time channel appeared.

A large number of chasing soldiers rushed into this space-time channel to chase and kill the remaining mainland creatures above the city.

During this whole process, Lin Fei was like a bystander, seeing clearly.

After a while, all the pictures finally disappeared.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's eyes narrowed.

The middle-aged man appeared again not far in front of Lin Fei, a pair of deep sang sang eyes, as if looking at Lin Fei, and at the same time looking at endless time and space.

"Senior, senior..."

Lin Fei shouted.

"Oh. Immortals and demons contend for hegemony, slaughter thousands of races, and destroy the world!

Remember, there is a chance in the future to rebuild your home! "

In the end, the middle-aged man waved to Lin Fei, then turned around desolately, drifting away, and finally disappeared.

"Senior, senior..."

Lin Fei kept yelling.

Suddenly, Lin Fei woke up, opened his eyes, and found himself in the dark palace before, with the five ancient people still standing in front of him.

"Is it a dream?"

Lin Fei thought suspiciously.

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