Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1720: Goho

Lin Fei woke up and gradually understood that the experience just now was very likely a dream. ()

"The immortals and demons contend for hegemony, slaughter thousands of races, and destroy the earth...

This sentence is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere. "

Lin Fei lowered his head in thought.


By the way, it was on the second floor of the small wooden building in the ancient pharmacy where the Chaos Cauldron and the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Jue were obtained in the world of falling immortals! "

Lin Fei suddenly remembered.

At that time, on the second floor of the small wooden building, on the table next to the window, there was a piece of rice paper with this line written on it.

At that time, Lin Fei felt a little confused when he saw this line of words.

However, the experience just now made Lin Fei vaguely aware of the meaning of this sentence.

Immortals and demons contend for hegemony, immortals, definitely refer to the strong on that continent, while demons should refer to those enemies who invade the mainland. Hegemony naturally refers to the battle between the two sides.

The slaughter of thousands of races and the collapse of the earth means that the continent was destroyed.

Could it be that in ancient times, such a continent really existed, and it was destroyed during wars?

Lin Fei's thinking was a bit messy. Just after waking up from that dreamlike experience, Lin Fei had a strong curiosity.

"Hey, kid!

Are you awake yet!

If you are awake, promise me. "

Suddenly, the call of Emperor Yan resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I'm sober."

Lin Fei replied.

"Huh, thank goodness!

You kid is finally normal.

I thought something happened to you.

In the past few days, I don't know how many times I have called you. You seem to be stupid, and there has been no response. "

Emperor Yan let out a long sigh.

"How many days?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

"Yeah, boy, you have fallen into that kind of deep sleep for three full days.

Alas, it is estimated that the elder of the Qinglong Academy had already left the Kuncang Mountains with the new students and went to Zhongsheng State.

In these three days, I don't know how many times I have called you, but you have not had any response.

If it weren't, I could sense that if the fluctuations from your soul body were normal, I thought, did you hang up? "

Yandi said with a wry smile.

"So, unexpectedly, it took me three days to experience that illusion.

It seems that I have to find a way to go to Zhongsheng State. "

Lin Fei also smiled bitterly.

"Senior, it seems that you must be the last master of the Great Flame Stone Tablet, Sun Jinyang, and Yunyuan Stone.

Senior, you brought me into the scene of the ancient times.

Is it because you want to tell me the history of the destruction of that continent?

Senior, do you want me to have the opportunity in the future to rebuild that continent? "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, looking at the big middle-aged man among the five ancient people in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Fei was already certain that this burly middle-aged man must have been the last master of the Sun Jinjing.

Lin Fei remembered that in the dream scene not long ago, the middle-aged man in front of him once said to himself that he had a chance in the future to rebuild his home.

At that time, Lin Fei saw an ardent expectation in the eyes of this middle-aged man.

"But, how can I rebuild a continent that has been shattered to pieces?"

Lin Fei smiled bitterly, would this senior expect too much of him.

at this time.


Lin Fei was suddenly pleasantly surprised, because Lin Fei discovered that all the vitality in his body had returned.

Before, the vitality between the meridians in Lin Fei's body, as well as the vitality in the dantian, and even the vitality in the Yunyuan Stone, were all sucked away by the middle-aged man in front of him.

Unexpectedly, now they are all back in their own body.

Also, Lin Fei discovered that the Great Flame Stone Stele had also returned to his Dantian.


"My current vitality quality is at least ten times stronger than the original one!"

Lin Fei felt the vitality in his body, and couldn't help but screamed with surprise and joy.

At this time, Lin Fei discovered that the quality of his vitality had reached a level of solidity and solidity that far exceeded his imagination.

The foundation of vitality has reached a terrible level of solidity.

The vitality of a warrior, in addition to paying attention to the level of breakthrough, also pays attention to the quality and the solidity of the foundation.

A warrior with a solid foundation of vitality can crush warriors of the same rank with the combat power exerted.

However, the strength of a warrior whose vitality is vacant and unstable will be significantly weaker than that of a warrior of the same rank.

Originally, Lin Fei's previous vitality foundation was already very solid.

However, it is now more solid, and it has reached a level that makes Lin Fei also amazed.

"Hehe, I can now crush most Mahayana masters only with the strength of my Yuan."

Lin Fei clenched both fists, very satisfied.


Omen of a breakthrough! "

The next moment, Lin Fei was surprised again, because Lin Fei felt that the vitality realm in his body had a strong feeling of breaking through.

However, this is also normal. The more solid the foundation of vitality, the easier it is to break through.

"Boy, I think there are no treasures and opportunities in this hall.

Hurry up and head to Zhongshengzhou. "

Yandi suggested.

"Now it's not in a hurry.

The elder of the Qinglong Academy should have brought those new students back to Central Saint State long ago.

Therefore, even if I leave now, I am still late.

These five predecessors interpret the very clever five-element rule. I want to stay here and retreat for a while to comprehend the five-element rule.

This is equivalent to five seniors who taught me the Fa personally. Such an opportunity is hard to come by. "

Lin Fei made a decision.

"Well, anyway, it seems that this predecessor must be the last master of the Sun Jingjing.

Moreover, judging from the signs in the past few days, he seems to be good to you.

In this hall, there should be no danger to you anymore. "

Yandi said.

So, next, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and began to concentrate on comprehension in this hall.

Those five ancients have very clever Five Elements Principles exuding all the time, deducting them into various terrifying powers.

Lin Fei is like an ancient monk entering concentration, motionless, silently comprehending, completely forgotten.

The time to practice is the fastest.

Until twenty days later.


Lin Fei, who was sitting still, slowly opened his eyes.

A mysterious force of law faintly radiated from above Lin Fei's body.

"The rules, the rules, the more you understand, the more profound you feel!"

Lin Fei sighed.

Then Lin Fei stood up.

At this time, the coercion of the Five Elements Rule in this hall had not had a great impact on Lin Fei.

Because, after these twenty days of comprehension, Lin Fei has a deeper understanding of the Five Elements Principle.

In addition, Lin Fei was wearing that Taoist robe. At this time, within this hall, Lin Fei could move freely.

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