Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1721: Elementary Mahayana

"Five seniors, the younger generations are grateful for the grace they have given to the younger generation during this period of time. (

Lin Fei saluted the five ancient people in the hall.

"Senior, please allow me to call you Master."

Then, Lin Fei gave the burly middle-aged man an apprenticeship.

This middle-aged man was the last master of the Sun Jinjing, the Great Flame Stone Tablet, and the Yunyuan Stone. In a sense, he was equivalent to Lin Fei's master.

Then, Lin Fei left the hall.

After leaving the main hall, Lin Fei did not encounter any danger, and left the valley peacefully all the way.

Standing outside the valley, Lin Fei looked back and found that there was no ghost wind, ghost fog, or bones in the valley. The terrible corpse and the dark palace were gone.

The whole valley, one glance at the bottom of the valley, there is nothing, not even a single weed.

"In this valley, there must be an extremely clever formation that covers everything in the valley.

Only by chance, walking into the valley, will you encounter those things.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, if you walk in, you will find nothing. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

"It's time to break through!"

For more than 20 days, Lin Fei has been suppressing his vitality realm.

Now, it's finally time to start breaking through.

After a long time.

Near the ghost valley, in the high altitude, thick dark clouds are dense, and the entire sky is sealed tightly, and thick and thick thunder electric snakes continue to blast in the clouds.

Then, the thunder and lightning poured down, thousands of dazzling thunder lights, like a waterfall, smashed down to a figure below.

Within half an hour, in this area, I don't know how many dense forests were destroyed by thunder and lightning and turned into a raging sea of ​​flames.

After an hour.

The dark clouds in the sky were scattered, and no more thunderstorms fell.

"Elementary Mahayana!"

Lin Fei was suspended in midair, squeezed his fists, feeling the degree of vitality in his body, and slowly muttered to himself.

Then, Lin Fei raised his hand, a hundred-zhang golden sword aura, exuding a strong golden law power, beheaded.


Not far away, a mountain peak was cut off from the middle, and the upper half was all crushed by the sword energy sent out by Lin Fei.

"Sure enough, the power is much stronger!"

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

The Five Elements Absolute Sword cultivates a total of five powers of law, namely gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each power of law is deduced into a sword energy.

Just now, what Lin Fei killed was Jin Jianqi.

This golden sword aura alone is even stronger than the combined power of the five previous sword auras.

During this period of time, Lin Fei had been in the hall to comprehend the Five Elements Principle, and it was really not wasted.

The five-element tyrant sword, its power greatly increased!

"Hehe, now, I just use this five-element tyrant sword, it's enough to crush most Mahayana martial artists."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Hehe, count it, I've been late for almost half a month, think about it, those new students, basically, have already adapted to life in the four major colleges.

I can't delay any longer, it's time to set off for Zhongshengzhou, Qinglong College.

The only thing I worry about now is that I'm late for more than half a month, and I don't know if I can still enter the Blue Dragon Academy. "

Lin Fei looked in the direction of Zhongshengzhou.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand and Lei Muzhou appeared in front of him.

Lin Fei stood up, Lei Muzhou turned into a streamer, and instantly passed through the void, disappearing.

Zhongshengzhou, Qinglong College.

In this period of half a month, Qinglong Academy has become more lively than before, because there are 600 new students.

These six hundred new students are in the four states of Eastern Region, Western Wilderness, Nanling, and Beiyuan, each with one hundred, while there are two hundred in Central Shengzhou, which adds up to a total of six hundred. .

During this period of time, these six hundred new students were all suffocated, cultivating against the clock to enhance their own strength.

Because, Qinglong Academy has a regulation, every new student, after entering the academy for a month, there will be a competition between new students.

In the competition, for the strong performers, the academy's senior officials will reward many precious treasures, medicines, spars, and martial arts inheritance, etc. Anyway, the prize money is very generous, enough to make every student heart .

Moreover, the most attractive thing is that in the competition, the top three new students can be qualified for the Dragon Blood Pool baptism.

The Dragon Blood Pond is the secret of Qinglong Academy.

Entering the dragon blood pool, you can get great benefits that you can't imagine.

Allow new students to get a completely reborn transformation!

In the Qinglong Academy, only those truly elite disciples are qualified to enter the dragon blood pool once a year for baptism.

One can imagine how precious the baptism of the Dragon Blood Pond is.

Therefore, every new student hopes that such a good thing will fall on him.

At this time, in Qinglong Academy.

In a magnificent palace.

"The guy surnamed Meng, answer me honestly, why don't you bring the new student named Lin Fei back to Qinglong Academy!

I personally appointed Lin Fei to enter your Qinglong Academy.

Moreover, I also told you privately to take care of him.

Humph, it's alright now, you actually lost Lin Fei.

The surname is Meng. Today, the dean of your Qinglong Academy is here. You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation.

Otherwise, I will never end with you! "

An old man with a childlike face was blowing his beard and staring, pointing to the nose of an old man in a gray shirt, patted the table and cursed.

If Lin Fei were here, he would definitely recognize it immediately. This Tongyan Hefa old man was the senior Ximen who was personally appointed in the Kuncang Mountains at that time to make Lin Fei a new student in the four colleges.

And the old man in gray shirt who was scolded at his nose was the elder who was in charge of recruiting new students from the Eastern Region in Qinglong Academy.

"Senior Ximen, listen to my explanation.

I was in the Kuncang Mountains and waited for Lin Fei for four or five days, but I didn't see him appear.

Later, I even sent someone to the school where he belonged, the Cangyan Holy Land headquarters, and the answer was that Lin Fei had gone to the Izumo Empire in the Eastern Region.

I sent someone to track down Lin Fei's whereabouts in the Izumo Empire, and the answer was that he had already left the Izumo Empire's capital, and no one knew where he went.

Before and after, I have waited for him for ten days in the Kuncang Mountains.

Later, with other new students, rushed back to Zhongshengzhou.

Senior Ximen, if you don't believe it, you can find a new student to ask and you will know. "

The elder Meng of Qinglong College, with a flushed face, defended himself.

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