Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1722: Qinglong College

"Hmph, I don't care, I finally found such a good seedling, now it's good, I actually lost it.

Anyway, you won't pay me.

I'm never ending with you. "

Senior Ximen angrily took a seat on a great teacher's chair and stopped talking, obviously sulking.

"Haha, I said, old man Ximen, don't just blame Elder Meng. He brought the new students back to Qinglong Academy and immediately told me about it.

He really did his best.

That Lin Fei, could it be that something was delayed?

Or something is in danger.

Old man Ximen, that Lin Fei, really, as you said, caused the vision of the Taoist Flower in the Talent Monument?

If this kind of vision really appears, then it means that he is the most enchanting genius in our Sovereign Continent in the past four to five hundred years.

However, such a genius can never be met, and one can appear at will. "

In the main hall, a man in a blue shirt slowly said in a loud voice. It seems that the age of this man in blue shirt, which is about 30 years old, has no vitality fluctuations in his whole body.

He gives people a sense of agility and emptiness, incompetent with the world, unlike a person in martial arts.

But this person is the dean of Qinglong College, one of the four major colleges in the Holy Land!

Of course, his true age is a scary old monster.

"So, you don't believe me anymore!"

Senior Ximen said grimly.

"I also hope that it is true, but the enchanting genius who can cause the talent monument to show the vision of the flower of the road is too rare.

In the past four to five hundred years, no one has ever appeared in our Holy Venerable Continent.

On the other continents, over the past few hundred years, many peerless geniuses have repeatedly appeared, and they have crushed our holy continent.

If such an enchanting genius really appeared in our Holy Venerable Continent, he could also raise his eyebrows slightly.

It's just that you and I both know that in the past few hundred years, in the young generation of talents in our Saint Venerable Continent, there is a bit of a lack of succession and lack of success.

I have calculated that this is all because of the bad luck of our Saint Venerable Continent.

Now suddenly there is such a wicked genius, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and based on what you said, I really can't believe it. "

The Dean of Qinglong Academy said slowly.

"I know.

However, you can ask your Elder Meng, who also saw it with his own eyes.

I did not fabricate it out of thin air. "

Said Senior Ximen.

"Indeed, Dean, I saw the vision of the talent monument with my own eyes when prompted by Senior Ximen.

That is a scene I have never seen before.

That Lin Fei is indeed a bit different. "

Elder Meng also nodded and said.

"Well, I hope it's true.

However, this Lin Fei suddenly disappeared. Could it be that something bad happened? "

Said the dean.

"Oh, I hope he is safe."

Senior Simon also sighed slightly.

"Our Saint Continent has an attitude towards the young generation of geniuses without interference, allowing them to invade and grow on their own strength.

So, no matter what happened to Lin Fei, the older generation of us, just don't care.

Let's wait for him to come to Qinglong Academy by himself.

If he can come to Qinglong Academy safely, I will observe him secretly, and if he really has the talent of enchanting, I will focus on training him.

So, old man Simon, even if you are in a hurry, you can't come. "

Said the dean.

Senior Ximen, after hearing the dean's words, he nodded helplessly and stopped talking.

at the same time.

Qinglong Academy, in the area of ​​new students.

Above a looming peak covered by clouds and mist, in a secret cultivation cave.

A beautiful woman, sitting cross-legged in the cave, closed her eyes and meditated.

This woman is Ren Shanshan from the Eastern Region.

"Lin Fei, where are you? What happened?

It's been almost a month, why hasn't it appeared yet? "

Ren Shanshan seemed to be unable to calm down at all, thinking of Lin Fei from time to time in his heart.

Because, in the Kuncang Mountains at that time, Dean Meng of the Qinglong Academy with a hundred new students, in order to wait for Lin Fei, stayed in the Kuncang Mountains for ten days.

However, Lin Fei never appeared.

Later, the elder Meng left the Eastern Region with a hundred new students and returned to the Qinglong Academy in Zhongshengzhou.

"Hey, this guy, it seems that this has always been the case, but it can't make people worry."

At some point, Ren Shanshan's mood was a little messy, always worrying about Lin Fei.

"However, that guy has always been lucky and fateful, so there shouldn't be anything really going on."

In the end, Ren Shanshan comforted herself like this, forcibly suppressed the mess in her heart, and began to practice concentration.

"Haha, very happy, almost a month has passed, that Lin Fei has not yet come to Qinglong Academy to report.

It is estimated that even if he came to Qinglong Academy, the senior figures in the Academy would not let him in.

Hmph, this Lin Fei was not qualified to enter Qinglong Academy at all.

It is estimated that the senior Ximen who appeared in the Kuncang Mountains must have something to do with Lin Fei, so he broke the rules and let Lin Fei enter Qinglong Academy.

Unexpectedly, now the retribution has arrived. "

In Qinglong College, among the 100 freshmen from the Eastern Region, many were disciples of the three holy places and three families in the Eastern Region. After learning about Lin Fei, all of them were gloating and exclaiming. .

"Haha, I want to pass this news to the other three academies, so that all new students from the Eastern Region will know about it.

Let Lin Fei's image plummet.

A **** who wanted to enter the four colleges because of his relationship, now God has finally paid him back!

Refreshing, really refreshing! "

In Qinglong Academy, many new students from Eastern Regions laughed.

After all, Lin Fei used to forge feuds with many big sects in the Eastern Territory. Now that something happened to Lin Fei, the disciples of those big sects are naturally very happy.

However, at this time, in the minds of more than 600 new students in Qinglong Academy, the most important thing is of course the upcoming new student competition.

During this period of time, all the new students have been practicing and doing their best to improve their combat power, hoping to make a blockbuster in the new student competition and get a good ranking.

Because all new students are well aware that those who perform well in the competition will definitely be vigorously cultivated by the college in the future.

There is no doubt about this.

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