Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1723: Be hunted down

On the edge of Zhongshengzhou, there is a huge city called Yumen City.

In Yumen City, there is a very large teleportation array.

This teleportation array is the most important channel connecting Central Saint State and Eastern Region.

Because, in the Holy Venerable Continent, the five continents are separated by a vast boundless sea.

The area of ​​the boundless sea is too wide, and ordinary warriors cannot cross the boundless sea on their own, but can only rely on the super-large teleportation array between continents.

On this day, this super-large teleportation array in Yumen City continued to flicker, and the waves of space teleportation power continued to spread.

Then, in the teleportation formation, a figure appeared, a young man with a slightly slender figure.

"Finally came to Central Shengzhou!"

The young man in the teleportation formation stepped out of the teleportation formation and sighed to himself.

This young man is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei set off from the Ghost Valley of the Izumo Empire all the way to the edge of the Eastern Region, where there was a very large teleportation array connecting the Central Saint State.

Then, Lin Fei entered the super-large teleportation formation and was directly teleported to Yumen City.

"Twenty million holy crystals!"

At this moment, beside the teleportation formation, a skinny old man sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditation, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lin Fei, and said softly.

Lin Fei had no choice but to take out 20 million sacred crystals from the space ring and toss them in front of the old man.

This is the reward for using the very large teleportation array.

Moreover, on the Eastern Region side, before Lin Fei entered the teleportation formation, he had already given 20 million holy crystals.

In other words, using an ultra-large teleportation array to transport across continents requires 40 million holy crystals!

"Damn, it's too expensive!"

Lin Fei had a feeling of bleeding in his heart.

Although Lin Fei has a lot of money, but forty million pieces of sacred crystals were taken out all of a sudden, which is still equivalent to bleeding.

However, Lin Fei did not dare to fall back on the bill and gave the money obediently.

Among other things, Lin Fei couldn't perceive his true realm just by the skinny old man in front of him.

Needless to say, he must be a master of the hidden world.

Therefore, Lin Fei could only complain in his heart, and was afraid to even say it.

Then, Lin Fei left the position of the teleportation formation, out of Yumen City, and continued to drive towards the direction of the Qinglong Academy.

And just after Lin Fei left the super large teleportation formation in Yumen City.

Beside the teleportation formation, the thin old man who had been sitting cross-legged, staring far away in the direction where Lin Fei was leaving, thoughtfully.

"Well, it seems that this young man is Lin Fei."

The skinny old man murmured to himself.

Then, he took out a piece of jade slip and sent a message out.

"Lin Fei appeared.

I have left a secret mark on his body. "

This message is like this.

"It's really a young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky and earth, who has offended so many ancient masters and dares to come to Zhongshengzhou."

The skinny old man looked at the direction Lin Fei was leaving and smiled coldly.

Then, the skinny old man closed his eyes again and fell into a state of tranquillity.

At this time, Lin Fei was standing on top of Lei Muzhou, urging Lei Muzhou on his way.

Along the way, in addition to using Lei Muzhou to drive on the road, Lin Fei continued to use the teleportation array between the city and the city.

The area of ​​Zhongshengzhou is too large, and the teleportation array between the city and the city must be used to reach the Qinglong Academy as soon as possible.

after one day.

Lei Muzhou was rolling forward in the high-altitude sea of ​​clouds. Lin Fei was standing on the Lei Mupan with a map in his hand and was carefully identifying.

"Well, there is a city called Guyue City near here, and there is a teleportation array in the city.

Okay, just enter Lone Moon City and use the teleportation array of Lone Moon City. "

Lin Fei nodded, put away the map, and urged Lei Muzhou to go towards Guyue City.

This map was bought by Lin Fei after he came to Zhongsheng State. It is a topographic map of the entire Zhongsheng State.

After a while, Lin Fei was already close to Guyue City.


Lin Fei's face changed, and then his mind moved, Lei Muzhou suddenly changed direction and swiftly flashed to the side.

Almost at the same moment.


In the clear and cloudless high sky, suddenly there was a violent wind, dark clouds billowing, a huge pitch-black palm suddenly rushed out of the void, exuding terrible energy pressure, and patted Lin Fei.

Fortunately, Lin Fei found out in advance and promptly urged Lei Muzhou to dodge to the side. In the end, he escaped the attack of the pitch-black giant palm.


The pitch-black giant palm bombarded not far behind Lei Muzhou, and the void collapsed. The space was penetrated by violent energy, and a space crack tens of meters wide appeared.

Lei Muzhou was trembling violently and swayed by the fluctuations.

"Master of the Cave Sky Realm!"

Lin Fei could not help his eyes become cold under the perception of God's consciousness.

Obviously, a master of the cave world is launching an attack on him.

"Hey, good, really good.

No wonder he is so arrogant, and his skill is indeed a bit extraordinary. You dodge the palm of my sudden attack. "

Not far away, a vague figure emerged from the void, and said with a sneer, this figure was wrapped in blue yingying light, and his divine consciousness could not perceive his true face.

"Haha, boy, it seems that you have offended a lot of people. Someone actually shot before me."

Suddenly, in the distance, there was another black shadow that flashed quickly. This black shadow, exuding a cold breath, also lost its true face.

"Yes, it seems that everyone is very interested in this kid, yes, I heard that this kid has a lot of good babies."

A quaint little flying boat, galloping from a distance, came near Lin Fei in an instant, and there was a voice in the flying boat.

"Hey, why is everyone's news so well informed?

I thought that only I knew the news that this kid came to Zhongshengzhou.

Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, so many people came.

Now, there are too many monks and less porridge. "

Not far away, on the top of a mountain peak, there was a figure emitting white light, volleying step by step, walking up in the direction of Lin Fei.

In a moment, four Celestial Cave Realm masters actually appeared, all coming for Lin Fei.

"Hehe, you are the kid named Lin Fei, I have to admire your arrogance and ignorance.

You dare to come to Zhongshengzhou.

But, young people are always like this. If they have a little ability, they are too arrogant, thinking that no one in the world can cure you.

If you huddled in the Eastern Region, you might be able to live longer.

However, you just want to come to Zhongshengzhou, isn't it a long life? "

In that quaint little flying boat, the voice said to Lin Fei.

"If I'm not mistaken, you people are all from the ancient masters of Zhongshengzhou.

In order to kill me, suddenly, four masters of the Heavenly Cave Realm came, really worthy of me. "

Lin Fei sneered.

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