Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1739: Umen

"I just want to mess, can you do anything to me."

Lin Fei sneered.

Then, Lin Fei moved his mind. From the slave tower, hundreds of slaves were sent out and rushed to the top of the mountain, bringing all useful things, including elixir, Taoist medicine, primordial beast, and other valuable things. All moved into the slave tower.


stop! "

" are simply a robbery!

stop it now! "

The three followers of Shen Bingbing were shocked.

However, they were seriously injured, no way to stop them.

After a while, all the slightly valuable things on Shen Bingbing's peak were raided.

"You..., you are too cruel, wicked!"

The three followers of Shen Bingbing wanted to cry without tears.

They can imagine that after Shen Bingbing's practice, the first thing he did was to drive them away.

"Well, this Shen Bingbing is too hateful, okay, save her a little more memory."

Lin Fei thought of another idea.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a ball of flame flew out of his body, turned into a raging flame, and rushed to the top of the mountain. It was the flame of the sun.

In the blink of an eye, the whole mountain was burning fiercely and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

After a while, the fire was getting smaller, and a spiritual mountain that was originally delicate and lush and full of spiritual energy was now bald, with charred coals everywhere, and thick smoke.

Of course, the cultivation cave mansion on the mountain peak was protected by a brilliant formation, and was not affected in the slightest.

"It's over, it's all over..."

The three followers of Shen Bingbing muttered to themselves, looking at the bare mountain in front of them, their eyes a little dull.

"Well, now, take me to Yu Wenjie's cultivation mountain."

Lin Fei said to the five men.

"Do not!"

Among the five men, two were Yu Wenjie's followers. Hearing Lin Fei's words, he couldn't help but screamed on the spot.

However, before Lin Fei's absolute force, these two Yu Wenjie followers finally succumbed and took Lin Fei to the peak of Yu Wenjie's cultivation.

Yu Wenjie is also a new student. With the remaining two days, he intends to intensively refine a martial art secret to increase his power, and he has long been retreating in the cultivation cave.

This Yu Wenjie had already sent someone to assassinate Lin Fei before, but now that he came to provoke him again, Lin Fei was naturally rude.

Lin Fei released hundreds of slaves from the slave tower, moved all the slightly valuable things on the peak of Yu Wenjie’s cultivation into the slave tower, and then burned the entire mountain into a complete fire. A scorched bald peak with smoke.

Then, Lin Fei went away.

"It's miserable, when Master Yuwen leaves the customs, he will definitely not be able to get around us!"

The two followers of Yu Wenjie looked at the bald Jiaohei mountain peaks that were constantly smoky in front of them, crying without tears.

"Go, let's go to the first-level student area and tell Senior Brother Xuanyuan about them.

In the past two days, almost all of the new students have been in retreat to work hard to cope with the upcoming new student competition.

Based on the strength of our followers, it is estimated that no one is the opponent of Xiao Fei.

Therefore, I can only ask Senior Brother Xuanyuan to take action.

As long as Senior Brother Xuanyuan and the others were willing to take action, that Xiao Fei would be dead! "

One of the followers said suddenly.

"Not bad.

The master's eldest brother, Brother Yuwentian, has not been in the academy for these years, but has been practicing hard in various secret realms.

Senior Brother Xuanyuan and the others had been entrusted by the master's elder brother to take care of the master, so they would definitely take care of this matter.

Now, a small follower is so courageous and burnt the master's cultivation mountain, hehe, now, there is a good show.

Let's go to the first-level student area and find Senior Brother Xuanyuan and the others. "

After discussing for a while, the two followers of Yu Wenjie went to the first-level student area of ​​the Qinglong Academy to show off.

At this time, Lin Fei didn't rush and returned to the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation.

The three followers of Princess Yufeng had been looking around the mountain, and when they saw Lin Fei coming back, they all came forward cautiously.

"Xiao Fei, what did you do just now?

Don't make troubles indiscriminately, so as not to hurt your master from time to time. "

The tall and thin young man spoke to Lin Fei in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, you just need to protect Princess Yufeng's territory seriously, nothing will happen if I am here."

Lin Fei said lightly, and went back to his hut.

"Look, this Xiao Fei actually directly called her master Princess Yufeng, and she had a bad nature, causing trouble, hum, if this continues, sooner or later it will cause trouble to her master.

When the master left the customs, the three of us went to ask the master to drive this Xiao Fei out of Qinglong Academy. "

This tall and thin young man, looking at Lin Fei's back, said in a low voice to the other two female followers.

The two women also nodded again and again.

At this time, in the area of ​​the first-level students of Qinglong Academy.

On a tall mountain covered by clouds and mist, in a magnificent palace.

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan, Senior Brother Chen, and Senior Brother Liu, you must come forward for Master Yu Wenjie, preside over justice, and punish the villain Xiao Fei!

That Xiao Fei not only snatched all the elixir, Taoist drugs, soul birds, and beasts on the peak of Master Yu Wenjie's cultivation, but also burned all the peaks.

He returned the two of us and was beaten severely by him.

The evil deeds of Xiao Fei that evil thief are unacceptable!

Before Master Yu Wenjie retreats, he once said that no matter what happens, he must not disturb his retreat.

Therefore, we have to come to see you Brother Xuanyuan. "

In the hall, two followers of Yu Wenjie were crying with tears and snots.

In the hall, there are five young people sitting high.

If it were other first-level students of Qinglong Academy here, seeing these five people would definitely feel chills and would not dare to provoke them casually.

Because these five youths are all core members of Yumen, a very powerful student organization in Qinglong Academy.


Among Qinglong Academy, one of the strongest and most terrifying organization among students was created by core student Yu Wentian.

Among the four colleges, various competitions among students are allowed or even encouraged.

Therefore, various organizations and gangs among students came into being.

In Qinglong Academy, Yumen is the most powerful student organization.

In the past few years, Yu Wentian, the master of Yumen, and several of the most powerful elite students in Yumen, have left Qinglong Academy to go to some secret realms, or other large and small worlds to practice and practice hard.

Therefore, Yumen left it to the five core members who are now sitting in the hall to manage.

Listening to the cry of the two, the five core members of Yumen all looked gloomy.

"There is such a thing.

Master Yu Wenjie, although he is only a new student, he is already a core member of our Yumen.

Haha, I didn't expect that in this Qinglong Academy, a follower of a new student would dare to provoke us Yumen. It is really surprising. "

One of them, a tall, bearded young man, said with a sneer.

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