Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1740: Yumen came to enforce the law

"Yes, it seems that in the past few years, our members of the Yumen have been submerged one by one, and they have not done much. In this Azure Dragon Academy, everyone seems to slowly forget the existence of our Yumen!"

Another young man sighed.

"It is also possible that this follower, who has just entered Qinglong Academy, has not heard of our Yumen's name, so he dares to do anything wrong.

However, no matter what.

Since Master Yu Wenjie is involved, the follower named Xiao Fei must not be merciless.

By the way, what is the origin of the owner of that follower. "

Said a young man with an elegant expression and a pale white shirt.

"Brother Chen, the owner of that follower is called Xia Yufeng. Everyone calls her Princess Yufeng. It is said that she comes from an ancient family in Zhongshengzhou, and she seems to have a lot of background."

One of Yu Wenjie's followers quickly answered respectfully.

"Princess Yufeng!

It turned out to be from the Xia family! "

Suddenly, in the hall, the expressions of the five core members of Yumen sitting with their heads changed.

"oh, I understand now.

The Xia family, and the Yuwen family of the sect master, have always been at odds and have a deep grudge.

What Xiao Fei did was definitely instigated by his master Xia Yufeng.

Intended to target Yuwen family. "

Said the young man in pale white clothes.

"Not bad.

Indeed it is. "

The other four also nodded in agreement.

"If this happens, then we Yumen are even more incapable of being kind.

Not only is Xiao Fei going to die, his master Xia Yufeng will also be punished. "

Another tall and fat young man said coldly.

"That Xia Yufeng is a member of the Xia family, a child of the Xia family, the organization of Xia Clan in the Azure Dragon Academy, although not as strong as our Yu Clan, it is not weak.

Now our Yumen sect master and several of the strongest elites are not there, once we start a battle with Xiamen, I am afraid that the chance of winning is not great.

So, that Xia Yufeng, don't provoke it for now.

Well, let's send someone to run and let the follower named Xiao Fei come to our Yumen headquarters to lead the crime.

Also, destroying the peak of Xia Yufeng's cultivation was a warning to Xiamen.

As for that Xia Yufeng, don't hurt her for now. "

In the hall, the young man sitting in the middle of the upper head said.

This young man was called Xuanyuan Pojun. Among the first-level students of Qinglong Academy, he was a famously strong man.

Moreover, he is also one of the core members of Yumen.

Now that Yu Wentian is not in the academy, he is the most powerful in Yumen.

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan, that Xiao Fei is vicious and arrogant, and his combat power is terrifying, a little difficult to deal with."

One of Yu Wenjie's followers said.


It's just a follower of a new student.

In front of us Yumen, there is no qualification to be an ant. "

Another young man shouted coldly.

"Yes! The villain was wrong, Brother Liu taught him the right thing."

This follower of Yu Wenjie was taken aback and quickly changed his words.

Soon, Xuanyuan Pojun sent a few members of Yumen to aggressively go to the area where the new students were.

at this time.

On the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation, in Lin Fei's hut.

"It seems that the elder who was in charge of enrollment in the Eastern Region last time should be living in the core area of ​​the college.

If I want to meet him, I have to go to the core area.

However, in the core area of ​​the college, all the high-levels of those colleges live in it.

In this Qinglong Academy, there is a great ability to transform the fairyland.

Although, I heard that the great power of the fairyland will not appear under normal circumstances.

But if I forcibly break into the core area of ​​the academy, if I provoke a great power in the fairyland at that time, it will be bad. "

Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged in the hut, thinking in his head.

When entering Qinglong Academy, Lin Fei came for formal students.

Therefore, Lin Fei is most concerned about this matter.

"By the way, a few days later, the college will hold a new student contest. Such a large-scale event, it is estimated that the elder will definitely show up.

Okay, just above the new student contest, look for the elder and explain the situation. "

Lin Fei thought of this suddenly and made up his mind.

At this time, outside of Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain, five figures were coming fiercely.

The first person is a white-clothed young man with long hair curled on one side, giving people a soft and elegant feeling.

Next to him, there are five young people, each with a strong aura, and people can see that they are the strongest generation.

These five people are all members of Yumen, and they are also the first-level members of Qinglong Academy.

"I really don't understand. In order to deal with the followers of a new student, Brother Xuanyuan unexpectedly brought the five of us together. What is it for? Is it worth the fanfare.

Damn, five members of the Umen, together to deal with a follower, passed it out, what face we have in the future. "

A young man in a green robe seemed very dissatisfied and said in a complaining tone.

"Lu Xing, don't talk too much.

Master Yu Wenjie is the younger brother of our Yumen sect master.

When it comes to Master Yu Wenjie, we, Yumen, of course have to be a bit high-profile.

Besides, that Xia Yufeng is from Xia Men, so of course we have to come with a few more people just in case. "

Persuaded the young man in white.

The arrival of the group of people like Yumen naturally attracted the attention of many people in the new student area.

Although there are many new students, they have chosen to retreat and retreat in these two days, preparing for the new student competition.

However, there are also some new students who did not practice in retreat. After feeling the five powerful auras, they all appeared from the top of their cultivation mountain, looking at the group of five people in Yumen.

Moreover, the identities of the five Umen members were quickly recognized.

"Look, those five seniors are all first-level students.

And it seems to be from Umen, I wonder what they are doing here? "

"Yes, before Yumen came to our new student area to recruit new members of Yumen, I have met several seniors who belong to Yumen."

Many new students talked quietly with each other.

Every new student's cultivation mountain peaks are separated by no more than a dozen miles. With such a short distance, for the new student's realm cultivation level, it is like standing next to him, and he can communicate with his spiritual knowledge at any time.

Soon, the five members of Yumen came to the training mountain of Princess Yufeng, and the five figures were suspended in the air, condescending.

"Yumen came to enforce the law, and the **** called Xiao Fei immediately got out and died!"

The white-clothed youth headed indifferently opened his mouth, and a rolling voice, like a thunderstorm, shook the entire cultivation mountain.

And this voice spread far away, mighty, and shocked the entire new student area.

Princess Yufeng’s cultivation mountain.

"It's miserable, miserable, I once heard people say today that Yumen is the most terrifying student organization in Qinglong Academy.

What did Xiao Fei do that actually provoke Yumen!

What a troublemaker! "

The male follower of Princess Yufeng instantly turned pale with fright and shivered.

The two female followers were also terrified.

"Yumen, what the **** is this."

In the thatched hut, Lin Fei was silently carrying out the Sun Golden Jue. Hearing that call, he could not help but open his eyes and said in his heart.

"This is Princess Yufeng's private domain. No one is allowed to enter without permission!

Don't blame me for being rude if you don't get out within ten breaths. "

Lin Fei suddenly burst into spring thunder, and shouted at the location of the five Yumen members.

Suddenly, it slapped past like a huge wave.

With this drink, Lin Fei used two voice martial arts, one is the roar of magic sound that he had previously practiced in the Yuanwu realm, and the other is the six-character mantra that he obtained in the fairy realm not long ago .

Under the superimposition of these two voices and martial arts, terrible sound, rumbling, overwhelming, rushed towards the five members of Yumen.

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