Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1765: How could it be a follower

In the eyes of everyone, the figure was illusory and solid and clear, and finally, a young man appeared in front of everyone.

"This student, which academy's seed student is?"

Elder Shi of the Suzaku Academy looked at the elders and deacons of the other three academies with questioning eyes.

"It's him!"

The two elders of Qinglong Academy and the five deacons immediately recognized the identity of this figure.

It was Xiao Fei from Qinglong College.

Suddenly, the two elders and the five deacons of Qinglong College looked at each other in surprise.

Because, as the senior members of the college, they actually knew the true identity of this follower named Xiao Fei.

Actually Lin Fei from the Eastern Region!

Moreover, Senior Ximen personally appointed him to enter Qinglong Academy.

Originally, Lin Fei was already an official student of Qinglong Academy.

However, the elder Fang of the academy suggested that this Lin Fei should continue to be a follower and practice first to see what he did before regaining his identity.

Elder Fang is responsible for the recruitment of Eastern Regions, and in Qinglong Academy, he is a person of high morals and real power. Since he suggested that, other senior figures in the academy naturally have no opinion.

"Hahaha, Elder Shi, this person is from our Qinglong Academy.

However, his identity was said, I'm afraid you won't believe it.

He is just a follower of a new student in our Qinglong Academy.

It's not the seed student you imagine. "

Elder Wei from Qinglong College said with a slight smile.

Followers? !

As soon as Elder Wei's words fell, all the elders and deacons of the other three academies, except those from the Qinglong Academy, were completely stunned.

Jiang Tianwei from the Suzaku Academy was also listening, and at this time, he was completely stunned.


How could he be a follower! "

Jiang Tianwei snarled first, as if he would never believe it.

The rest did not believe it.

The difference between the seed students and followers among the four colleges is too far.

One is a dragon in the sky, and the other is a worm in the ground.

Not on the same day.

A follower killed a seed student, such a thing will never happen!

"Elder Wei, you should be honest.

It's a seed student, just say it straight.

In order to save a little bit of face, I actually described a seed student as a follower in your academy.

Is this interesting.

When the lie is exposed, let me see where your old face is! "

Elder Shi from the Suzaku Academy brushed his sleeves and pulled his face down on the spot, looking angrily.

"Elder Wei, your joke is a bit big.

Can kill a seed student of Suzaku Academy, how could this kid be just a follower in your Academy?

You are entertaining everyone. "

The rest of the people also shook their heads one after another, showing displeased expressions, believing that Elder Wei of Qinglong Academy was deceiving everyone for a little bit of face.

"Hehe, or, you all think I'm lying.

However, this kid is called Xiao Fei, and he is indeed a follower of our Qinglong Academy.

Whether this matter is true or not, in fact, you just need to find a new student from Qinglong Academy to ask, you will know. "

Elder Wei looked calm and said with a light smile.

"Okay, let me ask!"

The elder Shi from the Vermillion Bird Academy coldly snorted, waving his hand and a strong suction force, sucking a new student from the Qinglong Academy flying across and landing in front of him.

This is a student who has just been teleported back to life.

Elder Shi of Suzaku Academy released his divine consciousness, enveloped the student, and then asked questions.

This student was controlled by Elder Shi's terrifying divine consciousness coercion, so how dare to say a little lie.

Lin Fei's identity was directly said.


Is he really a follower of your Azure Dragon Academy? ! "

After the elder Shi of the Suzaku Academy got the affirmative answer from that student, he couldn't help being completely shocked.

The rest of the people were too shocked to speak.

Only the two elders and five deacons of Qinglong Academy were secretly happy.

At this time, in the red tide land.

"Is this the so-called seed student? Although it is indeed much stronger than the average student, it is nothing more than that."

After Lin Fei killed Jiang Tianwei, recalling the battle just now, he couldn't help whispering softly.

In the distance, many people saw this scene and heard Lin Fei's whispers, all in a daze.

This is too powerful.

He killed a seed student, and he still thought the opponent was weak!

"let's go!"

Lin Fei said to everyone.

As a result, the group of people continued to rush forward, killing the Red Devil Rats that rushed over, and headed toward the depths of the red tide ground.


The earth trembled, and the group of Red Devil rats seemed to be mad, shocking in groups.

Everyone frowned slightly, when did this have to be killed?

However, no one flinched, they all gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Lin Fei took the lead and displayed his physical supernatural powers, like a meat grinder, with one punch, slaying the Red Devil Rats that rushed in front of him very quickly.

With Lin Fei opening the road ahead, Lin Fei and the pedestrians are all under pressure.

The people who followed Lin Fei, including Princess Yufeng, Ren Shanshan, A Zi, Goblin, and a large number of people, even had nothing to do, they just needed to move with Lin Fei.

Most of these people were friends who were familiar with Lin Fei in the past, and they knew Lin Fei was terrifying and tough.

Among them, only Princess Yufeng had known Lin Fei not long ago.

At this moment, Princess Yufeng's beautiful eyes have been staring blankly at Lin Fei's mighty figure who killed all quarters. Her heart was full of shock and disbelief.


He actually killed a seed student! "

Princess Yufeng's little cherry mouth was still slightly open from the moment Lin Fei bombarded Jiang Tianwei just now, and it was too shocked to close.

Although Princess Yufeng had known for a long time that her follower's combat power was terrifying, even far stronger than ordinary students.

However, now, she felt that she still underestimated this follower named Xiao Fei.

A follower killed the seed student, it is estimated that in the history of Qinglong Academy, something has never happened.

"Shanshan, you honestly confess, what is the origin of this Xiao Fei!

Don't lie to me, I know you must have known him before!


If you don't say it, we can't do it even sisters! "

Suddenly, Princess Yufeng moved and came to Ren Shanshan's side. She stretched out her hand and severely pinched Ren Shanshan's crystal-clear right ear like a pearl.

Driven by her strong curiosity, Princess Yufeng couldn't help it anymore, determined to figure it out.

"Oh, sister Yufeng, don't try so hard!"

Ren Shanshan's right ear was pinched, and she screamed.


Otherwise, I will never end with you! "

Princess Yufeng said to Ren Shanshan viciously.

this is? !

This scene immediately stunned the other people and looked at them in surprise.

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