Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1766: Go separate ways


I said. "

In the end, Ren Shanshan had to succumb, release his divine consciousness, and punch Lin Fei's message into Princess Yufeng's sea of ​​knowledge.

After Princess Yufeng read the information about Lin Fei, her beautiful eyes glared at Lin Fei, angrily.

Lin Fei was a little embarrassed by Princess Yufeng's stare, so she had to laugh.

"Lin Fei, right, huh, there is no end between us!"

In the end, Princess Yufeng twisted her waist and rushed towards her.

Lin Fei smiled bitterly, and followed with everyone.

Other students nearby also continued to rush forward, beheading the terrifying number of Red Devil Rats.

About half an hour later.

"The number of Red Devil Rats seems to be decreasing!"

Someone yelled, very excited.

The rest of the people were refreshed when they heard it.

Yes, the number of Red Devil Rats appearing in the front seems to be decreasing.

After a while.

Finally, no Red Devil Rat appeared in front.


Suddenly, everyone relaxed.

Just now, everyone has gone through more than half an hour of fighting, and everyone is a little tired physically and mentally.

As a result, everyone sat down cross-legged, took out various elixirs and heavenly materials and treasures, and began to take a short rest.

After a while, the recuperation was over and everyone stood up.

"The rat tide just now is really terrible!"

Someone sighed.


However, after experiencing the wave of rats just now, there should be nothing more dangerous in this red tide land. "

Someone guessed.

"Huh, you want to be beautiful.

The rat tide just now is just the beginning.

The real crisis is yet to come.

To get the inheritance talent of the Red Devil Rat clan, one must experience a true birth and death.

Tell you the truth, the rat tide just now was just an appetizer!

People here are definitely going to die more than 80 to 90%, just wait! "

Some powerful people from the ancient forces in Central Saint State hummed coldly to warn everyone.

Those ancient forces in Zhongshengzhou have a long heritage and have collected many ancient books about brief introductions to various secret realms.

Therefore, the disciples of these ancient forces know much more secrets than others.

The rat tide just now was just an appetizer? !

When everyone heard it, they all gasped.

Faintly, a chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the road that they had walked just now, looking at the corpses of the Red Devil Rat over and over, everyone had lingering fears.

In the air, there is a strong smell of blood.

The atmosphere of crazy killing just now seemed to have not dissipated.

At this time, thousands of students from the four major colleges, plus those followers, were scattered on this land.

Many people, now showing a confused look, just looked around.

"Everyone! So, in this red tide land, there are many crises.

Not to mention anything else, if we encounter another rat tide, it may be difficult for us to deal with it.

I suggest that everyone must work together, work together, and act together! "

Suddenly, a tall, hunky young man shouted to the others.

"Act together?

Thousands of people act together, it is easier to expose the target!

This will make it easier to attract the attention of the Red Devil Rats, when the Red Devil Rats will mobilize large forces to besiege us, and it will be another rat tide. "

A white-clothed man said coldly, carrying a long sword on his back, and after a short breath, he overflowed with an astonishing sword aura and looked rebellious.

Lin Fei looked around and found that this white-clothed man's kendo had already begun to come into contact with the level of law.

Of course, Lin Fei's five-element hegemony sword contained the clever five-element rule.

In terms of kendo, this man in white is worse than Lin Fei.

"Furthermore, everyone is here to get the inheritance talent of the Red Devil Rat, and each other is in a competitive relationship.

Also make a concerted effort! This young master wishes you all died! Hahaha! "

"call out!"

The white-clothed man, as soon as he finished speaking, his figure turned into a sword of light and fled away.

That's right, the situation is very clear. Everyone is here to find the Red Tide Palace and obtain the inheritance talent of the Red Devil Rat.

What are you talking about?

Moreover, they can kill each other. If everyone gathers together and secretly releases secret arrows when the time comes, there will be many people who stumble. Everyone must act together and beware of the Red Devil Rat and the secret arrows. It's a dead end!

It's better to go it alone!

Therefore, soon, thousands of people began to divide into several small teams, one after another in different directions, looking for the Red Tide Palace.

There are also some people who are lone rangers, acting alone, rushing forward quickly, and disappearing in a moment.

"What are you going to do, do we stay together or do we act separately?"

Lin Fei looked at the other people and asked for their opinions.

"Master, I must be with you."

Without saying anything, Azi came to Lin Fei's side.

"Boy, I'll be with you too."

The goblin is also used to being with Lin Fei.

Qing Luo did not speak even more, and stood directly beside Lin Fei.

"Well, I will act on my own.

That person just made sense.

Separate actions also have benefits.

Lin Fei, you don't have to follow me. "

Princess Yufeng said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was taken aback, no matter how much she said, her identity could be regarded as her follower.

"Princess Yufeng, you should act with me."

Lin Fei said.

"no need.

I will act on my own.

Act with you. If you find the inheritance talent of the Red Devil Rat, will it belong to me or you?

So, let's separate and look for opportunities. "

Princess Yufeng said.

After speaking, Princess Yufeng moved away instantly.

Seeing her saying this, Lin Fei had no choice but to follow her.

"Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng makes sense, I will act alone."

Ren Shanshan said, and then, she also stretched her figure and went away instantly.

Then Xiao Yuanshan and others also bid farewell to Lin Fei.

In the end, only Azi, the goblin, and Qing Luo stayed beside Lin Fei.

"Well, let them, let us act."

Lin Fei moved away, leading the three of them away.

"The people in front, wait."

After a while, suddenly, a shout came.

The four of Lin Fei were taken aback, then turned to look.

A group of people caught up behind him, led by two young men in sackcloth, both of high-level Mahayana realm strength, and a powerful force of power exuded from the surface of their bodies.

"Four people, it's better, let's go on the road together, everyone has a care."

One of the men in sackcloth said grinningly.

"Oh? On the road together? I'm sorry, the four of us are enough, and we don't plan to be with more people."

Lin Fei did not even think about it, and flatly refused.

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