Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1786: Obtain the secret of inheritance


Two red rat claws, huge and boundless, stretched out at the same time, successfully blocking the dragon claw that had attacked.


The stalwart dragon, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, is huge in size, and the terrifying dragon breath forms a gust of wind, which seems to be able to strangle and absorb everything!

One dragon and one mouse face each other in the air.

Moreover, it was like an encounter with a natural enemy, and they both showed off their might and wanted to kill each other!

"Haha, young man, I didn't expect that after such a long time, I still have the opportunity to see this secret technique of the dragon race again.

Today, I am going to have a great battle! "

The voice of the young man in the red shirt rang from the ring, shaking loudly.

At this time, the body of the red giant mouse finally expanded to a height and length of tens of thousands of meters.

Fierce battle, once again ignited!

The atmosphere is suffocating.




The red giant rat and the stalwart real dragon in the sky are culling forward at the same time, fighting together!

The giant mouse has sharp teeth and bites frantically.

The real dragon has infinite power, four claws slaps, tails burst...

boom! boom! ...

One dragon and one mouse can fight inexorably in the air, but can only fight, the chaos is open, the four fields are vast, and the sky is all dead space cracks.


During the fight, the giant rat had a big mouth, and directly sprayed out endless red waves of demonic air in the sky, like a red wave, flooding the real dragon.

The indescribable red demon hurricane filled the ring!

This is one of the ten ancient chaos beasts, the original demon power of the Red Devil Rat, it is estimated that even if a master of the cave world is here, he has to evade immediately!

And the stalwart real dragon is not to be outdone...


Opening his mouth sprayed out a large group of Origin Dragon Dao aura, turning into bursts of ice, wind...

The wind grinds, the ice blasts freeze, it is comparable to the original demon hurricane of the Red Devil Rat!


The whole ring is shaking.

One dragon and one mouse, two huge animal shadows, fighting each other, fighting hard!

This fight seems to be endless.

Because the power of both sides seems to be endless, it seems that they will never run out.

The Red Devil Rat, as one of the ten ancient chaos beasts, naturally has the most profound source of demon power, and it will be easily exhausted.

And Lin Fei, because of the Yunyuan Stone in his dantian, he didn't know how many terrible vitality it contained, and for a while, he would never worry about running out of flowers.

The students and followers of the four major colleges have long been completely shocked and speechless.

Each of the necks, as if being held by an invisible hand, stretched out long, dumbfounded, and collectively sluggish!

Finally, after an hour.

Bang bang bang...

The body of that red giant mouse was finally a little unstoppable, and it was beaten back and forth again and again!

Moreover, there were some whining noises in that mouth!

Sit down!

Real dragon, suppressed giant rat!


A huge and terrifying dragon tail resembling a lofty mountain range suddenly lashed on the body of the giant rat.


The giant mouse rolled out in an instant, and kept rolling. It took a long while before he stood still.


At this time, the voice of the young man in the red shirt suddenly sounded.

Lin Fei was taken aback and stopped the attack.

call out!

The red light flashed, and the giant mouse above the ring disappeared.

The young man in the red shirt reappeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, his clothes were a little messy, and his expression was still a little messy.

"Oh, nothing, you won."

The red shirt youth sighed.

"Senior Red Devil Rat, it seems that the outcome has not yet been scored."

Lin Fei was taken aback and said.

"No need to fight anymore.

Your true dragon secret technique can naturally suppress our Red Devil Rat clan. If you continue to fight, you will win in the end. "

Said the red shirt youth.

"Sure enough, the Dragon Dao aura exuded by the True Dragon Secret Technique can suppress the Red Devil Rat."

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he heard what the young man in red shirt said.

"You have won, you are eligible for my inheritance secret technique.

Tsk tsk, young man, in the future you will have the inheritance secrets of two chaotic ancient beasts at the same time, and your future development in martial arts will be unlimited.

However, I hope you can contribute to our world after successful cultivation.

I have a hunch that after the endless long years, those abyss demons will definitely come back and ignite the flames of war in our world again.

Alas, when the time comes, it will surely inevitably be robbed of all the races, and the lives will be disgraced. "

The young man in red sighed.

"Abyss Demon?!

Ignite war?

What is going on, Senior Red Devil Rat. "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Don't ask now, you will understand everything when you become a protector in the future.

Work hard to make progress, and strive to become a protector of the road when that time comes, contribute to our world and defend our homeland.

You have obtained my secret of inheritance, this is my only expectation of you. "

The red shirt youth looked at Lin Fei and said, his face solemn.

"A preacher again?!"

Lin Fei was taken aback again.

"Well, if it is extra, you don't need to ask for the time being.

In the future, as long as you can grow to that height, you will understand everything. "

The young man in the red shirt waved his hand to stop Lin Fei who was about to continue asking questions.

Lin Fei had no choice but to silence, not daring to ask any more.

"Now, I will teach you the inheritance secret technique of our Red Devil Rat clan."

The red shirt youth said with a smile.

Suddenly, on the platform of the grave, the students and followers of the four major academies were envious and hated.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned out that a follower obtained the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat's inheritance!

Especially those seed students, with their fists clenched one by one, seemed to have suffered some great shame. No one could accept this result in their hearts.

However, what can be done if it is unacceptable?

At this time, who would dare to raise an objection.

Because that follower named Xiao Fei really defeated the Red Devil Rat when he was young with his amazing combat power.

"Well, I inherited the secret technique, and I have found a heir.

It doesn’t make much sense for you to stay here.

I will send you all away now. "

The young man in red looked at the students and followers on the platform of the grave, and said.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a monstrous red light shrouded in that direction.

At the next moment, all people discovered a powerful teleportation force, wrapped themselves, and then were directly teleported away.

"Just leave like this?

One of the ten great ancient chaos beasts, the inheritance secret technique of the Red Devil Rat, just fell into the hands of that follower named Xiao Fei? "

Many people, until now, are still very unwilling.

Only Azi, Qingluo, Goblin and others were happy and happy for Lin Fei.

Soon, all people discovered that they appeared under the edge of the abyss where the Red Tide Palace was located.

Everyone looked at the bottom of the huge abyss ahead, the red palace, each with a mixed mood and low morale.

After a while, someone finally turned and left, rushing towards the distance.

Because things have become a foregone conclusion.

It's no use staying here again.

"Huh, Xiao Fei, I remember.

Don't think that if you now have the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat, it means you can have it forever!

This is only temporary! "

Some people gritted their teeth and said in their hearts, and there was a fierce look in their eyes.

Obviously, I still refuse to give up!

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