Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1787: Accept inheritance

In the Red Tide Palace.

After the red shirt youth sent away the rest of the students and followers.

His eyes fell on Lin Fei again.

"Well, I will pass the inheritance secret technique to you now.

Please take a good look.

This process may take two or three days. "

Said the red shirt youth.

"Thank you senior for your kindness!"

Lin Fei is very grateful.

"Oh, in fact, I have passed on part of the inheritance secret technique to my descendants.

However, based on their aptitude, I suspect that the inheritance secrets of our Red Devil Rat clan will be completely lost sooner or later.

Therefore, I will pass on the secret technique to you.

The biggest wish is that my clan’s inheritance secret technique will not disappear in the world.

However, if you meet the descendants of our Red Devil Rat clan in the future, if you find someone with outstanding aptitude and talent.

You want to pass on my inheritance secret technique back to our Red Devil Rat family.

Understand? "

The red shirt youth looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Understand, seniors don't worry, I will do what seniors want."

Lin Fei said.

"Ah, very good."

The red shirt youth nodded and said.

next moment.


In Lin Fei's surprised gaze, the body of the young man in red shirt suddenly exploded.

At the same time, including the huge red devil rat phantom in the sky above the big tomb, it also exploded completely.

Then, the dense red light spots all over the sky appeared, as if a rain of red light started.

The entire palace was completely occupied by endless red light and rain.

Then, a wild aura that seemed to come from ancient times filled Lin Fei.

Lin Fei suddenly realized that he seemed to be back when he had just opened up the world.

This is a boundless universe, cold and empty, with countless suns, moons and stars constantly being born and destroyed.

On one planet after another, everything is constantly performing, birth, growth, growth, aging, death, rebirth...

Everything in the world follows this law, cyclically and repeatedly.

Various laws and laws, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in this process are embodied and explained.

And Lin Fei seemed to be a bystander.

Lin Fei was originally a warrior with a particularly powerful soul, and his perceptual power was extraordinary.

Gradually, Lin Fei found that he had begun to enlighten, as if he was initiating there. Falling into an inexplicable mood, I begin to have the experience of great enlightenment, enlightenment!

The difference between heaven and earth, everything came so suddenly!

The wandering between life and death, the opposition between the Yin and the anode, the two most original meanings in the world are entangled and evolving.

Then, a huge red devil rat that seemed to come from the end of the universe, when the world was just born, appeared in Lin Fei's sight with the aura of the beginning of chaos and a strong aura of ancient wildness.

Preaching to Lin Fei!

The whole world is dazzling with red light, and the red clouds are infinitely rayed.

There was also a misty fairy air, wandering around Lin Fei, with a sacred and peaceful feeling, wrapping Lin Fei.

All kinds of origin avenues, all kinds of secret techniques, all kinds of profound meanings, entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge...

The bright, peaceful, brilliant, sacred red aura completely enveloped Lin Fei.


And this time.

On the battleship of the four colleges.

At this time, almost all the students and followers were back on their warships.

Including those who fell in the red tide land before, and those who returned by themselves.

Of course, no one really died, because there is a life-saving teleportation symbol that can die for them.

At this time, on the four warships, all the elders and deacons of the four major colleges were all surprised and even shocked.

"Are you sure, Senior Red Devil Rat, he said in person that he wants to pass on the secret technique of inheritance to Qinglong Academy, that follower named Xiao Fei?"

Elder Shi of the Vermilion Bird Academy asked, although the students and followers who had returned had already explained what happened very clearly.

But he still couldn't believe it and verified it again and again.

"Yes, it is indeed the follower named Xiao Fei of the Qinglong Academy who defeated the young Red Devil Rat on the ring. Therefore, the Red Devil Rat decided to pass on the secret technique to Xiao Fei."

A student of Suzaku Academy who witnessed the whole thing with his own eyes once again confirmed to Elder Shi.

"Is this Xiao Fei from Qinglong Academy really just a follower?

I think he should be a seed student, right? "

In the end, Elder Na Shi looked at the two elders of Qinglong Academy and sighed.

"Elder Shi, what do you mean?

I have explained for a long time, that Xiao Fei is indeed a follower of our Qinglong Academy, do you still think I am lying to you?

Xia Yufeng, come here and tell Elder Shi in person, is Xiao Fei your follower? "

An elder from Qinglong Academy was a little angry and said to Princess Yufeng.

Princess Yufeng had already returned to the battleship of the Qinglong Academy at this time. After listening to the elder's words, Lianbu made money and walked out.

"Back to Elder Shi, that Xiao Fei is indeed a follower of my disciple.

At that time, I met him on the square outside the gate of our Qinglong Academy and recruited him back to Qinglong Academy. "

Princess Yufeng said to the elder Shi of the Vermilion Bird Academy.

Although Princess Yufeng already knew Lin Fei's true identity and past experience.

However, she did meet Lin Fei in this way, so she was not a lie.

"What kind of monster has appeared in your Azure Dragon Academy..."

The elder Shi of the Vermilion Academy sighed, showing a helpless smile.

Originally, he was full of confidence in the experience of this red tide land, thinking that the performance of the Suzaku Academy should beat the other three academies.

However, in the end, it was a follower of Qinglong Academy who took the limelight.

Instead, it was Suzaku Academy, and two seed students were beheaded.

At this time, the two elders and a few deacons of Qinglong College were actually very shocked in their hearts.

No wonder Senior Ximen, who personally appointed Xiao Fei to enter the Qinglong Academy, turned out to be such an enchanting genius!

The two elders and a few deacons of Qinglong College thought of this.

Moreover, they knew that Xiao Fei had obtained the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat's inheritance. After returning to the academy, this Xiao Fei would be immediately promoted to a seed student by the senior management of the academy, and he would focus on training!

From a follower to a seed student, this is a real carp leaping through the dragon gate, completely turning over!

Of course, no one would object to it. It should be, this follower named Xiao Fei proved himself with actual results.

"Well, everyone, our first training mission in the Xuwu Legacy Realm, the Red Tide, is over.

However, our experience in the Xuwu Legacy Realm has just begun.

Next, we will have more calendaring tasks that you need to complete. "

At this time, a white-haired old man said loudly.

All the students and followers were refreshed after hearing this white-haired old man's words.

Not bad!

In the future, there will be other calendaring tasks, even though the red tide experienced the training, it was the follower named Xiao Fei who stole the limelight.

But in the following training, everyone still has many opportunities to express themselves well.

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