Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1788: Evil creatures from the abyss

Soon, the white-haired old man announced the second training mission to the students and followers of these four colleges.

That is to enter the Xuwu legacy, another secret place, looking for a treasure in the legend.

It is said that the treasure is related to the real fairy and contains fairy fate.

This task makes everyone very excited.

Soon, all the people set off again, heading to the secret place one after another, and began the second calendar task.

Only Lin Fei was still in the Red Tide Palace at this time, comprehending the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat family.

As one of the top ten ancient chaos beasts, the red devil rat's inheritance secrets are naturally extraordinary, although it takes a while to absorb and digest.

Just this time.

In the vast expanse of Xuwu heritage, above a certain place.


There was a violent tremor, and a huge spatial crack appeared at a certain location in the calm sky.

In the depths of the crack in that space, there was a huge black and faint hole with a terrifying sight.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately after that, the depths of the giant space cave continued to vibrate and roar, and the space continued to squirm, deform, and even crack continuously, making the giant space cave wider.

In fact, at this moment, on the other side of the giant space cave, in the chaos and void, there are a group of weirdly shaped evil creatures with a monster aura soaring into the sky. They are working together to bombard the giant space cave.

The number of these evil creatures is extremely large, at least tens of thousands of them.

"Hahaha, the space barriers here are really weak.

It is not easy. We have been searching for such a long time and finally found such a weak space barrier.

As long as this can be broken, it is confirmed that the other side is the space where Xianling Realm is located.

Our task, even if it is successfully completed.

You can go back and return to a few Great Abyss Lords! "

A creature with a height of fifty or sixty meters, wearing a huge black cloak, laughed.

This creature grew very strange and hideous, and saw that it had black sharp horns on its head, and its skin was also black, with large sinew-like tendons tumbling and squirming under its skin, making the sound of stormy waves hitting the shore.

It is also covered with spikes, and on each spike, there is lightning lingering. A thick tail can be one foot long, swinging back and forth, exploding the air.

It contains indescribable power all over!

And the other evil creatures nearby, with strange appearances and many kinds, all exuding a strong vicious and evil aura, which is daunting.

Even among them, there are many creatures in the shape of human beings, dressed in no different way from human beings.

However, they are not human.

"That's right, when the great lords of the abyss will give an order, our army of the abyss will unite with several other foreign army to enter the fairy cemetery again, hehe, then we will have to play."

On the other end was also a hideous creature with a height of several tens of meters, and said with a wild smile, eyes like the sea, evil spirit Ling Ran.


Smash into the fairy cemetery world, kill them all! "

Tens of thousands of creatures with different shapes in the vicinity burst out with crazy laughter.

All creatures have terrible killing intent in their eyes, and it seems that they are born to like killing.

"Don't talk nonsense, work together to blast away this space barrier and talk about it!"

An evil creature with a height of more than ten meters and covered with dense black scales all over, said coldly, the head of this creature was a young human man with a handsome face.

Its height was considered short among these evil creatures.

However, all the creatures looked at it with a look of jealousy, and no one dared to speak against it.

Because this is a very terrifying evil giant, the real strength is very powerful.

Moreover, it is the confidant of an abyss lord in the abyss domain, with a high position, and can mobilize hundreds of millions of evil creatures anytime and anywhere.

Suddenly, all the evil creatures concentrated their strength and blasted a large void in the front!

The big crack in the void was trembling violently, giving out a mysterious glow, and the laws were intertwined. It was unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

However, this piece of space is a space barrier that guards a space. It is very hard and sturdy, and there are mysterious spatial laws that can be broken down easily.

You must know that space barriers are at the junction of two different spaces. It is by no means a simple matter to tear apart space barriers.

However, these tens of thousands of evil creatures will never give up easily.

They left the nest, in the abyss domain, in the chaos and void, and wandered for a long time, just to find a way of space that can lead to the fairyland.

Now, it was hard to find such a weak space barrier, which was suspected to lead to the Xianling Realm.

Even if they are desperate, they will naturally not give up.

at last.


The evil energy is surging and surging, the laws are broken, the lightning flashes and thunder, various visions are present, as if it is the end of the world!

The big crack in the void suddenly expanded dozens of times, and it was even possible to see the depths of the big crack, and some blurry scenes in the space on the other side.


Great, the space barrier here was finally broken by us! "

At this moment, all the evil creatures are reveling.

"Let me come in first!"

An evil creature with a height of fifty or sixty meters said loudly that its body is very large, similar to an upright lizard, with a long giant tail, its skin is blue, and it is full of monsters.

Other evil creatures have no opinion.

Because this is also a creature with terrifying strength.

Among the tens of thousands of evil creatures here, its strength definitely ranks among the top five.

I saw its figure swayed and turned into an afterimage, and it had already rushed into the huge gap in the void, and had been moving towards the deepest part of the gap.

Soon, it came to the end and reached the other side of the big crack channel.

Over the world of Xuwu Legacy!

"Hahaha, I feel the breath of this world.

It seems to be the breath of Xianling Realm!

It seems that we have found the right place! "

This big lizard-shaped evil creature couldn't help but grinned.

Then, it wants to get out of the big crack and enter another world!

However, when half of its body just squeezed into the sky above the Xuwu Legacy World.

"not good!"

The evil creature was startled, and felt trembling, terrified, and a great crisis enveloped its body.


It yelled, struggling hard, trying to rush into the sky above the Xuwu Legacy Realm, but there were various inexplicable laws, intertwined in the big gap of the void, blocking him.

His face suddenly became pale, and the endless laws of destruction and energy had already entered its body.

"Do not!"

It yelled, but its body was imprisoned and could not move.

Its forehead glowed, and in the sea of ​​beast souls, the primordial spirit rushed out and wanted to escape. It had a premonition that it was ominous, and its body could no longer support it.

But at this moment, the light and mist in the big crack in the void, the chaotic light swept out, if the peerless sword light strikes the soul, it will not let it go.


The fist-big soul screamed, exploded here, and its body was burned to ashes at the same time.

In the chaos and emptiness, the tens of thousands of evil creatures were all horrified.

A giant with terrifying strength fell like this!

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