Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1789: Arrival of alien creatures

"I understand, although we have broken the space barrier here.

However, there are still many terrible laws of space protecting here.

Not to mention us, even if the Great Lord of the Abyss comes, it is estimated that it will be difficult to penetrate the past directly. "

An evil creature with terrifying strength said.

"Yes, I just deduced it. Only some of us who are weak in this space barrier can penetrate through it.

The stronger the strength, the greater the repulsive force of the law of space. If you force through it, it is tantamount to suicide! "

Another creature with evil spirits also snarled unwillingly. He was born to be good at deduction.

"In this case, we can only send some weak ones, first go over and verify whether the opposite space is in the Xianling Realm.

Then, go back to life.

I believe that a few Great Lords of the Abyss must have a way! "

An evil creature that was hundreds of meters high and covered with barbed thorns buzzed.

"it is good."

All other evil creatures agree.

So, soon, a group of evil creatures with the weakest strength were selected.

These weak and evil creatures carefully walked into the big gap in the void.

After a while.

Finally, they all successfully passed through the crack space, entered another world, and came to the sky above the Xuwu Legacy World!


Arrived! "

"I felt it, exactly the same as the breath of the legendary Immortal Ling Realm.

Can't be wrong, this must be the space where Xianling Realm is located! "

These evil creatures, floating in the sky above the Xuwu Legacy, were very excited and laughed wildly.

This piece of space was enveloped by a strong vicious atmosphere.

"I immediately sent a message and told a few adults that we have found the right place. This realm is indeed the Xianling realm we are looking for!"

One of the evil creatures immediately relayed the message back to the other side of the void.

Suddenly, the evil creatures in the chaotic void also reveled one by one, and the demons danced wildly.


I smelled it, there is a breath of living beings, um, there are human races, orcs, and other races, in this world, it seems not far from us. "

Above the Xuwu Legacy Realm, in front of the big crack in the dark space, an evil creature suddenly roared.

"Yes, I feel it too!


It feels so weak, is this the creature of Xianling Realm.

It's rubbish. "

"In this immortal tomb world, those creatures, especially those human races, have a slightly stronger Taoism and call themselves immortals. In fact, they are just a garbage realm.

Otherwise, before the long years, it will not be completely broken and torn apart by the coalition forces of our realms. "

The other evil creatures also yelled one after another.

"Go, let's kill all these weak creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm!"

An evil creature said, its hideous body, which exudes a strong evil aura, flashed away with a slight movement.

Suddenly, all the evil creatures suspended in the high air were dispatched at the same time, teleporting in the direction of the students and followers of the four major colleges.

At this time, the students and followers of the four major academies were in a secret place in the Xuwu Relics, and they were searching for a legendary treasure containing fairy fate.

In this secret place, there are many crises, full of all kinds of unknown dangers.

All people are moving cautiously.

However, at this moment.

In the distant sky, a series of terrifyingly fast afterimages, electric shot.

An evil aura from a foreign land, tumbling and overwhelming, enveloped the whole world.


"Sure enough, there are creatures, creatures of Xianling Realm!"

"Kill them all!"

A tall and evil creature with a strange shape fell from the sky and instantly killed the students and followers of the four major colleges who were undergoing training.

"Oh my God!

What kind of monsters are these!

I have never seen it, never even heard of it! "

"too frightening!

Their strength is too strong! "

"Before we set off, the elders and deacons didn't make it clear that there are such terrifying monsters in this secret place.

These monsters, with our strength, simply cannot be opponents!

It seems that this time, I will fail again! "

Those students from the four major academies, their followers, and even those seed students, looked at the evil monsters rushing over from a distance in the sky, and their hearts grew cold.

Because these monsters exude evil aura, which is terrible.

The sun was obscured, and the world was gloomy, with traces of natural disasters like the last days showing up.


The torrent of evil aura fluctuated from the sky!

The vast majority of the students and followers simply can't bring up any fighting spirit.

Soon, those evil monsters rushed to the front.

"Damn, do it.

Die or die! "

Most of the students and followers gritted their teeth, displayed their secret skills and magic weapons, and greeted them.

The speed of these monsters is too terrifying, just a moment, they rush to the front.

What's more, these students and followers all think that this is part of the content of the calendar, so not many people evade it.

Fortunately, everyone has a life-saving teleportation charm, even if they die here, it will not be a real death.

The big deal is the failure of the mission.

Fierce fighting broke out.

"Haha, is this the creature of the Xianling Realm? It's too weak!"

An evil creature full of dense tentacles exploded with a terrible energy aura. The tentacles all over the body were rooted like war spears, and the evil spirit was awe-inspiring. It instantly blasted several students into the air, exploding, and flying flesh and blood.


The body of an evil monster continued to raise its height, and eventually turned into a huge monster with a height of 100 meters. It was condescending, like an ant overlooking the ground, chasing dozens of students and followers.

"My God, these monsters are terrible!

We simply do not [apex novel] may be their opponents.

This time, the mission is too difficult! "

One after another students and followers were being killed continuously, screaming before they died.

Only those dozens of seed students were able to reluctantly meet the challenge, temporarily insisting not to be killed.

Because each of these seed students has practiced powerful secret techniques.

Moreover, in the first month of entering the academy, the senior figures in the academy used a lot of precious treasures of heaven and earth, and high-level pills to completely transform their bodies.

The combat power possessed is already much stronger than that of ordinary students and followers.

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