Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1794: Something serious

at this time.

On the battleship of the four colleges.

The light spots kept flying back and landed on the four warships.

These light spots are all students and followers who were sent back by the Life-saving Teleportation Talisman.

The elders and deacons of the four major colleges frowned as they watched the increasing number of students and followers being sent back.

So, one by one carefully asked the students and followers who were sent back.

Soon, these elders and deacons probably figured out what was going on.

"How can so many powerful evil monsters suddenly appear in the Four Elephants Secret Land?"

The elders and deacons of the four colleges were all surprised and curious.

Because these elders and deacons have led teams to this Xuwu legacy many times before to conduct training.

This is the first time this situation has occurred.

"You can simulate the shape and breath of those monsters."

The elder Shi from the Vermilion Academy said to one of his students.

As a result, the student waved his hand, and dozens of hideous-looking creatures, with huge bodies and exuding monstrous evil aura, appeared not far away.

Suddenly, all the elders and deacons of the four major colleges looked at the dozen evil creatures that were simulated.

"This is a creature of what race, I seem to have never seen it."

These elders and deacons, shaking their heads one by one, didn't recognize them at all.

"Well, I didn't expect that such a terrifying monster actually exists in the Four Elephants Secret Land.

It is also true that with the terrifying combat power of these monsters, our students are indeed not their opponents! "

"It's weird. The students from our four major colleges have entered the Four Elephant Secret Grounds many times before. Why have they never encountered these monsters?

Could it be that these monsters had been hidden and could not move out until now, did they suddenly appear? "

All the elders and deacons all speculated.

Only the face of a white-haired old man changed drastically in an instant, his eyes fixed on the dozen evil creatures that were simulated, showing incomparable shock, even fear.

"Could it be...

Impossible, absolutely impossible...

Could it be that I admitted wrong..."

This white-haired old man was exactly the old man who had previously announced the mission of the training to the students.

He is an elder of Xuanwu Academy.

Among all the elders from the Four Great Colleges who came to the Xuwu Legacy this time, he was the strongest in generation and strength, so he faintly became the host of this experience.

"Elder Yu, what's the matter?

Is there something wrong? "

The other elders and deacons of the four major colleges all discovered the abnormality of this white-haired old man.

"Hey, this matter doesn't seem as simple as we thought.

These evil creatures do not seem to be creatures in our world.

And creatures from another world.

If this is the case, then things are no small matter. "

Elder Yu's face at the moment, in addition to shock, also looked very solemn, and said slowly.

"A creature from another world?"

The other elders and deacons couldn't help being stunned when they heard what the gray-haired elder Yu said.

"Not bad.

As the elders of the four major colleges, don’t you understand what I mean?

Haha, it is no wonder that our world has been living a peaceful and stable life for too long.

The shame of the last era is probably forgotten by many people. "

Elder Yu's eyes were extremely solemn, and he scanned the elders slowly.


Could it be...! "

Suddenly, after hearing Elder Yu's words, the rest of the elders suddenly changed, as if thinking of something, their expressions finally changed drastically.

And those deacons, and those students and followers, are a little confused.

Because, among the four colleges, there are some ancient secrets, which require high-level figures above the elder level to be qualified to know.


How could this be possible, the creatures in the alien world, how could there be Xuwu legacy here! "

All the elders showed unbelievable expressions, as if they had heard the most incredible things in the world.

"I am as strange as you guys.

However, you should know how serious this matter is!

Once these evil creatures really come from another world, then it means that the catastrophe of this era is about to come!

Alas, this era, our world, has lived a stable life for too long.

If the catastrophe really comes, can we still deal with it? "

Elder Yu looked worried.

"Well, now everyone stays where they are.

Wait for the next command.

All the elders, with me, immediately went to the secret place of the four elephants.

Investigate the truth of the matter. "

Elder Yu gave an order in a deep voice.

Next, Elder Yu took all the elders from the four major colleges and galloped away in the direction of the Four Elephants Secret Land, and disappeared at the end of the sky instantly.

At this time, in the secret place of the four elephants.

Lin Fei and the demon body clone, are hunting down those evil creatures everywhere.

Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness far away, and once he discovered where there were traces of these evil creatures, he immediately teleported over with the demon clone.

But A Zi and the others followed Lin Fei far behind.


It seems to be Sister Lin! "

Suddenly, Lin Fei's divine consciousness felt a beautiful shadow.

It is Lin Wan'er.

At this time, Lin Wan'er was following a dozen students from the White Tiger Academy and was running desperately.

Headed by the seed student of White Tiger Academy, Ge Feilong!

There were more than a dozen evil creatures, who were pursuing and killing these dozens of White Tiger Academy students.

Lin Fei moved in that direction and rushed in that direction.

Lin Wan'er was a disciple of Cangyan Holy Land, so it was natural that Lin Fei couldn't die.

At this time, the seed students of the White Tiger Academy were taking the lead, and they ran desperately with the students from the White Tiger Academy.

These dozens of students and followers are almost all Ge Feilong's confidants.

And Lin Wan'er, because Ge Feilong had thoughts about her and had a bad heart, so she always took her with her.

However, this Ge Feilong ran at the forefront of the team.


"Brother Ge, help, help me..."

Behind the team, a student from the White Tiger Academy screamed loudly.

Because, a tall, hideous-looking monster had already caught up with him.

A huge tail, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, slammed at him.

"Damn, who told you to run so slow.

Forget it, you won't really die anyway.

Do it yourself. "

Ge Feilong just looked back indifferently.

Immediately rushed forward.

"Brother Ge..."

Ge Feilong's other confidants couldn't help but feel cold.

"What's the noise? If you don't want to die, run away!"

Ge Feilong roared loudly.

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