Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1795: Arrived in time


As soon as Ge Feilong's words fell, the last student was torn to pieces by the evil creatures who followed him, and the scene was very bloody.

The group of people in front, including Ge Feilong, were all in shock.

The strength of these monsters is too terrifying, they can't compete at all.

No one dared to stay, all of them fleeing far away at the fastest speed they could achieve.

However, the speed of the dozen monsters is also very fast, even faster than the speed of these students.

After a while.

"Master, help!"

This time, it was one of Ge Feilong's followers who fell to the back and was overtaken by an evil creature. In panic, he involuntarily asked Ge Feilong for help.

However, Ge Feilong did not look back at all, but accelerated his speed and continued to run away.

And his follower, after a few breaths, was blasted into a cloud of blood mist by the evil creatures who chased him up.

at this time.


Get out, don't come here! "

A woman squeaked, with a sense of panic.

It turned out that Lin Wan'er was also at the end of the team at this time. Several hideous-looking creatures, exuding a monstrous atmosphere of evil and evil, were quickly rushing towards her.

Lin Wan'er's pretty face suddenly turned pale.

With her strength, it is impossible to deal with these evil creatures.

Only those seeded students in the four major academies can barely compete.

However, among this line of team, only Ge Feilong who escaped at the forefront was the seeded student.

Lin Wan'er knew that Ge Feilong couldn't turn around to save herself.

Sure enough, the Ge Feilong who fled in the front, under the perception of his divine consciousness, had actually discovered Lin Wan'er's situation.

"Sister Lin, don't worry, you have a life-saving teleportation talisman on you, and you won't be killed."

Ge Feilong shouted at Lin Wan'er.

Looking at Ge Feilong's back, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, and decided to never get close to this brother Ge from now on.

"Well, let's do it!"

Lin Wan'er's delicate face showed some firm expressions.


The seven colored ribbons floated out from her delicate body, continuously enlarged, and instantly turned into seven rainbows, traversing the sky, attacking the evil creatures that were about to catch up.


The women of the human race are so delicate and tender. I like to personally tear these delicate human women to pieces by myself! "

A creature with a head of more than forty meters high, like a giant mountain, chased Lin Wan'er first.

I saw it was covered with thick black hair, with two pointed black long horns growing on its head, and a huge black tail dragging behind it, and it was grinning wildly, very scary.

"Huh, ugly monster, looking for death!"

Lin Wan'er personally confronted the enemy at this time, but instead the panic in her heart was gone, Liu's eyebrows were erected, and her anger wailed.

She stood on top of the seven rainbows with her light body, her skirt flying up like a fairy descending to the earth.


Seven roads passed through the sky, and rumbling attacked the past.

However, the monster just waved its giant hand and blasted the seven rainbows back.

Lin Wan'er was surprised that the power of this monster was terrifying.

His own attack seemed to cause no harm to it.

"Quack, I want to kill you, human woman!"

The evil monster uttered bursts of huge laughter.


The huge dark tail behind it suddenly rolled upside down and lashed towards Lin Wan'er.

Because of the terrible power, the tail squeaked the space, and a piece of space was instantly drawn into a vacuum zone by terrible energy.

Lin Wan'er only felt that her body was completely imprisoned by this terrible force, and her actions were difficult.

Above her pale pretty face, she couldn't help showing a sorrowful smile. The strength of this monster was too strong for her.

This time Lilian mission failed!

Her beautiful eyes closed gently.

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the loud rumbling noise was endless.

Lin Wan'er felt that the whole land under her feet was constantly undulating and swaying like waves.


Then, the monster uttered an angry and panic roar.

How is this going?

Lin Wan'er originally thought she was bound to die.

However, at this time, he still seemed to be intact, and the terrifying tail of the monster was also delayed on his body.

Then, Lin Wan'er found that there seemed to be a person beside her suddenly.

So Lin Wan'er opened her beautiful eyes immediately.

"Junior Brother Lin, it's you!"

Lin Waner was overjoyed.

Because she had known for a long time that the follower of Qinglong Academy, Xiao Fei, was her junior brother Lin Fei.

"Haha, Senior Sister Lin, are you all right."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Just now, when the tail of the evil creature was about to kill Lin Wan'er, Lin Fei arrived in time and saved her.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Wan'er saw Lin Fei suddenly, she couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Then, her gaze looked at the monster.


Brother Lin, what about the monster just now.

It's still here! "

What surprised Lin Wan'er was that the tall monster that almost killed her at this time was gone.

In fact, that evil creature had already been absorbed by the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle in the hands of Lin Fei's demon body clone.

And the demon body clone, at this time, was already greeted by the dozen evil creatures still chasing behind.

"Hehe, I was killed naturally.

Next, you can follow me in activities. "

Lin Fei smiled and said to Lin Wan'er.


Just as Lin Fei and Lin Wan'er were talking, people came here one after another.

Naturally, Azi and others.

"Sister Azi, Sister Qingluo, you are here too!"

Lin Waner was very happy to see so many acquaintances, and said hello one by one.

In the distance, the seed student Ge Feilong of the White Tiger Academy naturally discovered this situation.

His divine consciousness had just clearly sensed how Lin Fei's demon body clone used the evil needle to absorb the entire process of that evil creature.

"Hmph, the clone of this kid, the pitch black iron rod he holds, can actually suppress these monsters.

It must be an incredible magic weapon! "

Suddenly, Ge Feilong's gaze revealed some fiery meaning.

Those ferocious creatures are terrifying in strength, and now there is a magic weapon that can suppress them.

It is conceivable that that dark iron rod must be a very extraordinary high-level magic weapon.

"This follower named Xiao Fei has not only obtained the inheritance secret technique of the Red Devil Rat clan, but also possesses such a powerful magic weapon.


Damn, you have to find a chance to **** these treasures from him.

Humph, he is just a lowly follower, how worthy of having these precious things! "

Ge Feilong couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

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