Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1811: Shot together

"I'll kill you!"

Finally, among the eight young evil creatures in the abyss domain, a figure came out.

This evil creature, on the outside, looked like a human race. He was dressed in a white robe and looked like a young man with a slender figure and a beautiful face.

The only difference is that on his body, every skin is covered with dark and strange patterns, like some kind of ancient sacrificial symbol, exuding monstrous evil.

His eyes are azure blue, shining with exotic customs.

"You are too arrogant. As a weak creature in the Xianling Realm, your attitude is very irrational."

This evil creature in a white robe slowly walked to Lin Fei's body and said mercilessly.

"Which realm is weak and weak? You have the final say.

Well, after I cut you to death, you will understand who is the weaker side. "

Lin Fei sneered, staring at the white-robed creature indifferently.

I have to say that this is a beautiful man full of exotic style, a white robe, looks slender and dustless, even shoes and socks are snow-white, and his appearance is beautiful and full of spirits.

Especially his pair of blue eyes, gleaming with a special charm, it is estimated that it is extremely lethal to all girls.

"It seems that the two victories just now made you a little bit forgetful.

However, I hope you understand that it is your misfortune to meet me, and I will grant you death! "

The young creature in the white robe stared at Lin Fei and spoke directly with a natural tone, as if he was the judge in charge of the fate of others.

Then, he walked towards Lin Fei step by step.

As he moved forward, the sky and the earth trembled and rumbling, and the space under his feet continuously shattered on a small scale, the smoke was everywhere, and the masses of air were continuously compressed, and then exploded, crushing the clouds in the air.

At the same time, layers of divine light began to rise from his body, gorgeous and intimidating, like a god, walking towards Lin Fei.

Anyone can see that this is a very powerful young creature.


The young creature in the white robe finally started his hand. He stepped abruptly, the white robe roared with the sky wind, his big sleeves stretched out, a swath of murderous air rushed out, and the town killed Lin Fei.

Faintly, in the sleeves of his clothes, stars were rolling, rotating around the sleeves of his robe, and every star carried terrible power.

Lin Fei chose to shake it directly, using his physical power, holding the huge Chaos Cauldron, like a giant hammer, and smashing it abruptly.

Wherever the tripod body passed, the void kept shattering.

The biggest characteristic of the Chaos Cauldron is that it is extremely heavy, and as Lin Fei's strength becomes stronger and stronger, the weight emitted by the Chaos Cauldron becomes more astonishing.

Because, as a magic weapon, as much as the master's power is, it can exert the proportional weight of the Chaos Cauldron.

As for the weight that Lin Fei could bear, it was temporarily sealed in the Cauldron by the Chaos Cauldron, unless Lin Fei's strength became stronger in the future, he could dig further.


The two sides shook a record, regardless of the outcome.

"Huh, just a little brute force can't make a big climate, I want to kill you, and I will lose my hand!"

The white robe young creature sneered.


Suddenly, he saw that the dark lines on the surface of his skin turned into black spears and flew out.

Shot after shot of pitch-black spears, it instantly occupied this space, densely lined in the void.

Every spear is shining coldly, with a terrifying edge, and murderous!

At this moment, I don't know how many tens of thousands of black spears are facing, and the light beams are terrifying, seeming to pierce everything.

At this time, all the spears were whistling softly.

The sound of metal was ear-splitting, and the air of killing was overwhelming. These black spears were aimed at Lin Fei.

"Die, tiny bug!"

The young creature in the white robe stopped drinking.

In this space, tens of thousands of black spears trembled together, the sound was terrifying, and then they turned into black divine rainbows and shot towards Lin Fei.

This kind of scene is too terrible, tens of thousands of spears are coming out, the black light is flaming, unstoppable, the space is constantly being penetrated, this attack is too fierce.

This is not an ordinary weapon. Every spear is made using ancient secret methods and is extremely powerful.

Boom boom boom...

Nine ancient stone steles appeared around Lin Fei's body for the first time, and turned into nine giant monuments that exuded a powerful amount of pressure.

Four huge golden **** of light as large as houses rose up into the sky, rotating around Lin Fei's body, and a monstrous golden world of fire completely enveloped Lin Fei.

Five hundred-zhang sword auras of different colors exuded the powerful Five Elements Rule, and they were also constantly scouring around Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei also used all kinds of powerful secret methods to fight against those tens of thousands of black spears.

Suddenly, all the black spears, like locusts, rushed towards Lin Fei.

However, they were all blocked by various secret techniques around Lin Fei's body, and there were many black spears that broke off on the spot.

However, there were still pieces of black spears stabbing, the black light was bright, very dazzling, blooming with murderous intent, and seemed to pierce Lin Fei's body.

"How is this going?!"

"No, could it be that Xiao Fei was stabbed!"

Many people in this world couldn't help but exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised. Could it be that Xiao Fei was about to lose this game.


The disgusting creatures of the Xianling Realm finally know how great it is! "

On the opposite side, among the evil creatures in the abyss, there were cheering voices.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei's stabbed body trembled slightly, then gradually faded, and finally disappeared.

"That's great, the stabbed person is just the afterimage of Xiao Fei!"

Suddenly, many warriors in this world were relieved and cheered.

call out!

At this moment, a red light flashed rapidly, penetrating the space at an astonishing speed, and appeared directly in front of the white robe young creature.


A broken drink rang.

Then, a huge red devil rat phantom with a red glow appeared, exuding a remote and ancient reckless aura, carrying the chaotic energy that opened up the world, and slaughtered the past.

This is the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat. It has existed since the opening of the world, and it was astonishingly old.

The terrifying shadow of the Red Devil Rat, with its claws like sharp hooks, scratched through the space, its mouth full of sharp and hard teeth gurgling, shaking the depths of everyone's soul in the field, shivering.


The young creature in the white robe roared, and he was shocked so that blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly retreated.


The young creature in the white robe is indeed very powerful. He formed the seal of the dharma seal, slapped palm after palm, and the monstrous light rushed towards Lin Fei, like the stormy waves, terrifying boundless.

However, how can this be able to stop the inheritance of the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat family [biquku].

High in the sky, the huge boundless red devil rat phantom swooped down, carrying terrifying chaotic energy, countless bright red mysterious runes, turning into a sea of ​​runes of light and blood, covering the white robe young creature.


The two constantly collided.

The young creatures in the white robe continue to display all kinds of evil and strange lore.


After a while, the young creature in the white robe screamed, his arms were completely deformed by the shock, and then exploded, the blood mist raised, and his arms were gone.

Then, the huge red devil rat phantom moved forward to kill.

The young creature in the white robe couldn't resist at all, the white robe was stained with blood and was beaten wildly.


In the end, his body was torn apart, in front of everyone, he was bombarded and killed by Lin Fei.

Another foreign young evil creature died in battle!

The crows are silent, the evil creatures in the foreign land, this time they are really frightened.

How could this young clan in the Xianling Realm be so powerful? !

"I said, let you go together.

Such a beheaded one by one, what a waste of my time! "

Lin Fei said coldly.

In the tone, there is infinite arrogance and domineering!

"I have to admit, you are really strong in the young people of Xianling Realm.

But you are too arrogant, too arrogant, such a creature is easy to die.

Well, as you wish, we will go together. "

After a moment of silence in the field, finally, one of the remaining seven young foreign evil creatures slowly spoke.

Then, seven young foreign evil creatures, seven figures full of evil aura, slowly walked towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field suddenly boiled.

The seven young creatures in a foreign land really plan to fight together against Lin Fei!

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