Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1812: Group battle

"What's going on, I actually planned to have seven and one against Xiao Fei!

These foreign demons and clowns don't even have to face it! "

"Exotic demons, isn't your previous posture very high?

Now I plan to win by quantity! "

On the side of Xianling Realm, there was a commotion, and shouts of shouts kept ringing.

Everyone was worried. After all, although Xiao Fei was very powerful, these young and evil creatures in the foreign land were all terrifying.

If it is one-on-one, perhaps Xiao Fei can win, but if it is one against seven, it is difficult to say whether Xiao Fei can win.

The camp on this side of the Xianling Realm was full of uproar.

On the contrary, in the camp on the other side of the abyss, there was strange silence, and no sound came out.

After the seven young evil creatures walked out, they didn't say a word. In an instant, they formed a formation that surrounded Lin Fei from a distance.

One by one, murderous aura, monstrous evil aura, rose into the sky.

In this space, the situation has changed, and terrible coercion is brewing, and there is a sense of depression that a storm is about to come.

They understand that under this situation, only by beheading this young human race in the Immortal Tomb realm with all their strength, can they wash away the shame of the camp on the abyss domain.

"Well, that's okay, you guys came up to die at the same time, it really saved me a lot of time."

Lin Fei sneered and spoke. Facing the seven young creatures in a foreign land, his face was calm and calm, and he seemed calm, without any sense of tension.


A young creature with a pitch-black wolf head roared up to the sky, and the dull and long sound of the wolf shook this area.

His body, the size of a mountain, leaped forward and drove infinite power, the qi surging, and the space was shaking violently.

At this moment, it was like a mountain, its huge body was pressed down, and its big claws covered the bottom, pressing Lin Fei into meat patties.

Lin Fei was not afraid, unleashing his physical strength, his body was raised steadily, and in an instant, he turned into a huge, upright, holding a huge Chaos Cauldron in his hand, and just smashed it out.

The wind howled, the sky broke and the earth broke.

"court death!"

The young creature with the wolf head roared and slapped Lin Fei with its big paws, overwhelming!


The Chaos Cauldron collided with that huge pitch-black wolf claw.

The energy was violent, forming a terrifying ocean of divine power, which violently collided here.

After the collision, the huge body of the wolf-headed young creature kept retreating, and traces of blood leaked from his claws.

In its gaze, it couldn't help showing a look of horror.

"I'll kill you! Arrogant human race!"

Suddenly, another young evil creature launched an attack.

This is a weird creature with white hair and loose, dry manuscript, short stature, and a bit like a monkey.

"Damn human race, you shouldn't be so arrogant, and let us come together at the same time, you are dead!"

As the black glow bloomed, a human-shaped skeleton rushed over. It was full of pitch-black bones without any muscles. In the two eye sockets, two groups of beating golden flames flashed, conveying the aura of wisdom.

This is actually a living creature!

"Without further ado!

Let's do it together, don't show mercy, and kill this arrogant human race! "

A huge demon snake with a pale golden body came, like a metal cast, with a pair of golden wings on the back, emitting a brilliant brilliance.

"Yes, we all work together to quickly kill this person with thunder-like means to wash away the humiliation that my domain has just suffered!"

Another humanoid creature approached Lin Fei from another direction, but he was definitely not a human being, with a blue face and a dense blood around his body, forming a ring of gods and gods, shrouded him in it, very mysterious.


Terran, I will eat you in the end, I like to eat young Terran best, it's fresh and delicious! "

An evil demon with a height of one hundred meters, a huge body, covered with black and white magic patterns, black fangs on its head, and a pair of sharp horns, also rushed over.


The arrogant human race, how about it, now be afraid, regret it.

At the same time provoking us, you will die miserably. "

A group of shadows also quietly approached Lin Fei. This group of pitch-black shadows was not fixed in shape and changed at any time, which was very strange.

Seven young alien evil creatures, with murderous aura, are all approaching Lin Fei, and they are about to launch a thunder attack.

this moment.

The atmosphere on both sides is tense.

All eyes fixed on the field.


The little monkey-shaped creature yelled, and first made a trouble. A white pattern flashed between its eyebrows, and its head was full of white hair flying.

call out!

A narrow white scimitar flashed out, sharp enough to turn into a white light, and shot towards Lin Fei.


That scimitar cut to the halfway, and suddenly enlarged, the white blade was tens of thousands of feet long, splitting the world, chaos and turbulent, unparalleled power!


At the same time, the blue-faced humanoid creature was also showing power, and as the blue light shone, one after another blue vines grew in the void, trying to tie Lin Fei.

And there are many vines sharper than war spears, piercing forward to penetrate Lin Fei.


The huge pale golden demon snake also launched an attack. The pair of golden wings behind it flapped like two golden swords, terrifying and boundless, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

At the same time, the rest of the evil creatures also displayed their own lore skills one after another, and they were mercilessly planning to kill this human young man within the first time.

At this moment, a large-scale energy explosion occurred here, and the space was collapsing and shattering constantly, and the violent energy hurricane was blowing wildly.

The scene is terrifying.

I have to say that the attacks of the seven young evil creatures are all terrifying to the extreme.

Every young creature is an elite of the younger generation in the abyssal realm. In that realm, they are all famous and powerful.

Now, seven young creatures are attacking at the same time and attacking one person. It can be said that this situation has never happened in the abyss.

If, when the news comes back, let the creatures in the abyss realm know that these seven young elites have joined forces to deal with a human young man in the Xianling Realm.

It is estimated that the entire abyss domain will definitely be a sensation for this matter!

"Will Xiao Fei be too big?!"

At this moment, on the side of Xianling Realm, many warriors, including those of the older generation, are secretly worried.

I'm afraid that I will lose in this competition.


Okay, let's go up together.

Look at me killing you all the evil demon clowns so far! "

Facing the joint attack of seven young alien creatures, Lin Fei was not only not afraid, but instantly high-spirited, laughed up to the sky, murderous intent appeared on his body, black hair dancing wildly, clothes hunting, like a murderous god.

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