Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1821: Leave it to me here

"Shut up!"

Ren Shanshan couldn't listen anymore. ()

Her personality was originally very cold and cold, and now she has practiced a secret technique of ice and snow, and her whole person, and even her mind, are extremely deserted, so how can she stand such anger.

"Hmph, Junior Sister Ren, I can say it all. The opportunity is to be grasped by myself.

You have to know that in this Qinglong Academy, as long as I Linghu Xiao beckons, I will choose a lot of female students.

Moreover, my patience is limited. "

That Linghu Xiao's face also began to turn cold, he was threatening and temptation, both kind and powerful.

at this time.

"The toad also wants to eat swan meat, why don't you take a photo in the mirror first?

Just relying on you girl, do you dare to provoke Miss Ren? "

A cynic sound suddenly sounded in the court.

This sentence was not what Ren Shanshan said, but came from somewhere in the void.

"Huh, this guy is finally here."

When Ren Shanshan heard this, he immediately relaxed.

Naturally, she could hear that this was Lin Fei's voice.


Are you looking for death?

Get out of me! "

That Linghu Xiao was furious.

He is not only one of the senior figures in Yumen, but also the 20th strongest on the battle list.

In this Qinglong Academy, most of the first-level students and the second-level students were respectful in front of him, and did not dare to take a mouthful.

Where does anyone dare to confront him in person like this, or even mock him.

call out!

The next moment, near the three masters of Yumen, the figure flashed, and a faint figure appeared directly, and then the sleeves rolled up, carrying the green skirt girl who was sealed with Yuanli, teleported to Ren Shanshan's body. beside.

"I'm out, what can you do!"

This is a young man with a slightly slender figure.

Naturally it is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei put down the girl in the green skirt, and a gentle force of vitality was sent out, releasing the sealed vitality of her body, and immediately, the girl regained her freedom.

"Jade hairpin, are you all right."

Ren Shanshan asked.

This green skirt girl is one of her followers.

"Master, I'm fine."

The girl in the green dress cried with joy.

"who are you?"

The three masters of Yumen all looked down at the same time.

Because when this young man came here, relying on the strength of the three of them, he didn't even notice it at all.

This young man's body is too weird, and he rescued the green skirt girl directly from them, but they didn't have time to stop it.

This seemingly ordinary-looking young man gave the three of them an unfathomable feeling.

"Hehe, didn't you just say that you want to force me out?

What? Now that I am here, do you not recognize me? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"You are Lin Fei!"

The three masters of Yumen were all staring at Lin Fei at the same time.

"Yes, I am Lin Fei."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Hahaha, since you know we want to force you out, and you dare to show up.

Sure enough, he was a very arrogant guy. No wonder he didn't know that the sky was so great that he dared to provoke us Yumen. "

Among the three masters of Yumen, the big man with a big figure and a bearded back laughed.

"It's just a group of grasshoppers, what is worthy of my fear."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"Miss Ren, continue your breakthrough, don't worry, leave it to me here.

No one here can interrupt your breakthrough.

Unless, they don't want to live anymore. "

Lin Fei turned around and said to Ren Shanshan.

"Lin Fei..."

Ren Shanshan was taken aback.

"Just do as I say, don't you have confidence in me."

Lin Fei cast a relieved look at Ren Shanshan.

Ren Shanshan suddenly felt confident.

For Lin Fei's abilities, she was naturally at ease.


Ren Shanshan nodded.

The opportunity for breakthrough is very mysterious. If you miss this time, you don't know when you have to wait next time.

"Shanshan, don't worry about breaking through, and I will help you protect the law."

A beautiful shadow galloped over, and it was Princess Yufeng who arrived in the field instantly.

"the host."

Ren Shanshan's followers came after that lady in pink.


Ren Shanshan nodded, and then did not hesitate anymore. With a move, he jumped into the sky and sat cross-legged.


A powerful force of Yuan force instantly rushed out of her body and spread out in all directions.

Immediately, in the sky, dark clouds began to gather quickly.

This is a harbinger of the coming of Thunder Tribulation.


Okay, very good, it really is a arrogant guy.

However, I have encountered a lot of bones like you before. They all end up with only one, and they will kneel in front of me in the end, begging me for my life!

Lin Fei, your fate will be the same. "

Among the three masters of Yumen, the young man in the mysterious robe laughed.

"What's the point of talking so much nonsense with this rubbish.

Wait for me to kill him.

He is just a follower, and I believe that even if I kill him, the academy will not pursue it. "

The horrible big man roared and stepped towards Lin Fei. In an instant, the terrifying power of the power on his body rolled out, like a tsunami, surrounding his body, continuously spinning and screaming.

"Boy, before dying, I will let you know if I killed you.

My name is Liu Qianli, I am on the top of the list and ranked 28th. It is actually an honor for you to die in my hands! "

With a cruel gaze, the hunky big man stared at Lin Fei, murderously overflowing, and said loudly.

After speaking, his thick body rushed towards Lin Fei.

In all directions, there were masses of air, and a big explosion occurred frantically. The entire space was affected, and it shook violently.

Then, in the surrounding space, abruptly, endless crimson lava erupted from the void.

In an instant, Liu Qianli stood in a magma sea world composed of surging magma. Hot magma continuously flowed over him, setting off him like a god.

I saw a wave of violent vitality fluctuations, centered on his body, and suddenly crushed fiercely in all directions. Some members of the nearby Yumen who were closer together fell and fell apart, forming a mess.

In the distance, the students who were onlookers, although they were far away, changed their colors one by one after they felt the terrifying vitality emanating from Liu Qianli.

The strength of a warrior's combat power is naturally proportional to the strength of the power he possesses.

"Senior Brother Liu is too terrible, such a terrifying coercion, let alone fighting, let me come close and dare not come close."

"Yes, Brother Liu is on the top of the battle list, ranking 28th. Naturally, he is not in vain.

That guy named Lin Fei, although I heard that he is also very good, but I guess he is still not enough to see him in front of Brother Liu. "

"That's right, Brother Liu is a veteran student in our college who has practiced for hundreds of years.

That Lin Fei, even if it is against the sky, even if it is said to be invincible against new students, but in front of the older generation of experts in our college, he is still a little tender. "

"Well, this time, this Lin Fei smells like moths fighting fire.

Yumen has always been the most terrifying organization in our Qinglong Academy. How could it be that a kid in his mere group could challenge. "

Around, there was a sound of discussion.

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