Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1822: Fight the two masters

The students around were generally not optimistic about Lin Fei's victory over Liu Qianli.

And Liu Qianli listened to the discussions of the students around him, and the praises he gave him seemed to be more confident.

He stood in the turbulent world of lava and fire, and his aura was rising.

"Boy, in the next life, let's keep a low profile."

A cruel smile appeared on Liu Qianli's face.



In the turbulent lava sea beside him, a huge scarlet fist suddenly rushed up.

This fist was all made up of hot lava, exuding an astonishing high temperature, carrying terrible energy, and slammed it towards Lin Fei.

With this magma fist smashed out, endless magma splashed out in all directions.

"Ah, I'm burning to death!"

"So hot……"

"No, my clothes caught fire..."

Even those students and followers who watched the excitement a few kilometers away have been affected, and those who are weak in strength have all followed the Tao and received minor injuries.

As a result, everyone couldn't help but pale in shock.

This Liu Qianli can be ranked twenty-eighth on the battle list, he really deserves a reputation.

With this punch alone, most of the first-level and second-level students in Qinglong Academy could not resist it.

at this time.

Lin Fei smiled coldly at the magma fist that Rumbled towards him.

"Small bugs."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The Golden Sutra of the Sun that Lin Fei cultivated was the martial art of the world's strongest yang. The exercises practiced by Liu Qianli was obviously masculine, but how could it be compared to the Golden Sutra of the Sun.

Therefore, those amazing heat, those magma fires, for Lin Fei, are just like a child's play.

Then, Lin Fei moved.

call out!

A bright red light flashed and disappeared.

next moment.

A figure wrapped in the monstrous red light had already greeted the terrifying giant fist of magma like lightning.


The giant magma fist seemed to be hit by a huge force, and it was instantly blown to pieces, turning into hot magma in the sky, splashing everywhere.

Then, that red light flashed, and Liu Qianli's surprised gaze had already arrived in front of him at an alarming speed.


Liu Qianli exclaimed in amazement. At this moment, he finally realized that the strength of the opponent was beyond his imagination.

"You should be thankful that this is within the academy, otherwise, today is your day of death!"

A faint voice came from the bright red light in front of Liu Qianli.



The surging red light broke out completely, and a huge rat claw suddenly stretched out, carrying a terrifying pressure.

This is a kind of chaotic coercion from the time when the world was just opened up, and every student and follower in the field felt the trembling from the depths of the soul, and could not afford to resist.


Although Liu Qianli wanted to resist desperately, but to no avail, the extremely terrifying huge red rat claw had already crushed all his resistance and vital energy and pressed it on his chest.


Liu Qianli screamed, his body was thrown out by a huge force, spurting blood in mid-air, and then knocked down thousands of meters away, motionless, not knowing whether it was life or death.

There was dead silence in the field.

This is the end of the battle!

On the top of the battle list, Liu Qianli, ranked 28th, just lost? !

However, his opponent seems to have only one move!


Just as Lin Fei blasted Liu Qianli with one move, on the other side, in the high altitude, a billowing thunder lightning snake finally fell like raindrops.

Ren Shanshan's thunder robbery finally began.

"And you, dare to break into Miss Ren's private territory without permission.

Very good, let me teach you a little lesson today. "

Lin Fei's gaze faintly scanned the other two masters towards Yumen.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei's figure rushed out again, the sky red glow, and it ignited again.

Since getting the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat, Lin Fei found that the more he used it in actual combat, the greater his progress.

Also, all the secrets of martial arts can only be practiced and used frequently to make them more powerful.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't mind using these people to practice his hands, just as he was honing the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat.

Anyway, the fact that he obtained the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat inheritance has long been known to the world, and there is no need to hide it.

"Let's do it together!"

In front of Lin Fei, the man in the mysterious robe and the young man with the greasy face looked at each other, and they all saw the look of horror in each other's eyes.

The two masters of Yumen were both powerful in perception. At this time, they both discovered that the young man named Lin Fei in front of them had shown terrible combat power.

In fact, this man in a mysterious robe, and a young man with an oily face, were ranked higher than that of Liu Qianli.

But even the two of them had no confidence and defeated Liu Qianli in one move.

Therefore, at this moment, they actually planned to join hands against Lin Fei.


These two Yumen masters took a step at the same time, and above their bodies, there were bursts of sea of ​​vitality bursting out like waves.

The entire space, under the shock of the force of the two of them, began to shake violently, accompanied by bursts of rumbling loud noises.

The world is eclipsed!

"Oh my God, the two masters of Yumen, Meng Langping, who is ranked 20th in the battle list, and Huang Tianhao, who is ranked 19th, are planning to join forces against Lin Fei!"

"How is this going?!"

"These two people are both strong in the top 20 of the battle list!"

"Could it be that Lin Fei is really so powerful?"

"Guess, this time, can Lin Fei win?"

The students and followers around who watched the excitement were shocked and excited.

The two veteran powerhouses on the top of the battle list turned out to be teaming up against the enemy today.

At this moment, the gazes of those students and followers around Lin Fei turned into a kind of incomparable awe, or even fear.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, this Lin Fei can make the two veteran powerhouses above the battle list join hands against him. This alone is enough to be proud.

You know, these strong players, especially those in the top 20 or 30, are all arrogant, and it is absolutely impossible to join forces against the enemy until the real critical moment!

Especially in such an occasion where everyone is in full view.

This shows how terrifying their opponent, this young man named Lin Fei, is!

"Hmph, don't talk about the two of you, even if the members of the Yumen in your field all come up together, it's not enough!"

Lin Fei sneered.


High in the sky, the red light was even brighter, so that people couldn't open their eyes.

Then, a huge phantom of the Red Devil Rat appeared in the void.

The unstoppable breath of the ancient and wild, the chaotic breath that opened the world, filled this space.

Then, the mouse shadow ran across the sky, crushed by monstrous might, and rushed towards the two Yumen masters.

The two Yumen masters were shocked, and dared not to have the slightest reservation, and at the same time displayed their most powerful martial arts secrets.


Fierce fighting broke out.

The red light soared into the sky, the monstrous energy exploded, and the three figures moved horizontally.

However, after only two or three moves in the fierce battle.

"how is this possible!"


Everyone only heard a terrifying scream.



Two silhouettes flew out.

The two masters of Yumen, whose bodies looked like a kite, were thrown away from a distance.

"And you!

Anyone in Yumen can't run away today! "

Lin Fei shouted sharply.

Then the red light flickered, and the huge red Yuanli wave rushed out in all directions, layer upon layer.


Then, a series of screams sounded.

One after another, the figures kept throwing away.

None of the members of Yumen were spared. They were all hit by the terrifying red Yuanli wave, and were seriously injured, like dumplings, crackling and falling to the ground far away.

At this moment, there was dead silence in the field like a tomb.

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