Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1824: The power of a roar

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan, Lin Fei's combat power should not be underestimated. Among the new batch of students in the four major colleges, even those seeded students are not his opponents."

Yu Wenjie hesitated, especially when he thought of the scene where Lin Fei defeated ten young creatures in a foreign land in that Xuwu legacy, he didn't have much in his heart.

The same goes for Shen Bingbing's mind.

From the Eastern Region to the Qinglong Academy, Lin Fei's various outstanding performances have already planted a deep shadow in her mind.

"Hahaha, Master Yu Wenjie, you don't need to worry too much.

Even if it's like what you said, Lin Fei's combat power is stronger than all the new students from the four major academies.

However, that is within the scope of new students after all.

Hmph, those newly enrolled students, in front of us veteran students, are not docile, and they are not as childish as children.

Even the seed students among the new students, in front of the strong people who are old students like us, we must respectfully call a brother.

What a mere Lin Fei! "

Next to him, another Yumen master, Gu Zhen, ranked 15th on the battle list, laughed and said.

"Yes, Master Yuwenjie, don't worry, this Lin Fei offended our Yumen people, in this Qinglong Academy, there is no place for him!

His fate is sure to die! "

Another master of Yumen, Chang Feng, ranked twelfth in the battle list, also said with a sneer.

"Well, what the two seniors said makes sense.

It seemed that Lin Fei was indeed doomed this time. "

After listening to the analysis of Yumen's two masters, Yu Wenjie thought for a while, but also felt that it made sense, so he was slightly relieved.

"Huh, it's cheaper Lin Fei that little thief, I can't wait to kill him personally!"

At this time, Shen Bingbing's eyes were also gloating.

At the same time, she looked at Yu Wenjie's gaze next to her, which also seemed more gentle, secretly thanking that she had finally found a backing in this Azure Dragon Academy.

Since walking with Yu Wenjie, Shen Bingbing in Qinglong Academy, wherever he goes, is where other students are jealous, because Yu Wenjie and Yumen are behind her.

Just at this time.

Outside the gate of Yumen headquarters.

A stream of light rushed in, came to the golden gate in an instant, and stopped.

"Well, Yumen is in the Qinglong Academy, and he has a good power, and he has some means.

Just look at the style of the door of this headquarters, you know. "

Lin Fei looked up, looked at the gorgeous Yumen headquarters in front of him, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Who is coming? This is Yumen's headquarters. No one is allowed to trespass without permission, otherwise he will pay for the consequences!"

Just before Lin Fei came to the gate, three or four members of Yumen noticed Lin Fei's figure and snapped at Lin Fei.

"Hehe, Yumen's shelf is really big."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Bold, I think this kid is clearly here to make trouble.

Let's beat up! "

The three or four Yumen members were furious, and one of them immediately rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled coldly and showed his physical power, his right arm suddenly enlarged infinitely, transformed into a huge dragon arm, swept over it violently!


With huge arms in the air, thundering Wanjun, supernatural power shocked the sky, and instantly swept the three or four ordinary members of Yumen.

These few Yumen members, that is, the role of guarding the gate, could not be Lin Fei's opponents.

Suddenly, one by one volleyed out, fainted!

At this moment, in the entire Qinglong Academy, a news spread like thunder on the ground.

Someone wants to kill Yumen's headquarters, claiming to step down Yumen!

At the moment when they heard this news, the first reaction of all the students and followers was to never believe it, thinking that it was someone who was joking with them or making them play.

However, soon, when more conclusive news came, and it was confirmed that this was absolutely true, all the first-level and second-level students of Qinglong Academy were completely boiling.

Anyone can't calm down.

At this time, the figures were moving quickly towards the Yumen headquarters, wanting to witness the event with their own eyes.

at this time.

At the gate of Yumen headquarters, Lin Fei flew behind the ordinary members of Yumen.

Improve the sound of Qi and luck, and at the same time display the mixed stunt of the six-character mantra and the roar of magic sound.

"Listen to me from the people of Yumen, today I will step on Yumen, everyone, get out of me!"

Lin Fei opened his mouth, and the sound was like a raging and raging wave. They overlapped and were visible to the naked eye. They rushed into the Yumen headquarters and rushed in like a thousand horses. The place they passed caused huge The destructive power.


Heavy waves, like a tsunami, rushed into the interior of Yumen, raging everywhere, as if a typhoon was passing by, and it was a mess.

Countless pavilions and pavilions were directly exploded, bricks collapsed, and smoke billowed.

The two sonic martial arts that Lin Fei cultivated were both very powerful.

In particular, the six-character mantra is one of the teaching skills of the Western Regions in the Western Wilderness, and it is very powerful.

The power of a roar is earth-shattering!

At this time, there were already many students and followers following Lin Fei.

Looking at the scene in front of me, each one was shocked and exciting.

"Oh my God, this Lin Fei actually came for real!

He is not just talking, he really did something to the Yumen headquarters! "

Immediately, some students exclaimed.

"Well, no matter what happened this time or what happened, this Lin Fei can be regarded as a celebrity in our Qinglong Academy!

To kill Yumen's headquarters alone, with this courage alone, is enough to be proud! "

Someone sighed.

at this time.

Within Qinglong Academy.

Suddenly, there was a moment of dead silence.




"Damn, who is it!

How dare you come to Yumen to make trouble! "


A wave of angrily cursing sounded endlessly.

A group of fierce figures flew out from all corners of the Yumen headquarters.

After a while, hundreds of people stood in the sky above Yumen headquarters.

Yumen is very powerful in the Qinglong Academy, and there are also many members under him.

There are as many as two to three hundred members who stay in the headquarters all year round.

At this moment, all members of Yumen's eyes were cast on a young man in front of the gate.

This young man is naturally Lin Fei.

"It's him!

Lin Fei! "

When Yu Wenjie and Shen Bingbing saw Lin Fei, their expressions suddenly changed, and they exclaimed at the same time.

"He is Lin Fei?"

Next to Yu Wenjie, several of Yumen's core powerhouses all looked down and asked.

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