Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1825: Zhan Guzhen

"You are Lin Fei?!"

This ugly guy has been making a lot of noise in Qinglong Academy since this time, and has repeatedly confronted Yumen Lin Fei?

The few core powerhouses in Yumen seemed to be unbelievable, and their eyes were fixed on Lin Fei's body.

"Huang Tianhao and the others!"

Xuanyuan Pojun looked at Lin Fei with fierce and pressing gaze, suddenly remembering something, and sternly asked Lin Fei.

"You Yumen's trash, all of them were maimed by me.

At this time, it is estimated that I am still unconscious.

You should be fortunate for them, if this is not Qinglong Academy, today I will kill them all. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly and replied.

Lin Fei was right. Although the members of Yumen were not dead, all of them, including Huang Tianhao's three strong men, had broken hands or feet, all of them were beaten and disabled.

Although, based on the background and methods of Qinglong Academy, these students' bodies can be restored to their original state, but the pain is inevitable.

"All are disabled?!"

All of these people in Yumen were surprised and suspicious.

However, these people in Yumen soon realized that what Lin Fei said was probably true.

Otherwise, why didn't any of Yumen's people come back, and this Lin Fei came to Yumen's headquarters.

"Good, good, good...


Lin Fei, unexpectedly, even the three of Huang Tianhao are not your opponents.

I have to admit that you are indeed a very enchanting genius. "

The Xuanyuan Pojun looked at the messy scene in Yumen Headquarters as if a typhoon was passing by, his eyes became colder and colder, and his anger turned back and laughed.

"However, you shouldn't provoke us Yumen.

You are a hairy boy, you want to fight against our Yumen, you are too naive.

Today, this is your burial place.

I think your current identity is just a follower, even if you are beheaded, the academy will not pursue it. "

Na Xuanyuan Pojun slowly said, the murderous intent on his body became more and more intense, and even layers of illusory flames visible to the naked eye formed, and rose up in his body.

He is now the actual host of Yumen, and now Yumen's headquarters has been killed by people, making it messy. The killing intent in his heart is already raging like a wave of anger.


I care about you Yumen or Yumen, I Lin Fei does things, people do not offend me, I am not criminal. You Yumen provoked me many times, and this time, you actually ran to interfere with my friend's crossing.

Humph, today, I will level your Yumen and give you a lesson! "

Lin Fei laughed.

"Too arrogant!

Boy, let me kill you! "

As soon as Lin Fei's words fell, beside Xuanyuan Pojun, a figure was already galloping out like an angry horse, to kill Lin Fei.

It is on the top of the battle list, the fifteenth veteran powerhouse, Gu Zhen!

This Gu Zhen, who was thin and weak, and not tall, was originally a bit wretched, but when he rushed to Lin Fei, his body suddenly changed greatly.

I saw a beautiful jade-like luster, quickly flowing out of his body, the skin of his whole body was full of jade luster, and even the hair and eyes were rendered and changed in color.

The whole person has sharp edges and corners, and the facial features are like a knife, like a statue carved from glass and beautiful jade, which has been out of the category of flesh and blood.

The invisible aura oppresses and fills this space.

"Look, as soon as Gu Zhen came up, he used the secret method of coming to the diamond body!

It seems that he also regards this Lin Fei as an opponent not to be underestimated. "

Suddenly, someone in the distance whispered.

Indeed, although this Gu Zhen was angry, he knew that the young man named Lin Fei in front of him, since he could defeat Huang Tianhao and other three masters in Yumen, his combat power would naturally not be too wrong.

Therefore, when he came up, he used the secret method of his own cultivation and did not neglect to respond to the enemy.

"Boy, your death date is here!

Try my flick of thunder! "

Gu Zhen's eyes were sharp, his right index finger bends, and he bounced towards Lin Fei.

This finger popped out, the air exploded, and the sound of muffled thunder sounded, and a cloud of jade light rushed out, taking Lin Fei directly, and the air wave swept like a storm.

On the surface, this group of jade light was not too violent.

However, the essence is introverted, compressing countless extremely terrifying elemental forces into a group, specializing in one point, and extremely terrifying penetration.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei yelled, his right arm suddenly enlarged infinitely, his body shook, and his physical power was released. A long roaring dragon of blood encircled it and roared all over it.


Lin Fei's fist blasted out, actually intending to use his physical strength to pick up the real thunder.


Gu Zhen pointed his strength and hit Lin Fei's fist. In an instant, a huge energy explosion occurred here.

Groups of violent energy shock waves turned into mushrooms visible to the naked eye, constantly rising.

"Hmph, I see how many times you can block it!"

Gu Zhen saw that Lin Fei was actually blocking his attack only by his body, and his expression was gloomy, and he shouted sternly.

And at this time, Lin Fei was also secretly amazed, Gu Zhen's move was really powerful.

The essence of this trick is to compress the elemental energy to a high degree and condense it into one point, producing amazing destructive power, using the so-called technique of breaking the surface.

After blocking Gu Zhen's finger, Lin Fei found that there was a small white spot on his fist.

After repeatedly cultivating the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Secret Art several times, Lin Fei's physical body has reached an incredible level.

It is already equivalent to a high-level magic weapon.

Unless it is an extremely immortal soldier, otherwise, the general magic weapon, Lin Fei can already rely on his own flesh to fight.

And this Gu Zhen's **** can leave a small white spot on Lin Fei's fist. It is conceivable that his **** is indeed very powerful.

If it is another Mahayana martial artist whose body is struck by thunder with his finger, it is estimated that his body will burst long ago, and he will either die or become disabled!

Gu Zhen burst into anger, flicking his fingers again and again, and after a glimmer of light, he slaughtered Lin Fei like a torrential rain, and the ear-piercing and sharp whistling sound of the wind pierced the situation.

Lin Fei also punched out, against Gu Zhen's fingering.

As for Gu Zhen, who has profound skill and used his **** again and again, when he arrived, his ten fingers and fingertips flashed with sharp jade luster, he was spinning, and constantly popping out, his sharp edge became more and more vigorous!

He has ten fingers with both hands, like fiddle with a pipa, bright bursts, impermeable to the wind, like mercury pouring down the ground.

The strength of each finger popped out, and the penetration force was extremely strong, faintly accompanied by thunder, and his body also showed a violent wind and thunder sweeping power!

In the field, the fingers flickered like stars, and like a meteor shower of gorgeous moments.

Obviously, this Gu Zhen, the more he fought, the better he was, and he was completely showing his peak combat power!

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