Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1827: Defeat

Lin Fei could not help but nodded secretly, feeling the extremely strong aura of death.

The Dark Sutra of the Eastern Territory Judge, what they cultivate is also a dark energy system.

However, compared with the Hell Sutra 1 cast by the constant wind in front of him, it was obvious that the Dark Sutra seemed to be one level lower.

However, the Golden Sun Sutra cultivated by Lin Fei happened to be the most masculine and sturdy technique, so there was no fear of these dark energy.


Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a surging golden world of fire suddenly spread out behind him, and four huge golden **** of light rose up into the sky, like four golden suns, dazzling.


At the same time, the huge skeleton phantom behind Chang Feng showed a huge pitch-black sickle in his hand. The surging breath of death turned into huge hurricanes, blowing out from the sickle.

Endless and powerful ghosts, surrounded around, uttered heart-piercing screams, pleading...

The students and followers who were onlookers, who were slightly weaker, couldn't help but tremble all over their bodies, their faces were pale, rising from the depths of their souls into fearful thoughts.

"too frightening!"

"Oh my God, if I were facing constant wind at this time, I guess I would pass out without having to fight."

Some students and followers murmured in horror.


At this moment, Na Changfeng was surrounded by a monstrous dead spirit, his eyes were very cold, ruthless, and cruel, just like the judge of hell, he could judge the life and death of others with a single thought.


Behind him, the tall skeleton phantom, the pitch-black sickle in his hand, slowly cut towards Lin Fei.

At this moment, Lin Fei only felt that there was a mysterious force trying to control his soul body, wanted to give up resisting, and even had an urge to kneel down to accept judgment.

Obviously, once this kind of **** scripture is displayed, it will have a powerful and terrifying effect on the spirit body of the warrior.

However, Lin Fei's divine consciousness can be waited for strong.

Moreover, there are heaven-defying existences like the soul tree guarding the sea of ​​knowledge, and naturally they will not be affected in the slightest.


The soul tree shook for a while, sending out bursts of powerful refining energy, instantly refining all the energy from the dark side that broke into Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Knowledge.


Four golden **** of light as huge as a house rushed out, blocking the sickle that was swinging over.


Fierce fighting broke out completely.

The Sun Golden Sutra, against the Hell Sutra!

The surging golden sea of ​​flames surrounded Lin Fei's body, blocking out all the breath of death.

And the surging death breath surrounding Changfeng also resisted the siege of the golden sea of ​​fire like the stormy sea.

For a while, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched.


Boy, my **** scripture, I can definitely judge you! "

Chang Feng's face was very hideous.



A chain of pitch-black iron chains burst out from the void, numerous and densely packed, like raindrops, and blocked towards Lin Fei's position.

These dark iron chains are not entities, but are all composed of laws and orders.

The law of death!

The Hell Sutra cultivates the law of death.

"Well, these strong players on the battle list really have their own unique skills at the bottom of the box."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

This **** scripture is an ancient scripture with terrifying power.

It's a pity that Chang Feng didn't seem to have practiced very deeply yet.

It felt that it was still far from being able to exert the powerful power of this ancient scripture.

Otherwise, this ancient scripture alone would be enough to give Lin Fei a headache.

next moment.

A monstrous red glow erupted, and a huge red devil rat phantom appeared on Lin Fei's body, and bursts of terrifying energy spreading in this space.

Then, Lin Fei stomped under the ground.

Boom boom boom...

Above the ground, explosions continued to erupt, and a series of earthy yellow dragons rose into the sky.

Hundreds of huge dragons, flaring their teeth and claws, roaring up to the sky, can easily tear the space.

In the horrified gaze of Chang Feng, these hundreds of earth-yellow energy dragons rushed towards him from all directions while whistling.

After Lin Fei obtained the secret of the Red Devil Rat's inheritance, combined with the Secret Art, the Qi control style was displayed!

However, the Qi control style that Lin Fei is currently displaying is more than a thousand times more powerful than the previous Qi control style displayed in Yuanwu Realm!

"Do not!"

After a few breaths, the huge skeleton phantom behind Chang Feng was easily torn to pieces by the large number of earthy yellow dragons.


The **** world behind Chang Feng was also forcibly broken into by many dragons at the same time, exploding into nothingness.


Chang Feng let out a scream, throwing his body far away, coughing up blood.

Chang Feng, who ranked twelfth on the battle list, lost!

At this moment when Chang Feng's body was blown away.

In Qinglong Academy, on the battle monument that towered straight into the clouds, the position of the twelfth place became Lin Fei's name!

At this moment, there was dead silence in Yumen headquarters.

All eyes stared blankly at the young man in the sky.

All Umen members have very ugly faces.

Especially that Xuanyuan Pojun, his face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water, his pair of fists were also clenched tightly, looking at Lin Fei with infinite anger.

Next to him, Na Yuwenjie stared at Lin Fei with unbelievable eyes, and at the same time had a bogey.

He didn't understand, how could this follower be so evil.

And beside Yu Wenjie, that Shen Bingbing stared at Lin Fei with bitter and helpless eyes, gritted his teeth with hatred, with deep helplessness.

She discovered that the Lin Fei she hated the most was getting stronger and stronger, and had reached a point where she could only look up high.

On the top of the battle list, those veteran experts were defeated by Lin Fei one by one.

And she, Shen Bingbing, was just an ordinary new student who had just entered school.

She understands that now Lin Fei wants to deal with her, and it's fine with just one finger.

Thinking of this, in Shen Bingbing's heart, in addition to resentment, there was only a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Ok, very good, Lin Fei, unexpectedly, we have always underestimated you again and again.

It seems that only I have shot it myself.

However, rest assured, in front of me, you do not have any luck! "

The Xuanyuan Pojun stared at Lin Fei and said every word.

As soon as the last word fell, his body, already like a cannonball, rushed out.

In Xuanyuan Pojun's heart, there was only one thought, and that was to quickly kill Lin Fei with the fastest speed and the most ferocious means to soothe Yumen's face!

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