Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1828: Win again

Error correction: Lin Fei is now in the intermediate Mahayana state, Ren Shanshan is in the elementary Mahayana state, Lin Fei's vitality state is one level higher than Ren Shanshan, novels, it is inevitable that there are clerical errors, I hope you understand!

[Biqudao] Boom boom boom...

As the speed of that Xuanyuan Pojun continued to increase, the sound of Yuan Li exploding continuously came from his body.

The aura on Xuanyuan Pojun's body continued to rise, an aura that dominates the world and looks at everything, bursting out!

His eyes showed the emperor's appearance of the Nine-Five Lord, and he stepped on the seven stars.

Finally, the afterimage dragged by Xuanyuan Pojun approached Lin Fei.

"It's over! Lin Fei, you, that's it!"

Xuanyuan Pojun's tone, ruling life and death, seemed to be supreme.

next moment…


From his body, a loud noise burst out, and the sky and the earth shook. It seemed that there was some ancient beast about to be born.

A terrifying and majestic atmosphere suddenly broke out!


A huge **** sprang from the body of Xuanyuan Cunjun!

That is a **** of war with a golden spear in hand!

Whole body golden!

He was a hundred feet tall, dressed in a dazzling golden armor, and the spear in his hand was flowing with majesty.

The eyes of this **** of war looked down on the people, fiercely, and burst out the terrifying aura of ancient wildness.

"The God of War!"

Suddenly, there were a series of exclamations around.

"Today is really an eye-opener. I have been in the academy for sixty or seventy years, and today I am finally lucky enough to witness Senior Brother Xuanyuan's use of this God of War Secret Art!"

Some students almost burst into tears.


The **** of war, holding a sharp spear in his hand, staring at Lin Fei with incomparable dignity, slowly walked towards Lin Fei step by step.

The space around the God of War is constantly rippling, and time and space have a sense of instability.

This **** of war seems to have come from a distant ancient era.

The air became depressed, and there was a fragrant smell.

"Well, it is really powerful!"

Lin Fei felt the breath of the **** of war, and couldn't help but nodded inwardly.

Objectively speaking, the God of War tactics cultivated by Xuanyuan Pojun were as powerful as the Hell Sutra cultivated by Chang Feng just now.

It's just that Chang Feng's obvious cultivation heat is not enough.

But the Xuanyuan Pojun in front of him seemed to have cultivated this kind of God of War Art to a certain degree.

The breath that the God of War exudes was very shocking, even Lin Fei felt a kind of powerful pressure.

"Well, today, I will come to meet you God of War Art for a while!"

When faced with such a terrifying method, Lin Fei was not only not afraid, but also high-spirited!

Lin Fei stomped.

Boom boom boom...

Hundreds of earth-yellow dragons attacked the war **** from all directions at the same time.

The golden-yellow spear in the hands of the **** of war suddenly lifted, bursting out terrible hurricanes of golden energy, and instantly fought against the hundreds of dragons.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei's figure moved, the red glow was bright, and the red energy ripples constantly rushed out.

Then, a huge red devil rat phantom rushed out instantly.

Rolling towards that Xuanyuan Pojun to culminate in the past.

"Good job!"

That Xuanyuan Pojun roared.

A huge battle sword appeared in his hand.


He brazenly shot, that huge battle knife, raised high, cut out suddenly.

One after another, the sword aura continued to be cut out.

Each sword aura is the size of a door, ten feet long, splits the void, and slashes towards the huge red devil rat phantom.

A series of sword auras are mighty and mighty, converging into a spectacular river of sword auras.

Every sword energy contains the arc of the avenue, and it is ingenious.

Like a white rainbow circling the sun, an eagle hits the sky.

This is the sword energy that is slashed by using the power of law!

Obviously, this Xuanyuan Po Army, like Lin Fei, had begun to touch the power of law in terms of sword technique.

Generally speaking, masters at the level of Dongtian realm are the powers that generally begin to perceive and practice the laws of the world.

However, among the younger generation, there are also some geniuses who have not yet reached the realm of the cave, and they have begun to touch the power of the law.

The so-called power of law means that we have fully understood the laws and laws of a certain aspect that exist between the heaven and the earth, and skillfully use these laws and laws to form power.

In short, it is the power of transforming heaven and earth for my use.

And those warriors who haven't touched the power of the law, no matter how strong they are, they are always using their own power against the enemy.

The fierce sword aura that Xuanyuan Pojun slashed out contained the power of the law, and it turned out to temporarily block the huge Red Devil Rat phantom.

Lin Fei could not help but nodded secretly.

Unexpectedly, this Xuanyuan Pojun was still a master of swordsmanship.

"Well, I'll use another hole card!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Faced with the strong old players on the top of the battle list, Lin Fei had to show his various trump cards again and again.

next moment.

High in the sky, the huge red devil rat phantom disappeared.



An ancient, mottled, and historically dusty atmosphere, completely bloomed from Lin Fei's body!

In the next moment, a huge and unsightly dragon suddenly emerged from Lin Fei's body!

This dragon has perfect body and lines, noble, no flaws and weaknesses can be found, and the whole body is perfect.

On each of the scales, there is the power of the king over the world.

When the dragon moved a little, there were endless rays of light, Baoxia, auspicious clouds, and aura in the sky, running through the north and south, the sky was falling in disorder, and the sky was light.

Slightly opened his mouth and groaned, the orthodox Longwei radiated.

Real dragon secret solution!

Lin Fei's another hole card.


The giant dragon roars up to the sky, and the dragon will dominate the world!

Then, the length of the dragon was unknown to the end, the dragon's body rumblingly moved, crushing the world, and rushing towards the Xuanyuan Pojun.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

The Dao Dao Qi that Xuanyuan Pojun slashed out began to collapse! Smash! collapse!

Then, in Xuanyuan Pojun's shocked gaze, two huge and boundless dragon claws grabbed out.

Dragon claws, five claws like hooks, dense fog, endless and terrifying breath of dragons, panning on it!

Boom boom boom...

Between two or three moves, the **** of war was hit by the dragon's claws and kept backing away.


A dragon's tail that was as large as a mountain range swept across evenly.


The God of War finally couldn't resist it, and his whole body was like a broken porcelain, densely packed with cracks.


With a bang, the bottom cracked and exploded.


A dragon claw struck the Xuanyuan Pojun's body, and the Xuanyuan Pojun screamed, and his body fell out like a ruined grass.

Then, the dragon disappeared, and the sky was clear.

There was only one figure left, standing in the sky, it was Lin Fei.

this moment.

Around, the atmosphere fell into a dead silence again.

On the battle list, Xuanyuan, ranked 11th, broke the army and was defeated!

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