Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1831: Invitation to Summer Peak

The Yumen Headquarters, which used to have large and tall buildings, are now only a land of terrible ruins.

Hundreds of Umen members were all injured, and most of them were seriously injured.

The wailing sound is endless.

Around, shocking eyes cast on Lin Fei's body.

Everyone's hearts are violently ups and downs like a tide.

They understand that today, they have witnessed a miracle.

In this Qinglong Academy, a young man who had just entered the academy for less than a month, single-handedly stepped on the Yumen headquarters.

What is even more incredible is that the identity of this young man is actually just a follower.

"A miracle, this is indeed a miracle!"

Many people exclaimed in their hearts.

"Well, now, my holiday with you Yumen is over.

If next time, you Yumen come to provoke me.

Prepare to endure more fierce revenge from me! "

Above the ruins, Lin Fei stood in the air and said lightly.

Then, Lin Fei moved to the side of Ren Shanshan and Princess Yufeng.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei said.


You actually razed Umen's headquarters to the ground! "

Princess Yufeng's beautiful eyes stared at Lin Fei blankly, her tender cherry mouth, at this moment, she was open enough to stuff two big duck eggs.

Her eyes were full of consternation, as if she couldn't believe it until now.

She originally thought that Lin Fei killed this Yumen headquarters, that is, looking for those Yumen people, fighting, and venting.

Who knows, this guy is so tough, he directly levelled the headquarters of others.

"Let's go..."

Facing Princess Yufeng's alien-looking gaze, Lin Fei couldn't help but laughed blankly, said, turned and left.


This guy has always had this kind of personality. It was like this when he was in the Eastern Region. "

Ren Shanshan covered her mouth and snickered, pulling Princess Yufeng and leaving.


Princess Yufeng spit out two words.

Soon, Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng, and Ren Shanshan returned to the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation.

In the small building where Princess Yufeng lived, the three people sat around making tea and chatted.

This time when returning from the Xuwu legacy, everyone immediately retreats to practice and strives for breakthroughs. They have not had time to relax.

Now that I am finally free, it is natural to relax.

The three of them drank the finest spiritual tea while talking about their encounters in the Xuwu heritage, especially those evil creatures from foreign lands.

Princess Yufeng and Ren Shanshan also mentioned from time to time Lin Fei's record of defeating and beheading ten young creatures in that imaginary martial realm.

The three followers of Princess Yufeng and the two followers of Ren Shanshan served by the side, boiling water, making tea, making tea, and pouring tea.

The three followers of Princess Yufeng, one man and two women, watched Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng, and Ren Shanshan, two formal students, sitting on an equal footing, talking and laughing, and they couldn't help but get jealous.

They are also followers. They stand aside and serve, while Lin Fei is an old **** sitting on the ground, drinking tea and chatting with their master.

The difference between the treatments in the middle is simply the difference between the clouds and the mud!

However, the three followers of Princess Yufeng also followed Princess Yufeng to the headquarters of Yumen together and witnessed Lin Fei defeating the members of Yumen and levelling Yumen headquarters.

At this time, in their hearts, although Lin Fei was extremely jealous, there was no way to show the slightest on the surface.

Lin Fei's terrifying combat power made them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts!

On the contrary, the two followers of Ren Shanshan, especially the woman in pink, were bold enough and stepped forward to thank Lin Fei.


My dear sister, you are tasting tea, why don't you call them brothers! "

When Lin Fei and the three were drinking tea and chatting on the peak of Princess Yufeng's cultivation, suddenly, a loud laugh came from the distant sky.

Then, a few figures came quickly.

In an instant, it landed in front of Princess Yufeng's small building.

"Haha, Brother Lin Fei, this time, as the eldest brother, I came to visit my sister. You won't shut me out."

The first young man in a purple shirt hugged Lin Fei and said, looking very polite.

He is very energetic and his forehead is high, naturally showing a kind of extravagance.

This purple shirt youth is the eldest brother of Princess Yufeng.

Last time, when Princess Yufeng was in retreat, he had come here once, but was unceremoniously driven away by Lin Fei.

"Hehe, the brother laughed, now Princess Yufeng is here, this is her cultivation mountain, everything is up to her."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Okay, refreshing, haha..."

The purple shirt youth laughed and stepped forward.

The three followers of Princess Yufeng hurriedly moved to the stone bench, fetched tea cups, and poured tea for him.

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense."

Princess Yufeng glared at the purple shirt youth.

"Brother Lin Fei, today you showed great power and knocked down all the clowns in Yumen, and even levelled Yumen's headquarters. Haha, it's so happy, so happy.

Hmph, think of Yumen. Over the years, everything has been against our Xiamen, **** for tat. Unexpectedly, they also have this day.

Brother Lin Fei, you let out a bad breath for Xiamen!

We Xiamen want to thank you!

Let me introduce myself first, my name is Xia Feng, and I am the master of Xia Men.

From now on, Brother Lin Fei, you are our true friend of Xia Men! "

The purple shirt youth laughed freely and said to Lin Fei.

"Brother Xia, don't get me wrong. I levelled Yumen headquarters because the people of Yumen have offended me many times. It is definitely not for your Xiamen."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Lin Fei naturally understood the purpose of this summer peak.

It was to win over myself.

If the Yumen was a genius student from the Yuwen family who wooed the four academies, then Xiamen was naturally a genius student who wooed the four academies for the Xia family.

It's just that the overall quality of the young people of the Xia family in this generation is not as good as the young people of the Yuwen family.

Therefore, among the four colleges, Yumen is all over Xiamen.

In this Qinglong Academy, Yumen's overall strength is much stronger than Xiamen.

Therefore, when Xiamen’s sect master, Xiafeng Feng, learned that Lin Fei had shown great power and levelled the Yumen headquarters, he immediately rushed over to win over Lin Fei.

He had long learned from Princess Yufeng that Lin Fei was about to become an official student of the academy, even a seed student.

Therefore, he understood that as long as Lin Fei was brought in, from then on, in this Azure Dragon Academy, Xiamen's strength would rise by a large margin.

"I understand what Brother Lin Fei meant.

However, I have a request. I hope Brother Lin Fei can consider it carefully. "

Looking at Lin Fei that Xiafeng, he looked very sincere.

"Oh? What request?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"I hope Brother Lin Fei can join Xiamen.

Of course, it will never be an ordinary position, but directly become the deputy head of our Summer Gate, the position is just under me. "

Xia Feng said slowly.

As soon as his words fell, Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng, and Ren Shanshan, as well as the five followers around, were all shocked.

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