Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1832: Think about me

Let Lin Fei join Xiamen and become the deputy head directly? !

Suddenly, everyone around was looking at Lin Fei to see how he responded.

In fact, in Lin Fei's heart, he had long expected that Xia Feng's intention was to win him over.

However, unexpectedly, he had invested such a large capital to directly make himself the deputy master of Xiamen.

Five members of Xiamen followed Xia Xiafeng, and they were all stunned when they heard Xia Feng's words.

Then, these Xiamen members all began to be unconvinced.

"The sect master, let him directly become the deputy sect master, I am afraid it is not appropriate, I don't know if the brothers will obey..."

A young man said immediately to Xia Feng.

He is one of Xiafeng's confidants.

"Zhang Neng, if you can kill Yumen headquarters and level Yumen, I will immediately let you be the deputy head of Xiamen. Do you think you can?"

Xia Feng turned around and said to the young man.


The young man named Zhang Neng suddenly choked his tone and couldn't speak.

Today, during Lin Fei's stepping down at Yumen headquarters, this young man named Zhang Neng was watching.

He knew that Lin Fei's combat power was so much stronger than him, he could only look up high.

Therefore, after listening to Xia Feng's words, Zhang Neng was immediately speechless.

The other four Xiamen members were also silent.

"Brother Lin Fei, I am very sincere."

Xia Feng's gaze stared at Lin Fei.

Princess Yufeng was startled at first, but then she realized that her eldest brother was trying to win Lin Fei for the family.

Xiamen is the power branch of the Xia family in the four major colleges. Once Lin Fei is asked to join Xiamen and become the deputy head of Xiamen, it means that Lin Fei will be part of the Xia family's power from now on.

Therefore, Princess Yufeng was also very in favor of her elder brother's idea.

With her beautiful eyes, she looked at Lin Fei expectantly, hoping that he would nod in agreement.

And Ren Shanshan Bingxue was smart, and at this time, he also understood that the pair of children of the Xia family were trying to win Lin Fei for the Xia family.

"With this guy's character, how could he be so easily attracted by others and become part of the power of other people's families."

Ren Shanshan thought to himself, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Fei to see how Lin Fei answered.

"Sorry, I came to Qinglong Academy mainly for training.

I am not interested in the organization of students.

Therefore, I am afraid I will disappoint Brother Xia. "

Lin Fei didn't think too much, and just answered indifferently.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Summer Peak and Princess Yufeng were all taken aback.

"Lin Fei, don't be too ignorant of praise.

Among our Xiamen, how many masters have made great contributions to Xiamen, and there is no chance to become the deputy master.

The position of deputy master has been vacant.

Now, if you do not make any effort, the sect master will directly let you become the deputy sect master, which is intentionally cultivating you.

You don't know how to praise! "

Behind Xia Feng, the young man named Zhang Neng shouted directly at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's face suddenly became cold.

"You Xiamen's deputy master, whoever loves you should go, what does it have to do with me."

Lin Fei's tone was also much colder.


That Zhang Neng's tone was choked, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Enough, Zhang Neng!

Are you trying to **** me off!

Now, you immediately and sincerely admit your mistakes to Brother Lin Fei and apologize! "

Suddenly, Xia Feng turned around and shouted sharply.

"Sect Master, you..."

That Zhang Neng was shocked and angry, and at the same time felt extremely aggrieved.

Unexpectedly, the sect master would order himself to apologize for an outsider.

"Immediately, don't forget, my patience is not good."

Xia Feng's tone became cold.

That Zhang can be shocked, Xia Feng is not only Xia Men's sect master, but also his cultivation strength is much stronger than him.

"Lin Fei, I'm sorry."

Under the pressure of Xiafeng Peak, that Zhang Neng had no choice but to say.

However, his fists were clenched secretly, and the veins violent.

"Well, this time, forget it. If there is another time, don't blame me for not being affectionate."

Lin Fei said lightly.

Seeing Lin Fei's attitude, Zhang Neng's fists clenched harder.

"Well, since Brother Lin Fei has no intention of joining our Xiamen, then I won't bother anymore.

However, Brother Lin Fei, the door of our Summer Gate will always be open for you, if you change your mind.

You can come to me anytime.

Also, Brother Lin Fei, I want to remind you of one thing.

What you met today is not a real master at Yumen.

Almost all of Yumen's truly terrifying masters practised in seclusion or practiced outside.

In particular, Yu Wentian, the master of Yumen, is one of the three most talented students in the history of Qinglong Academy.

His combat power is very terrifying.

Let's put it this way, Yuwentian, already a core student of our Qinglong Academy, has long since broken through to become a master of the cave world.

Moreover, there are a total of eighteen cave heavens he opened!

His combat power is stronger than most of the elders in our Azure Dragon Academy!

Brother Lin Fei, with all due respect, you are far from Yuwentian's opponent, so you must be careful. "

That summer Feng said to Lin Fei.

Then, he took the four or five Xiamen members to show off and leave.

"A master of the cave sky, opened up eighteen cave sky, the combat power is stronger than the elders in the academy?!"

Hearing what Xia Xiafeng said, even Lin Fei's temperament could not help but shrink.

From this point of view, Yu Wentian, the master of Yumen, is really terrifyingly powerful.

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Are the core disciples in the academy all have the strength of the Heavenly Cavern Realm?"

Lin Fei asked Princess Yufeng.

"Yes, among the four major colleges, all the core students are masters of the sky cave.

Moreover, the status of core students in each academy is slightly lower than that of the elders of the academy in terms of status, but the power they enjoy is actually about the same as that of the elders of the academy.

The core students are the four colleges and the true foundation of each college. "

Princess Yufeng said.

"Each core member is a master of the Celestial Cavern, and his status is similar to that of the elder of the academy?!"

This news was very shocking to Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, among the four colleges, the status of core students is so high!

"Also, my brother is right, that Yuwentian is known as one of the three most talented students in our Qinglong Academy.

He opened up a total of eighteen cave-sky realms, so many, even in our entire Saint Venerable continent, among all the cave-sky realm masters, they are very rare.

It can be said that this Yuwentian has grown into a real master on his own.

Lin Fei, you have stepped down at Yumen's headquarters, Yuwentian, will definitely not let you go.

So, you should join our Xia Clan. With the protection of our Xia family, maybe he dare not really do anything to you. "

Princess Yufeng persuaded Lin Fei.

"Hehe, I appreciate your kindness.

However, even if he is a master of the cave world, so what.

If Umen dares to provoke me again, be prepared to endure my harsher revenge. "

Lin Fei's shock gradually disappeared, and he smiled faintly.

What about the master of the cave world, Lin Fei had already killed the master of the cave world long ago.

Moreover, in the slave tower, there is also Lu Qi, a veteran master of the cave world.

Lin Fei believes that Yuwentian, even if he goes against the sky, the years he has been practicing, is still far behind Lu Qi, and absolutely impossible to be Lu Qi's opponent.

After a while, the three ended up drinking tea and chatting.

Ren Shanshan bid farewell, and returned to her cultivation mountain with two followers.

Lin Fei returned to his hut, ready to practice.

At this time, in the Qinglong Academy, the area of ​​the first-level students and the second-level students had long been a sensation.

A follower named Lin Fei single-handedly hit Yumen headquarters, defeating the six masters of Yumen and hundreds of members of Yumen, and then completely leveled Yumen's headquarters and turned it into ruins.

This news, like thunder on the ground, completely ignited the excited nerves of many students and followers.

Even each of the students and followers ran up to the battle monument, looking at the eleventh place, Lin Fei's two names.

Lin Fei, these two names, on this day, in Qinglong Academy, I don't know how many times they were picked up.

And this time, in Lin Fei's small hut.

Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you came to this point so quickly.

So, next, you should take some time to think about my business. "

Suddenly, a voice rang in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

It was the voice of Emperor Yan that had been silent for a long time.

"I look forward to having a body. I have been looking forward to it for thousands of years."

Emperor Yan continued.

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