Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1840: Meet the ghost monkey again

After about a day or so, Lin Fei realized that the two of them had already left the open area thousands of miles away in Chidi, and a scorched mountain appeared in front of them.

The whole body of these mountains is black, as pitch black as ink, and the infinite ancient trees on them are also difficult to cover up, one after another, the mountains continue to extend and the weather is majestic.

These black mountains give people a strong sense of oppression.

On the mountain, a lot of ominous auras were faintly revealed.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi stiffened their heads and entered this mountainous area, walking between a black mountain.


A long howl of a lone wolf came, and the voice was harsh and sad, echoing in this black mountain range.


A few old crows full of death aura flapped their wings on a dead old tree outside a black cliff, oozing people's cry, full of sadness.

What was even more frightening was that one of those old crows stared at Lin Fei and Lu Qi with malicious eyes.

"How do I feel this place is so ominous..."

Lin Fei felt a chill in his neck.

"It is said that the land of life and death is full of all kinds of ominous things. Entering the land of life and death, whether it is alive or dead, is very dangerous.

Not necessarily, don't provoke them. "

Emperor Yan's voice also sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

While talking.


A weasel appeared from nowhere and rushed to the distance. It looked old and couldn't grow old anymore, and the hair on its body was about to fall out.


Then, a scrawny snake, with the thickness of a water tank, slowly crawled out, meandering to the distant cliffs.

Looking at those weird creatures, Lin Fei felt very weird.

As Lin Fei and Lu Qi continued to deepen in this black mountain range, the strange aura became stronger, as if they had come to a cemetery. The black mountains seemed to have become large graves, making people feel Cold all over.


The sudden loud cry sounded, very sorrowful, and the sound spread more than ten miles away.

Then, Lin Feixian, not far from the front, on top of a mountain, there was a dry old tree, which could not be hugged by five or six people, and grew on the edge of a high cliff.

There was a terrible bird's nest on the tree, which was actually built of dead bones, which could be as tall as half a person, and was gloomy, surrounded by strands of black mist.

"What kind of bird is this?"

Lin Fei was amazed, and felt that the coldness on his body had worsened.

Beside the bird's nest made of human bones, stood a weird bird with a black body like a crow, with a human face, but also a bird's beak, and a black hook like a knife.

It can be more than one meter long, it is as dark as ink, and the yin on its body is extremely heavy, as if it has a dead head, making the entire dead tree a bit cold.

"This place is really evil!"

Lin Fei said to Lu Qi.

"Unexpectedly, this kind of bird actually exists in the world!"

At this time, Lu Qi's gaze was staring at the strange bird, and his face was very jealous.

"Oh, Senior Lu, do you know that strange bird?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"This is an ancient bird in the legend, called the corpse king bird, which eats the bones of the strong. It is said that anyone who has been howled by it will not live long."

Lu Qi replied.

"Go, let's leave quickly, this seems to be its sphere of influence, and we seem to be eyed by it."

Lu Qi said to Lin Fei.

As a result, the two immediately detoured in the other direction, avoiding the dark mountain in front.

The corpse king bird on the high cliff, with ghostly eyes, has been staring at Lin Fei and Lu Qi, and there is a ridiculous smile on that face.

A moment later, just when Lin Fei and Lu Qi passed another mountain.


The wind was violent, and the mountain in front of him suddenly exploded with a fierce aura.

A humanoid creature appeared halfway up the mountain, with black scales all over the body, making people feel cramped.

"Ghost monkey!"

Lin Fei recognized it at a glance.

Because, when he was in the Eastern Regions, Lin Fei followed the old man from the stall and entered the tomb of the real person in the Purple Mansion through his livelihood. He once encountered this dark and ominous creature.

According to the legend, it is a kind of femininity, which generally grows in an environment with a very strong yin, especially where there are many dead people.

"Yes, it is the ghost monkey in the legend."

Lu Qi's face was very solemn.

In this place of life and death, there are these ominous things everywhere, and it is indeed a place of life and death.

Zhizhi []......!

Suddenly, a shrill cry that made people scalp numb continued.

Then, something that made people's scalp numb appeared, and I saw a steady stream of ghost monkeys pouring out of several nearby mountains.

The eyes of these ghost monkeys were very resentful, as if their enemies were meeting, all staring at Lin Fei and Lu Qi.

"No, we seem to have broken into their nest!"

Even a master like Lu Qi couldn't help but scream.

"When necessary, we have to hide in the slave tower."

Lu Qi said to Lin Fei.

Huh hoo hoo...

As soon as Lü Qi's words fell, the ghost monkeys in the mountains and plains nearby, at the same time, they slaughtered the two Lin Fei's positions with murderous aura, bringing forth gusts of vicious wind and a fierce atmosphere, completely covering the space between the world.

There are so many ghost monkeys, there are thousands of them!

Moreover, some of the ghost monkeys running at the forefront are extremely tall, and the breath they emit is particularly terrifying.

"Master, let's hide.

These ghost monkeys are not only numerous, but also terrifying in strength.

Some of them are no worse than me.

Unmatched. "

Lu Qi sighed, shaking his head.


Lin Fei nodded in agreement.

It is also true that facing such a large number of ghost monkeys, only temporarily sheltering from the limelight is the most sensible approach.

However, at this time.

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Lin Feixian was very familiar with the breath radiating from those ghost monkeys.

Flying ghost monkey!

The energy aura radiated from these ghost monkeys was very fierce and evil, very similar to the flying ghost monkey that Lin Fei had encountered in the north mining area of ​​the Eastern Region.

It was also very similar to those evil creatures from foreign land that Lin Fei encountered in the Xuwu Legacy, the energy aura was very similar.

"Could it be..."

In Lin Fei's heart, there was an amazing speculation.

"Well, if that's the case, then try the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Xie Needle!"

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, Lin Fei thought, and the demon clone appeared directly.

Then, the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle appeared in the hands of the demon body clone, quickly enlarged, and turned into a huge pitch-black iron rod.

The devil body clone held the iron rod and rushed out directly to meet a few ghost monkeys running in the front.

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