Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1841: Ghost Monkey's Lair

call out!

The degree of the demon body clone was almost at its extreme, almost instantly, it greeted the ghost monkeys.

Then, the demon body clone clenched the iron rod with both hands and swept it out.

Endless breath of evil energy rushed out from the iron rod.

At the same time, a series of strange runes spread out overwhelmingly, instantly flooding the world.

next moment.

Something surprising happened.

I saw those ghost monkeys, almost at the same moment, suddenly stopped the figure that was rushing over.

Every ghost monkey, those ghostly beast pupils, stared at the dark iron rod in the hands of the demon clone.

The eyes of these ghost monkeys were filled with fear, doubt, and at the same time there was a trace of reverence.

"These ghost monkeys really seem to recognize this Ten Thousand Devil Slaying Evil Needle!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, the guess just now seemed to be confirmed.

"If this is the case, then give it to me!"

Lin Fei said.

Suddenly, that dark iron rod turned into a whirlwind and swept out.

Wherever the iron rod went, none of the ghost monkeys dared to resist, and they screamed and retreated quickly.

However, there are also many who are too late to dodge, and are instantly crushed by iron rods.

Then, the iron rod came out with a powerful suction force to absorb all the blood and flesh and soul bodies of these smashed ghost monkeys.

"Senior Lu, I understand that these so-called ghost monkeys are actually creatures from a foreign land.

It is very likely that it is from the abyss domain! "

Lin Fei said to Lu Qi when he saw this.

"Well, that's right, Ten Thousand Demons Zhu Tianxie Needles, it seems that they can be restrained by nature.

It seems that your guess is correct. "

Lu Qi also nodded.

Lv Qi's current status is as Lin Fei's servant, so Lin Fei did not hide anything from him. He had already told Lv Qi about the ten thousand devil's killing the evil needle.

"I guess that these ghost monkeys are actually the same race as the flying ghost monkeys I encountered in the Eastern Region, and they are all creatures of the abyssal demons.

This Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle is a holy artifact of the Evil Demon Race.

Therefore, these ghost monkeys cannot resist this evil needle. "

Lin Fei said.


Therefore, these ghost monkeys cannot be wasted. "

Lin Fei's eyes were a bit fiery.

In that virtual martial realm, after the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle absorbed a large number of foreign evil creatures, the energy possessed by it has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the combat power of the demon body clone has also been greatly enhanced, and it can already fight against the master of the cave .

If all the ghost monkeys in the mountains and plains here are absorbed again, then the demon body clone, and the strength of the ten thousand devil heaven-killing evil needles, will surely rise to the next level!

Lin Fei was willing to let go of this good opportunity.

So, urged by Lin Fei's mind, the devil body clone held the evil needle that turned into an iron rod, and kept teleporting, smashing at the ghost monkeys.

Wherever the iron rod went, the ghost monkeys seemed to fight back.

The all-sky monster runes rushed out of the pitch-black iron rod seemed to restrain the power of those ghost monkeys by nature.

In a moment, a large number of ghost monkeys were smashed into blood mist, and then absorbed by the evil needles.

As more and more ghost monkeys were absorbed, Lin Fei could feel that the energy breath of the evil needle began to skyrocket again.


Finally, seeing that the situation was not good, the ghost monkeys made a violent hiss, and then turned and fled one by one.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and immediately, the demon body clone followed closely.

The degree of the devil body clone is amazing, those ghost monkeys are chased and killed, and they flee all over the mountain.

Soon, Lin Fei found that all the ghost monkeys had fled towards the same tall, dark mountain in the distance.

"Could it be that the mountain is the real nest of these ghost monkeys?

Go, Senior Lu, let's catch up and take a look. "

Lin Fei said to Lu Qi.

With the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle, Lin Fei didn't need to be afraid of these vicious ghost monkeys.

With the continuous pursuit of the demon clone, the number of ghost monkeys killed and absorbed has reached as many as thousands.

And the breath of that evil needle also had a leaps and bounds at this time.

However, there are still a small number of ghost monkeys who finally escaped to a tall, dark mountain.

The devil body clone, as well as Lin Fei and Lu Qi, all followed closely, rushing up the mountain.

"How come there are ancient buildings?!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei exclaimed in a soft voice, on the mountain, there were some ancient temples, which seemed to be ancient temples, but also like broken Taoist temples, very old.

"Who built this?

It is incredible to dare to build these things in the land of life and death! "

Lin Fei and Lu Qi both sighed.

The ruined palace is very old, and it looks like it should have been built in a very long time ago style, which is very different from the past.

In front of these temples, there was a huge square, in which many large stone pillars were erected.

The color of the stone pillars was all black, with various weird totem symbols carved on it.

There are various evil beasts with hideous faces, there are also many demon-looking flowers and plants, and some seem to be symbols of stars outside of the heaven.

The ghost monkeys that were chased by the avatar of the devil, all passed through this square and hid in the dilapidated palaces.

In the square, there was a fierce and evil atmosphere everywhere.

"It seems that these ghost monkeys usually live here.

Go, go in and take a look. "

Lin Fei said.

"Be careful, this square is a big array.

I just observed the ghost monkeys. When they passed the square, they all stepped on the ground with golden spots. "

Lu Qi suddenly spoke to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei was taken aback, and quickly looked at the ground of the square. As expected, there were some golden spots on the ground of the square at intervals.

So, the two of them walked into the square cautiously, and where they settled, they all stepped on the golden spots.

Both of them were worried, and finally passed the square and walked to an ancient hall.

This large palace is the largest among all the palaces.

Although it looks shabby and old, it is still difficult to conceal its former glory and splendor.

So, the two of them walked towards the gate of the temple.

Of course, it was the demon body clone, holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, and walking in the forefront.

This is to prevent those ghost monkeys from suddenly attacking.

Finally, Lin Fei and Lu Qi stepped into the gate of the palace and walked into the palace.


Lin Fei was surprised to find that the space inside the hall was a bit unremarkable.

Looking around, it turned out to be endless.

What's more peculiar is that there are undulating mountains in the distance, and the vast land blocked by dense fog.


The yin wind roared, terrible wind evil, blowing everywhere.

On the ground, there are piles of dry bones everywhere, including human beings and various other creatures.

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