Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1848: Distress all the way

In a moment, the monk had already killed hundreds of corpse king birds.

The remaining corpse king birds, where they dared to stay, all escaped.

Between heaven and earth, peace was temporarily restored.

"Let's go."

The monk said to the two Lin Fei.


At this moment, suddenly, on a mountain not far away, strange laughter came out, listening to that tone, it seemed to be provocative.

"get out!"

The monk's face was cold, and he shouted sharply.

Then, his body turned into a black wind, and he immediately rushed to the top of the mountain.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi were also shocked when they saw this.

I saw that on the mountain, a humanoid creature with long black hairs all over the body, making people feel crippled. On the top of the black mountain, it flashed and disappeared.

After a while, the monk also retreated from the mountain.

"What's the matter, Uncle."

Lin Fei asked carefully.

"Well, there is a guy hiding in the dark, driving those corpse king birds to test us.

However, it has already escaped. "

The monk said.

Then, with Lin Fei and the others, they continued on.

Lin Fei was shocked.

Those corpse king birds, each one is equivalent to a master of the sky cave.

There are actually more powerful existences that can drive so many corpse king birds at the same time, so how powerful is the existence behind this.

"It seems that this time we are so reckless to break into the land of life and death, it is simply looking for death!"

Lin Fei said to Lu Qi.


Lu Qi also nodded.

The monk was walking ahead, hunting in the wind in a golden robes, and his big sleeves fluttering. He seemed to be walking leisurely in the courtyard, without hurries, but in fact, his speed was surprisingly fast.

The earth under his feet seemed to shorten the distance inexplicably. He obviously only took a small step, but when his feet were firm, he was already thousands of meters away.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi were trying their best to show their figures, and they barely followed behind.

Especially Lin Fei is the slowest among the three.

If it hadn't been for Lu Qi to pull a hand from time to time, Lin Fei would have lost it a long time ago.

Finally, I climbed over a large black mountain and came to a land of nothingness. This area was filled with dark mist, and the aura was very mysterious.

In front, there is a very open valley, between the black mountains, there is a lake in it, as smooth as a mirror.

At this time, the sunset has already dyed the horizon red, making the lake dyed with a layer of golden brilliance.

"A lot of psychic half-immortals!"

Lin Fei pointed to dozens of tortoises swimming slowly and playing with each other in the lake. Each tortoise was full of spiritual energy. The shell of the tortoise was flowing with dreamy brilliance in the sunset.

The strong smell of medicine floated from the lake, very attractive.

"Dozens of psychic half-immortals!"

Lin Fei's eyes lit up and almost drooled out.

"Uncle, can you pick these half-celestial medicines?"

Lin Fei asked the monk.

At this moment, the monk also stopped, staring at the lake as if thoughtful.

At this moment, the lake banged loudly and the waves rushed into the sky.

Then, the lake rumbled to the two sides, and a figure appeared.

This is a humanoid creature with white hair like snow and pale skin. There is no trace of blood like snow, and it looks like a zombie. It stretches out its big claws to grab several people.


In the process of extending it, the big claw magnified infinitely, and it instantly covered the sky and sun.

The monk rolled up his sleeves, and took Lin Fei and the two people back quickly.

"What is this?"

Lin Fei asked in shock.

"This is an ancient corpse, very powerful! We seem to have broken into its restricted area."

The monk said in a deep voice.

call out!

The snow-white ancient corpse flew up from the lake and lunged at the three of them.

With a wave of the monk's sleeves, Lin Fei and the two were sent out of the safe area.

Then, his figure flickered and greeted the snow-white ancient corpse.

Boom boom boom...

In a moment, the monk fought against the snow-white ancient corpse.

After a few tricks.

The monk's finger suddenly shot a green light from the tip of the finger and hit the brow of the ancient corpse. Suddenly, the ancient corpse was instantly frozen, unable to move.


When Lin Fei and Lu Qi saw this, they both felt relieved.


However, at this moment, the lake rioted, the sway of iron ropes clashed, and there were terrible creatures below.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi, as well as the monk, looked closely at the lake. Then, they all sucked in air-conditioning, and three ancient corpses rushed up under the lake, also all white, exactly the same as the one just now.

Moreover, the lake was clear and clear. In the deep part of the lake, there was a huge shadow faintly. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an iron sedan with iron chains on the bars. Eerie and scary.

"These four ancient corpses are just people who carry the sedan chair, what kind of existence is there in that iron sedan chair?"

Both Lin Fei and Lu Qi were shocked, and their scalps were a little cold.


The water in the entire lake was tumbling violently at this moment, and the dozens of tortoises just now had long been missing.

Under the clear lake bottom, you can see that the iron bridge is moving slowly, floating up above the water.

call out!

The monk was bold and bold. He didn't retreat but moved forward. With a flash of figure, he rushed directly to the top of the lake.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the monk fought against the three white corpses at the same time.

After a dozen rounds.

The monk still raised his hand a little, shot three green glows, and fixed the three ancient corpses, then stared at the depths of the lake and snorted: "Duh!"

His tongue was thunderous and he had an inexplicable mighty force. The boiling lake calmed down like a **** of devil. The black iron sedan shook a few times, seemingly unwilling, but in the end it didn't shake anymore.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi both felt hairy in their hearts. There were such terrifying and tyrannical creatures everywhere in this place of life and death.

Fortunately, when he met this monk, he would help Lin Fei find the saint lotus of reincarnation.


A miserable sneer, like a ten thousand-year old ghost, came up from the black iron bridge at the bottom of the lake, and then the black iron bridge finally slowly sank back to the bottom of the water.

Whirring whirring……

Bursts of black fog suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the lake, covering the four frozen snow-white ancient corpses. Then, the four ancient corpses disappeared directly in the black fog.

"Okay, let's go.

Not far ahead, is where the saint lotus of reincarnation is. "

The monk stared at the lake for a while, then retracted his gaze, and said to Lin Fei.

After hearing the monk's words, both Lin Fei couldn't help but refresh themselves.

The saint lotus of reincarnation, is it finally here!

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