Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1849: Dangerous mountain

Soon after, a **** mountain appeared in front of it, flowing with the breath of Minggu, majestic and majestic, giving people the feeling of being overwhelming, and making people feel very tight.

"The saint lotus of reincarnation is on this mountain."

Before this **** mountain, the monk stood still and said to Lin Fei.

"However, I can feel that there are many powerful presences on this mountain.

It is not easy to get the saint lotus of reincarnation. "

The monk's gaze stared at the mountain, his gaze looked very solemn.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi were both shocked.

The monk's strength is unfathomable, even he said so. It can be seen that there are indeed many terrifying existences hidden on this mountain.

"Let's go, no matter what Longtan Tiger Den is here, now that we are here, let's break into it."

The monk said, and then, taking the lead, took a big step and walked up the mountain.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi quickly followed.

The three of them went all the way, along a winding mountain road, and climbed up the black mountain.

Along the way, the three of them felt a strange aura.

In the faint, there seemed to be many very scary existences, spying on the three of them in secret.


After climbing for a little and a half, suddenly, a powerful pressure fell from the sky and exerted on the three of them.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and Lu Qi became difficult in their actions.

It's difficult to move one step at a time.


The monk hummed heavily, waved his sleeves, and rolled Lin Fei and Lu Qi to his side.

Then, Lin Fei and Lu Qi realized that the terrible coercion exerted on their bodies had just disappeared.

Then, the three of them continued to climb. On this big mountain, pieces of black rocks were stained with the traces of the years, and occasionally one or two spiritual grasses grew between the cracks of the rocks, and the medicine was very old.

However, Lin Fei and Lu Qi were both unintentionally watching, even if they saw the high-level Taoist medicine everywhere, they did not dare to pick them casually.

Above this mountain, there is a strange atmosphere everywhere, and it is dangerous and inexplicable.

Soon, walked halfway up the mountain.

"There is a deep cliff ahead!"

Lin Fei suddenly called out softly.

Looking over the deep cliff, like a bottomless abyss, a black hole, you can't see the end at a glance.

"It seems that a pair of eyes are looking at us..."

Lin Fei was suddenly startled, and pointed down, two eyes flickering in the darkest depths.

The monk who was walking in the front slammed his big hand, grabbed it under the abyss through the endless void, and then the monk withdrew his big hand and threw something on the ground with a clanging sound.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi's eyes were all staring up to the ground.

This is a silver scale, which can be as big as a slap, and is shining brightly. There is a silver holy flame beating, and the fluctuations that make people palpitate.

An extremely terrifying energy radiated from the scales.

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling soft, and quickly retreated.

The aura emanating from the scales seemed to be a peerless sword light against the throat, with a sharp edge that made people tremble all over and backed up involuntarily.

"too frightening."

Lin Fei was very shocked.

"What a powerful creature!

Fortunately, it didn't take the initiative to attack, it was just testing us just now. "

The monk frowned and said to himself.


A gloomy and vicious sneer came from below the deep cliff, and the pair of eyes before had disappeared.

"Let's go, you must be careful and follow me closely.

It's very dangerous here. "

The monk said to the two Lin Fei, with a very serious tone.

Then the three of them continued to climb up.

During this period, roars came from the black mountains from time to time, and a strange black wind howled, passing by them several times.


Above, there was a tsunami-like sound. The black wind uprooted many huge thousand-year-old trees and rolled them towards the sky.

"It's this strange black wind again!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

Before, in the outer area of ​​Life and Death, I had already encountered this black whirlwind once.

However, the black whirlwind here seems more terrifying.

"Be careful, here again!"

Lu Qi reminded Lin Fei.

The black strange wind makes the hair creepy, rolling up pieces of huge boulders, like a mountain and a crack, swirling not far away.

Lin Fei watched carefully, and suddenly Ji Lingling shuddered. In the black wind's eyes, a pair of cold and vicious eyes were staring at them.


The monk was obviously aware of it, and with a wave of his hand, he shot two black lights and cut them forward. The black lights were like a sharp sword, cut into the void and shattered, and instantly cut into the black whirlwind.


A scream came out.

The black strange wind disappeared, and the eyes quickly extinguished, disappearing into the void without a trace.

In the sky, a bunch of long black hairs danced down, but nothing else.


Lin Fei and Lu Qi both sucked air-conditioning.

No wonder, the warriors in the Saint Venerable Continent are all legends. Entering the land of life and death, there is no life, it is really dangerous and murderous at every step.


Just as Lin Fei and Lu Qi secretly sighed, suddenly, a scorching and terrifying heat wave fell from the sky and completely enveloped the space where the three of them were.

Lin Fei suddenly felt the terrifying heat, like jumping into a furnace, almost turning to ashes.

Lin Fei hurriedly released his vitality to resist the heat of terror.

Lin Fei cultivated the Sun Golden Sutra, and the light golden vitality he cultivated was very effective against burning heat.

In front, there was an ancient cave with thin flames spraying outwards, and the heat overflowed from there. It was too far away for people to bear.

"In that ancient cave, what kind of existence is there that can release such a terrifying heat wave!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very frightened, secretly guessing in his heart.


Suddenly, there was a piercing cry. On the black mountain wall, fires burst out from the ancient cave, and black crows flew out, carrying waves of fire soaring into the sky.

Every black crow has a pale and gloomy face.

"What kind of crows are these?"

Lin Fei changed color.

Quack quack...

On the mountain wall, in the ancient cave that was constantly spitting fire, one after another black human-faced crows rushed out, flashing black lights, and flying with monstrous flames.

In a moment, the entire sky was crowded, like black clouds, an endless sea of ​​fire, burning toward the distant sky.

"So many crows, my God..."

Lin Fei and Lu Qi are both hairy.

Then, the overwhelming face of crows obscured the sky like a black cloud, driving the boundless fire to rush down.

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