Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1878: Zhao's pomp

In Nanhai City, on the main street, there are nuns commanding the guards in the city, hanging lanterns, colored ribbons, and sticking red happy characters everywhere.

Moreover, the distribution of various colored objects to the various households in the city has a taste of universal celebration.

Even the lord of Nanhai City personally took to the streets with a large group of soldiers to help with the arrangement.

In addition, there are many people from other sectarian forces who have come to Nanhai City one after another to prepare congratulations.

Also, the Nanhai School is one of the most powerful sects in the entire Nanling Land, and the Zhao Family is also a powerful family in Nanling.

Now, the marriage of two big forces is naturally a big deal.

It's not sloppy at all.

Therefore, at this time, Nanhai City is simply lively to the extreme.

Lin Fei walked slightly on the street, only to find two nuns approaching not far away.

The two nuns were about twenty-four or five years old, and their appearances were pretty good-looking, and they were both in the realm of God Bridge, and they were probably inner disciples of the Nanhai School.

"Well, that's them."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

So Lin Fei walked towards the two nuns.

"Why is this person so rude..."

When the two nuns saw a young man on the opposite side, they did not evade, and they walked straight across, frowning.

Lin Fei was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he walked in front of the two nuns.

"Too rude! You..."

One of the nuns pierced her eyebrows and shouted at Lin Fei.

However, the next moment, Lin Fei waved his hand, and a powerful force of strength was instantly applied to the two nuns.

Lin Fei is now in the advanced Mahayana realm, and the realm of these two nuns is almost a thousand miles away.

The two little nuns couldn't move their whole bodies immediately, and their mouths couldn't speak. The whole body seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain, making Huarong pale with fright.

Then, Lin Fei had a thought, already teleporting the two nuns to the slave tower.

Then, Lin Fei first teleported himself into the city on his body, and that city turned into a grain of sand and fell into the corner beside the street.

Among the slave towers.

The two nuns panicked and found themselves in another world.

Then, Lin Fei appeared directly in front of them.


Don't come here, pervert! "

The two nuns turned pale, thinking that Lin Fei got them here and wanted to rob them.

"I want to ask you something now.

You better answer honestly.

Otherwise, I will take your clothes off and throw them on the street! "

Lin Fei threatened.

In the end, under Lin Fei's various threats, he finally learned from the mouths of these two nuns that it was his two final wives, Rong'er and Wan'er, who were going to marry Young Master Zhao!

Moreover, it was the head of the Nanhai School who personally contributed to this marriage.

"I used to hear a senior from the school said that Shangguan Rong'er and Shangguan Wan'er were not actually from our Sage Continent.

It was Elder Ruan in the sect who strayed into a low-level small world and discovered that the two of them possessed a mind-conscious Buddha body and brought them back together.

Moreover, both of them are core disciples of our Nanpaihai, and their identities are higher than ours. "

One of the nuns said to Lin Fei.

Rong'er and Wan'er are Shangguan Fu.

"Also, I once heard from a core disciple in the school that Shangguan Rong'er and Shangguan Wan'er didn't seem to be willing to marry the Zhao family young master, especially the Shangguan Wan'er, who had committed suicide."

These two nuns were both inner disciples of the Nanhai School, so they knew a lot. Under the intimidation of Lin Fei's various methods, they knew everything.

After hearing the words of the two nuns, Lin Fei's expression turned gloomy on the spot, a murderous aura burst out, his body was visible, and the temperature in the surrounding space dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant.


good very good……

Nanhai School, Zhao Family..."

Lin Fei's eyes were murderous and sneered constantly.

The surging murderous aura and the terrible Yuan Li coercion completely controlled this space.


The two nuns could no longer resist, and at the same time they were limp and fell to the ground feebly, pale with fright, and even wisps of blood leaked from the corners of their mouths.

Their cultivation is in the Divine Bridge Realm, how can they withstand Lin Fei's murderous intent.

"Young Hero..., it has nothing to do with us, don't kill us!"

The two female nuns were both trembling, weak and frightened, huddling together, staring at Lin Fei with horror.

next moment.

Lin Fei moved his mind and sent the two female nuns out, placing them by the roadside.

"You'd better not say anything about today's matter, otherwise, I will kill you."

Lin Feizhan's departure method disappeared instantly, hiding in the void and leaving, before leaving, he sent a voice transmission to the two nuns.

Two female nuns were standing in a corner on the side of the street. When you look at me and when I look at you, you can see that there is still fear in each other's eyes.

"Senior Sister, what should I do, should I report what happened just now to Deacon Fu?"

One of the nuns asked the other.

"Are you looking for death?

Just now, the two of us revealed so much news to that person. If Deacon Fu knew, would we still have a way to survive?

Therefore, what we should do is to completely forget what happened just now. Do you understand? "

The other nun gritted her teeth and said.

"Senior Sister makes sense, well, listen to Sister Sister."

The other nun was also taken aback and said quickly.

Two days later.

In Nanhai City, the crowd was crowded, the noise vibrated, and the excitement was extremely lively.

At that time, a rumbling noise suddenly rang from the northwestern sky.

Everyone's eyes all immediately looked into the sky in that direction.

I saw ten huge and mighty warships lined up in a row. Each warship, exuding powerful formation fluctuations, came in the air, shaking the void slightly.

At the same time, on the hull of each warship, there is a big red happy character, ribbons fluttering, various colored flags, waving in the wind, and there are bursts of beautiful and beautiful music, constantly emanating, Cheyun Xiao.

What is even more sighing is that on both sides of each warship, there are countless costumed virgins, carrying flowers and blue, and constantly throwing flowers into the void.

Flowers fluttering and flying everywhere, falling from the sky.

I have to say that this kind of welcoming scene is very pomp, very grand and amazing!

The high-profile behavior of the Nanling Zhao family is also evident from this.

In Nanhai City, both men and women, young and old, rushed to the streets one after another, standing up high, looking up to the sky, and the sound of exclamation was like the sound of tide.

Lin Fei was naturally standing in the crowd, looking at the sky, ten warships slowly approaching.


The Zhao family, it's really poignant, but wait and see, I will soon make your happy event a funeral..."

Lin Fei kept sneering.

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