Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1879: finally come

In a moment, ten warships came to the sky above Nanhai City.

However, to the disappointment of those watching the excitement in the city, no one came down on the battleship.

But in Nanhai City, there were dozens of figures rising into the sky.

The first one was an old nun who was about fifty years old. Holding a whisk in her hand, a faint Buddha light radiated from her body. A powerful pressure oppressed the space around her.

Behind this old nun, followed by a large group of middle-aged nuns, or young nuns.

"Look, it's the dust-free elder of the Nanhai Sect. Her elder, a hermit elder of the Nanhai Sect, actually came to Nanhai City to welcome the Zhao family's greet team!

As soon as this elderly nun appeared, there was a burst of discussion in Nanhai City.


The dust-free god, unexpectedly, you actually sent to greet you personally, Zhao is ashamed! "

The dust-free elder had just lifted off, and a large group of people immediately walked out on one of the ten warships, the head of which was a middle-aged man in a yellow shirt with a Chinese face and a majestic expression.

"Patriarch Zhao has a noble status, and came to my Nanhai School in person. How could my school be rude.

Well, my head is already waiting for Patriarch Zhao at the headquarters. "

Said the Wuchen elder, and then, she threw the whisk in her hand into the sky. The whisk was instantly enlarged and turned into a huge whisk, which lay across the sky.

Then all the dust-free troops stood on top of the whisk and went to the sky.

The ten battle ships of the Zhao family were also launched instantly and followed.

In the sky, a huge whisk, ten warships, mighty and mighty, disappeared in the sky instantly.

In Nanpai City, Lin Fei stood among the crowd and did not follow.

Because, Lin Fei had already inquired that the Zhao family's welcoming team and the way back would definitely pass Nanhai City again.

Therefore, Lin Fei decided to wait here, and when the Zhao family's welcoming team returned, they did a thunderbolt, rescued Rong'er and Wan'er in public, and then drove away.

Because if you enter the headquarters of Nanpaihai, there will be a lot of people on the other side, and maybe there is a powerful apologetic formation in the headquarters of the Nanhai school, once you start, you may not be able to win. .

In Nanhai City, Lin Fei was waiting quietly.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Nanhai School.

The entire headquarters of the Nanhai School is full of joy, ribbons of various colors fluttering across the mountains, and red lanterns are hung everywhere.

On one of the beautiful mountain peaks.

Rong'er and Wan'er each wore a big red robe that was beaming. They were placed in a small hall and waited, there was a taste of being married.

However, above the two exquisite faces, there was no slightest joy. On the contrary, their expressions were sad, their beautiful eyes were red and swollen, and even between the two looking at each other, there was a certain sense of determination.

"Little beggar, we may never see you again in this life...

Only wait for the afterlife.

I hope that in the next life, I can meet the little beggar again and reconnect with him..."

Wan'er looked at the distant sky outside the window, and at this moment, a faint brilliance flashed in her originally sad beautiful eyes.

Rong Er didn't say anything, silently stepped forward, hugging Wan'er.

"The Zhao Family Patriarch is here!"

Suddenly, a rolling voice came in from outside the Nanhai faction headquarters.

"Sister Rong, they are here!"

At this moment, both Wan'er and Rong'er couldn't help but held each other's hands tightly.

"Sister Rong, when shall we do it."

Wan'er asked Rong'er.

"Hmph, wait for the opportunity. Since the head of the family and the Zhao family must push my two sisters to this point, we will wait until there are the most people and the busiest time before we do it, let them make a big ugly."

Rong Er said.

"Okay. Everything listens to Sister Rong."

At this moment, the hands of the two sisters became tighter.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, Young Master Zhao is here to pick you up, come out!"

Outside the small hall, a middle-aged nun brought dozens of female disciples to the door and walked in. It was Elder Ruan.

"Today is your big day, what will it look like with such a frown.

Don't worry, I will always accompany you two to Zhao's house. "

Then Elder Ruan walked in with a group of disciples, and then began to slap, helped Rong'er and Wan'er clean up, and took them out.

At this time, in Nanhai City.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in a remote corner, closing his eyes and resting.

People come and go in Nanhai City, naturally no one cares about a warrior sitting in a remote corner.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, don't worry, I'm here to pick you up."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, as soon as he remembered, he would see his two last married wives, and Lin Fei's faces showed a soft smile.

Time passed slowly.

One hour, two hours,...

After a long time.

Lin Fei, who was sitting cross-legged, his face moved.

"Is it finally here!"

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, staring at the distant sky.

In the direction of the Nanhai School Headquarters, ten warships roared from above the sky.

Before the ten warships, there was still a huge whisk, clearing the way in front.

"Look, the Zhao family welcoming team is back!"

Among the Nanhai faction, the crowd suddenly began to rush to the streets to watch the excitement.

In a few moments, ten majestic welcoming ships arrived over Nanhai City.

That huge whisk also stopped above Nanhai City at the same time.

"Patriarch Zhao, well, I will send it here, not far away.

Elder Ruan and the others, on behalf of our Nanhai school, will **** the two brides to the Zhao family. "

Above the dust, there were several Nanpaihai elders speaking to the Patriarch of the Zhao family.

"Hahaha, well, hard work and dust-free elders.

Please go back, Elder Wuchen. "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family also walked out of the battleship in the middle, clasped his fists and said loudly to the Wuchen elder.

at this time.

No one noticed that in Nanpai City, outside a remote corner.

A certain space began to rippling slightly.

Then, a figure slammed into the space and disappeared.

This figure is naturally Lin Fei.

Under Lin Fei's divine consciousness perception, in one of the warships, he had already found his two final wives, Rong'er and Wan'er!

So, at this time, Lin Fei couldn't care about anything anymore.

It is directly displaying the power of the space, traversing the space, and heading for the warship where Rong'er and Wan'er are.

At this time, the Zhao Family Patriarch was taking his son, Zhao Family Master, to bid farewell to the Wuchen Sect elder.

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