Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1880: Meet

The high-level figures of the two major sects say goodbye, and they have already become in-laws, which is naturally very cumbersome and verbose.

And in Nanhai City, almost everyone rushed to the streets, looking at the ten mighty battle ships in the sky in amazement, and there was a lot of discussion and lively.

You know, the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction are both the top powers in Nanling. The marriage between the two factions, such a sensational event throughout Nanling, is naturally attracting attention. Everyone wants to witness this event with their own eyes.

at this time.

High in the sky, among the ten battleships of the Zhao family, one of them.

Inside a luxurious wing room.

Rong'er and Wan'er sat in a hug, wearing festive bridal red robes. There were tears on their delicate faces.

"Wan'er, are you afraid?"

Rong Er asked, pityingly.

"Sister Rong, I'm not afraid.

However, I regret that I can no longer see the little beggar in this life.

I hope that the three of us can get together again in the next life.

Sister Rong, when will we start doing it? "

At this time, Wan'er showed a decisive and brave expression.

"Right here, here is the sky above Nanhai City. At this time, there are tens of thousands of people in Nanhai City watching the excitement.

The two of us, let's kill ourselves here.

Humph, in this way, let the head and the Zhao family make a ugly face in front of the world, who told them to coerce us two weak women! "

Rong Er gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, Sister Rong!"

Wan'er also nodded without hesitation.

It is also true that Rong'er and Wan'er have long been deeply rooted in Lin Fei's affection and can't help themselves.

In the past few years, he was brought to the Nanling of the Holy Venerable Continent by the elder Ruan of the Nanhai School.

The two of them had been thinking of Lin Fei for a long time, looking forward to returning to the Yuan Wu Realm as soon as possible to meet Lin Fei.

Where would you marry another strange man at this time?

In addition, the **** of the young master of the Zhao family is well-known throughout Nanling.

He grew up and didn't know how many women he had.

Moreover, there are already five wives he is currently marrying. As for the concubines, genius knows how many he has.

Even though he has so many women, he still remains unchanging, hunting for beauty everywhere. Last time, he accidentally met Rong'er and Wan'er, and was shocked by the heavens, and was fascinated.

So he entangled his father and must marry him these two twin sisters.

As for the Patriarch of the Zhao family, only this one son was the only son who had spoiled him since he was a child. He naturally agreed, and he did not know what price he paid in the end. He actually asked the head of the Nanhai School to personally agree to marry Rong'er and Wan'er to the young master of the Zhao family.

How could Rong'er and Wan'er marry such a man willingly.

Therefore, after the two of them discussed and discussed it, they made a decision, and finally decided to die!

"Wan'er, follow me, we left the warship, and committed suicide quickly in front of everyone.

The action cannot be slow, otherwise, with the strength of the Wuchen elder and the Zhao family Patriarch, our body can be sealed instantly. "

Rong Er urged.

"Okay, Sister Rong."

Wan'er nodded.

In this way, the two women discussed and decided to resist in the most fierce and decisive way.

Just at this time.

Beside, somewhere in the void, the space suddenly rippled and twisted slightly.

Then, a figure stepped out of this space and stood in the air.

It is Lin Fei.

As soon as Lin Fei passed through the chaotic void, Lu Qi also immediately emerged from the slave tower.

Moreover, Lin Fei had already handed over the Tuntun Ding and Tiantian Gourd to Lu Qi.

Under the control of Lu Qizhi, a veteran master of the Heavenly Caverns, Chaos Cauldron and Sky Swallowing Gourd are both sufficient and comparable to an extremely immortal soldier.

At the same time, Lin Fei thought, and the demon body clone appeared beside Lin Fei.

This time, Lin Fei planned to grab Rong'er and Wan'er in public in the most intense way.

At the moment when the demon body clone appeared, it was immediately used to seal the heavens and the earth demon forbidden method.

In an instant, the overwhelming magical runes enveloped the warship.

With the current strength of the magic body clone, it is easy to seal the space of a warship.

Even a master of the cave sky realm can seal it in an instant.

What's more, this time, when the Zhao family came to welcome the relatives, they did not bring many masters.

Because of the marriage of the two top sects of the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction, how can anyone be so bold and dare to make trouble?

Finally, at this moment, almost all the people around discovered that three more figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the sky and the ground, all eyes were staring at Lin Fei, Lu Qi, and the demon clone.


"Who are you guys, so bold!"


The Patriarch of the Zhao Family, as well as the elder Wuchen, agreed to shout loudly.

"Come on, take them down!"


Suddenly, in the sky, a group of figures rushed towards Lin Fei and other three figures.

At this time, in the warship where Rong'er and Wan'er were, there were also two shadows, rushing out of that ship.

Naturally it was Rong'er and Wan'er. At this time, the two of them were planning to rush out and commit suicide in public.

However, at the moment Rong'er and Wan'er rushed out of the battleship and stepped into the void, they wanted to commit suicide as quickly as possible.

The magical runes flying all over the sky covered the sky, like countless black snowflakes, one after another, surrounding the two stunning women.

Then, both Rong'er and Wan'er discovered that their bodies could not move.

Then, a familiar voice sounded that they had missed many times in their dreams.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, I'm here to pick you up."

This voice was very flat, but in the flat, it seemed to contain deep joy.

For an instant, both Rong'er and Wan'er were stunned.


At this moment, the whole world seemed to be still, and time and space seemed to be frozen.

"Sister Rong, I seem to hear the little beggar calling me."

"I also seem to have heard it."

"Sister Rong, are we in a dream now, but it sounds so real..."

Rong'er and Wan'er said to each other.

However, talking and talking, they couldn't go on, because at this time, they all saw a dreamy figure, walking towards them step by step, with familiar faces on their faces. smile.


Rong'er and Wan'er screamed at the same time.

At this moment, both women completely believed that they were dreaming.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to see this person who has been missing so truly?

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