Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1882: They are my wives

Ah ah ah ah ah……

After a few breaths, the screams were endless, and all the Zhao family horses who rushed over were chopped into masses of blood mist.

Hundreds of Zhao family members were killed by Lu Qi.

"Master of the Cave Sky Realm!"

The Zhao Family Patriarch and the Nanhai School's Wuchen elder both narrowed their gazes at the same time, staring closely at the huge black bird that Lu Qi had transformed, and their expressions finally became a little jealous.

Nanling, like the Eastern Region, does not have the power to transform the strength of the fairyland. The most powerful is the master of the cave world.

Therefore, the masters of the cave world are among the top masters in Nanling.

Moreover, with the eyesight of the Zhao Family Patriarch and Wuchen Elder, it is natural to see that Lu Qi is not only a master of the cave world, but also a master of the cave world with terrifying combat power. The real combat power is by no means better than the two of them under!

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, and the Wuchen elder of the Nanhai Sect, couldn't help but look at each other, and saw the jealousy and doubt in each other's eyes.

It stands to reason that in this Nanling, all the masters of the Heavenly Cave Realm know each other.

However, how come they don't have any impression of the person in front of them?

"Retreat all!"

At this time, a large number of people from the Zhao family rushed towards Lu Qi and Lin Fei from all directions. The Patriarch of the Zhao family suddenly yelled and stopped all the people.

He naturally knew that facing a master of the Heavenly Caverns with terrifying combat power, even if these Zhao family members rushed up, they would only die.

"Your Excellency, you two, who on earth are you? How did our Zhao family offend you by using such despicable means to ruin my son's wedding.

Is it true that we don't put our Zhao family in our eyes! "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family took a deep breath, the anger in his eyes was hard to suppress, the tone was sharp, and he slowly said to Lu Qi.

"Zhao family, is it amazing?

Who made your Zhao family offend my master? "

Lu Qi rolled his eyes and answered with a sneer.


The Patriarch of the Zhao family trembled with anger.

And the dust-free elder of the Nanhai Sect, also with cold eyes.

"the host!

Is he your master? "

At the same time, the Patriarch of the Zhao family and the elder Wuchen were also surprised.

Such a terrifying master of the Heavenly Caverns was actually just a servant of that young man.

Could it be that this young man has no background?

Thinking of this, Patriarch Zhao and Elder Wuchen couldn't help being cautious in their hearts while furious.

At this time, Lin Fei was still holding Rong'er and Wan'er separately.

Moreover, at this time, Rong'er and Wan'er also slowly recovered from that dreamy state.

I vaguely felt that everything that happened before my eyes was most likely real, not a dream.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, this is really not a dream, it's real, I'm here to pick you up!"

Naturally, Lin Fei could see that Rong'er and Wan'er's current mental state, so while speaking, a huge divine power penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of the two at the same time. That psychedelic state shattered.

Suddenly, under the influence of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, Rong'er and Wan'er finally woke up completely.

At this moment, the two finally returned to reality, looking at Lin Fei with incredible eyes!

The tears are soaring!

"Little beggar!"

Wan'er's body shook wildly, trembling!

"Lin Fei!"

Rong'er, who is usually more stable, couldn't care about any gaffes at this time. He hugged Lin Fei's arm tightly, tears falling down.

The three finally meet again!

All thoughts, thousands of words, turned into tears!

"Well, Rong'er, Wan'er, everything, wait for me to deal with the matter before me, then speak slowly."

Lin Fei said to the two.

"Damn it!

damn thing!

Dad, look at them, they are too presumptuous!

My dog ​​is dead! "

At this time, the young master of the Zhao family saw with his own eyes the two wives he was about to marry home, being held in his arms by another man, and he was still lingering and sweet.

This young master of the Zhao family, relying on his father's strength and status, has always been accustomed to domineering throughout Nanling. Only he bullied others, so how could he have been squandered like today?

His two wives were held in the arms of other men under the full view of everyone.

The dignified Young Master Zhao, wouldn't he lose his face in Nanling from now on?

At this moment, the Zhao family young master was really angry to the extreme, resentment to the extreme, he couldn't wait to rush up and smash that kid into pieces.

"What is your identity?

Why forcibly contaminate the two brides of our Zhao family and ruin our Zhao family's wedding?

Hmph, this kind of **** hatred, sir, you better confess to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

Let's talk about it, what is the power behind you! "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family said in a cold tone, word by word, slowly.

"Rong'er and Wan'er are disciples of our Nanhai school, sir, if you tarnish the innocence of our Nanhai school disciples like this, our Nanhai school will never ignore it.

Your Excellency, please let Rong'er and Wan'er go immediately.

At the same time, give an explanation.

Otherwise, our Nanhai faction will definitely investigate it to the end! "

The elder Wuchen also stared very coldly, staring closely at Lin Fei and said.


Okay, do you want to know why?

Well, I will tell you. "

At this time, Lin Fei had comforted Rong'er and Wan'er and let them go.

The demon body clone stood beside Rong'er and Wan'er, guarding them.

Lin Fei took a step forward.

"Because Rong'er and Wan'er are my wives!"

Lin Fei said loudly.

what? !

Hearing what Lin Fei said, everyone in the sky and the earth, and everyone around, was shocked at the same time.

What is this nonsense?

It was obviously the two brides that the Zhao family married, so how come they became the wife of that kid?

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the people around were all silent.

"It's him!

It really is him!

He turned out to be the last married couple of Rong'er and Wan'er in that low-level world!

He actually found it in Nanling!

Could it be that the space-time crack that I ran into by mistake last time broke again? "

At this moment, there was only one middle-aged nun who heard Lin Fei's words and muttered to herself in shock, staring at Lin Fei with extremely incredible eyes.

This middle-aged nun is naturally Elder Ruan.

Last time, she took Rong'er and Wan'er away in the Yuanwu Realm, and also casually claimed to be Nanhai Shenni.

She originally thought that Rong'er and Wan'er would definitely not have any chance in this life to get their last married husband in that low-level small world.

Unexpectedly, now they have been found.

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