Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1883: All to die

"Bold fanatic!

Rong'er and Wan'er are disciples of our Nanhai School. They have always been clean and self-conscious, and they are definitely virgins.

How could it be your wife!

You are so arrogant to insult the innocence of our Nanhai School! "

Hearing Lin Fei’s words, the elder Wuchen couldn’t help it anymore. He took a step forward, rising up into the sky with the endless force of the power, and there were bursts of Buddhist music and Zen singing, rising from her body, very strange .


Okay, very good boy, I don't care what kind of power you have behind you.

Our Zhao family will never expose this account. "

The Patriarch of the Zhao family couldn't bear it anymore.

The two brides that his only child married were actually described as his wives by this kid. This was already very serious and blatantly provoked. The Patriarch of the Zhao family couldn't bear it anymore.


A terrifying hurricane of Yuanli force rushed out from him.

Before, this Zhao Family Patriarch and the Nanhai Sect's Wuchen elder were a little jealous of Lu Qi's combat power, and they were also afraid of what might be a great power behind this young man.

But their patience is also limited.

At this moment, they decided to take action.


Revealed? !

This account, even if your Zhao family wants to expose it, I will not expose it.

Also, the old thief who was named Ruan from the Nanhai School, you were stronger in the Yuanwu Realm at the beginning. With your own strength, it means that you have taken a fancy to the Mingxin Buddha bodies of my two last married wives and forcibly brought them to From Nanling.

Humph, originally, if you really brought them back to the South China Sea faction and let them practice martial arts well, that would be fine.

However, these thieves and nuns from the South China Sea dared to force my two final wives to marry.

Haha, I will definitely settle this account with you Nanhai faction, and let you return it a hundred times, a thousand times! "

Lin Fei laughed loudly and said loudly.

Under Yuanli's blessing, Lin Fei's voice turned into dull thunder, and it continued to explode in the high altitude.

Everyone heard Lin Fei's words very clearly.

what? !

Is there such a thing?

Could it be that this kid is really the last married husband of the two core disciples of the Nanhai School?

Many people thought in surprise.

It is also true that Rong'er, Wan'er and Lin Fei just now, when they reunited, what they said, and the deep true feelings revealed when they met, were all seen by everyone. Inside.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two female disciples of the South China Sea School seem to really agree with this young man, and they are not fake.

Coupled with what Lin Fei said, everyone's thoughts were shaken.

Especially the nuns of the Nanhai School, after listening to Lin Fei's words, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Because, within the Nanhai School, there are many people who know that Rong'er and Wan'er came from a low-level small world before, and because they were born with a mindful Buddha body, they were brought back to the Holy Land by Elder Ruan.

Moreover, over the years, Rong Er Wan'er has been obsessed with it, often mentioning to people in the Nanhai School that they have a last married husband.

Now, these Nanhai sect nuns, including the Wuchen elder, are very shocked.

"Elder Ruan..."

The elder Wuchen turned around and looked at Elder Ruan, wanting to ask what happened.

However, when Elder Wuchen's gaze fell on Elder Ruan's face, and after seeing her incredible expression, he immediately knew that this was true.

This young man turned out to be the last married husband of Rong'er and Wan'er!

So, the elder Wuchen took a deep breath, turned around slowly, and fixed his stern eyes on Lin Fei.

"Patriarch Zhao, you and I work together to kill these two arrogant people first.

I'll talk about other things at that time. "

The elder Wuchen said to the Zhao Family Patriarch.

The Patriarch of the Zhao Family, able to become the Patriarch of a large family, is naturally also a very clever big man.

From the expressions of the nuns of the Nanhai School, he naturally knew that what this arrogant young man said turned out to be true.

The two female disciples of the Nanhai School married by his son actually had a last married husband.

And now, their last married husband has been found.

"it is good.

However, Elder Wuchen, afterwards, your Nanhai faction wants to give me a satisfactory explanation. "

Patriarch Zhao also took a deep breath, and then said.

This incident, he naturally blamed the Nanhai School.

"Do it."

The elder Wuchen moved towards Lu Qi first.

The figure of the Patriarch of the Zhao family also rushed out at the same time.

The two of them were really afraid of Lu Qi's combat power, so they planned to join forces first to kill Lu Qi.

As for Lin Fei, the vitality realm of the mere high-level Mahayana realm was not worth mentioning in their eyes.

This time, among the Zhao family's welcoming team, the only master of the cave world came to the Zhao family's Patriarch himself, and the rest of the hidden clan elders stayed in the family headquarters to greet the guests.

Because the family headquarters is the real home of marriage. Those big figures who come to congratulate the Zhao family naturally go to the Zhao family headquarters to attend the wedding.

For the Nanhai Sect, only the Wuchen elder, a master of the Heavenly Caverns, was present, and the other hermit elders, some were in the sect headquarters, and some represented the Nanhai Sect, went to the Zhao family headquarters to attend the wedding early.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, and the elder Wuchen, had no choice but to confront Lu Qi in person.

Boom boom boom...

Lu Qi also rushed out.

The fierce battles of the three masters of the sky realm unfolded instantly, and bursts of terrifying Yuanli hurricanes unfolded in this world instantly.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed for a moment, and found that although Lu Qi was one enemy two, but there was no failure, so he relaxed.

Lu Qi was originally an ancient master who had survived for hundreds of thousands of years, but now he can re-train and increase his combat power, which is naturally terrifying.

"Take that kid down!"

The Patriarch of the Zhao family shouted loudly.

He and the dust-free elders of the Nanhai School joined forces to deal with Lu Qi, and for a while, they did not have any advantage.

Suddenly, his gaze scanned Lin Fei, realizing that this was a good opportunity to capture, so he ordered the people of the Zhao family.

Suddenly, the people of the Zhao family began to rush up again and surrounded Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness also found out that among the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction, there were only two masters in the Heavenly Caverns.

As a result, Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered.

"Senior Lu Qi, you hold them two, I will kill all of them!"

Lin Fei transmitted to Lu Qi.

The Nanhai faction and the Zhao family have already touched Lin Fei's bottom line deeply, and Lin Fei intends to kill.


Lu Qi replied.

"Boy, tie your hands obediently!"

"Dog stuff, so bold, you dare to mess with our Zhao family."

"Be careful of his clone!"

"Don't be afraid, we are so crowded, we join forces!"

At this time, a large number of people had already rushed to Lin Fei's side, one by one with murderous aura.

These people have some fear of the demon clone, after all, the combat power shown by the demon clone just now is terrifying.

"All of the Zhao family are going to die!"

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

The avatar of the demon body instantly displayed the magic forbidden method, and suddenly, the sky was filled with strange runes, bursting out, and spreading out.

Then, all those who rushed to Lin Fei's surroundings were sealed and unable to move.

Lin Fei's right arm suddenly enlarged infinitely, as thick as a dragon, sweeping out.

Puff puff……

Dozens of people from the Zhao family, who were touched by Lin Fei's right arm, all exploded into a cloud of blood.

Lin Fei's current physical strength can face ordinary Celestial Heaven Realm masters!

What's more, these people below the strength of the Mahayana realm.


Lin Fei released his physical strength, and his body was full of blood and qi, roaring constantly, and the imaginary flames rose into the sky.

Then, Lin Fei suddenly rushed out.

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