Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1887: go away

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven chapters leave


The dust-free elder of the Nanhai Sect was seriously injured! "

"Elder Wuchen, can't beat that kid unexpectedly!"

"Elder Wuchen, but a master of the Heavenly Caverns, in our Nanling, he has been famous for a long time. I didn't expect that today, I was defeated by an unknown boy!"


Watching the scene where Lin Fei hit the elder Wuchen into a serious injury, and then the elder Wuchen was wounded and fled, a series of shocking comments and exclamations continued to sound.

"He..., he actually... severely wounded Elder Wuchen...

A lowly brat from Yuanwu Realm is actually so powerful..."

The elder Ruan of the Nanhai School was even more stunned, like a chicken that had lost a fight, his face was stiff and dull, and his mouth was muttering to himself.

This elder Ruan is now only the strength of the high-level Mahayana realm, her combat power is far worse than that of the Wuchen elder.

Doesn't that mean that this kid from Yuanwu Realm, Rong'er and Wan'er's last married husband, can easily crush themselves?

"Perhaps, I was really wrong.

I used to keep telling Rong'er and Wan'er that their last married couple, who was as low and weak as an ant, was simply not worthy of them.

Even, the boss forced the two of them to marry Young Master Zhao. In my subconscious, I still think that this is because they have climbed to the top and have since been married into the rich.

However, it now appears that this brat from Yuanwu Realm can seriously hurt the master of the Dongtian Realm, and he is much better than the lustful Zhao Family Master.

I seem to be wrong..."

Finally, the elder Ruan of the Nanhai School said with difficulty, a wry smile on his dull and stiff face.

"How is this going!"

The Patriarch of the Zhao Family had been controlling the Sky Axe and was in a fierce battle with Lu Qi. At this time, he also noticed the situation in the field, and couldn't help but be stunned.

He wanted to break his head, but he couldn't understand why, as the dust-free elder of the cave world, how could he be lost in the hands of a younger generation boy.

"Huh, the old thief, you actually did it, don't think about running away!"

Lin Fei smiled coldly, and moved to chase the clean elder.

Lin Fei's body technique used to combine the essence of several advanced body technique secret techniques, and he also obtained the secret technique inherited from the Red Devil Rat. Now it is even closer to the extreme.

It is about to face the master of the cave world, in terms of body skills, there is not much difference.

In addition, the Wuchen elder suffered such a serious injury, naturally, in terms of speed, there has been a decline.

In a moment, the distance between Lin Fei and the Wuchen elder was getting closer and closer.

"Everyone go up together, stop this little thief, and help Elder Wuchen!"

The female nuns of the Nanhai School in the vicinity finally reacted at this time, and they rushed towards Lin Fei in desperation.

"Those who block me die!"

Although these female nuns are all women, Lin Fei will never relent in the face of enemies.

"Master, we are leaving.

There are a few powerful breaths coming here.

I suspect it is a master of the Nanhai School headquarters. "

Suddenly, Lin Fei received Lu Qi's transmission.


Lin Fei was taken aback, his divine consciousness perceived it from afar.

Sure enough, in the direction of the Nanhai faction headquarters, there were a large number of figures rushing in.

Always at the forefront, there are a few figures with very terrifying auras, obviously all of them are masters of the cave world.

"Well, the Nanhai School, as the top big sect in Nanling, must also have extremely immortal soldiers.

OK, Senior Lu Qi, let's withdraw immediately! "

Lin Fei also made a decisive decision.

If there is another Extreme Immortal Soldier, Lu Qi is not necessarily an opponent.

Although it was said that the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle in the hands of the demon body clone, Lin Fei estimated that the true power would definitely not be inferior to the extreme immortal soldier.

However, besides holding the evil needle and using it as an iron rod, the demon body clone now uses

As a result, Lin Fei and Lu Qi, as well as demon body clones, three figures, rushed out at the same time.

"Don't want to run away!"

Patriarch of the Zhao family shouted angrily.

Seeing the Nanhai faction's strong support is coming, where he is willing to let Lin Fei and Lu Qi leave.

Suddenly, controlling the battle axe, Rumble chased him up.

"Lu Qi, follow me into the chaotic void."

Lin Fei's voice transmission.

Lu Qi nodded, and reached out his hand to swallow the sky gourd.


The sky swallowing gourd blocked the battle axe that had been cut from the sky back.

Then, Lin Fei merged the demon body clone back into the main body, displayed the power of space, took Lu Qi, and instantly passed into the space, disappearing.

"Travel through space!"

The Patriarch of the Zhao family who caught up with him watched Lin Fei use his spatial power and traversed into the chaotic void, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

He couldn't think that a young junior boy could actually travel through space easily.

"Hmph, I see how far you can travel."

Family Master Zhao coldly snorted, and then, his divine consciousness was released far away, sensing the nearby area.

Soon, about fifteen to six kilometers away, a figure suddenly emerged from the void.

Naturally it is Lin Fei.


Family Master Zhao let out a cold snort, and his body shot out.

However, in an instant, Lin Fei's figure traversed the space again.

"How could this kid's spatial power reach this point!"

Patriarch Zhao's face was very ugly.

It travels more than 10,000 meters in space, and can travel again in an instant.

This kind of space power is already a bit unbelievable for the Zhao Patriarch.

After all, there are too few warriors who are good at space power.

Simply, it is the phoenix hair scale corner.

There are even fewer people who can traverse a distance of tens of thousands of meters at once.


At this time, in the sky in the distance, there were a few fierce figures shooting out.

Behind, followed by a large number of people and horses, came in mighty.

"It was Nanhai who sent people and horses."

Someone exclaimed.

Then, four or five nuns, each with a whisk in their hands, came to the side of the Patriarch of the Zhao family with a faint Buddha light radiating from all over their bodies.

At the same time, in the distant sky, a team of nuns flew over, each with graceful posture and light body, falling on the court.

"Patriarch Zhao, what's going on!"

One of the charming middle-aged nuns, with a kind face, holding a golden whisk in her arms, stepped forward and asked the Zhao Patriarch.

This middle-aged nun is the head of the Nanhai School.

The elderly nuns who followed her were all hermit elders.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family briefly talked about what happened just now.


Your young master was killed, and Rong'er and Wan'er, whom I sent, were robbed by that little thief! "

Suddenly, the head of the Nanhai School was shocked and angry.

She had received a distress message from the Wuchen elder, and immediately rushed with the people from the Nanhai faction. Until now, she finally figured out the whole thing.

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