Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1888: Destroy dreams

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight chapters destroy dreams

"Elder Wuchen, you..."

The head of the South China Sea School suddenly fell a few kilometers away, on a mountain peak, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and healing the wounded elder Wuchen asked in surprise.

At this time, the dust-free elder, half of his body disappeared, and there was still a remnant body, **** and terrible.

"Oh, the head, I underestimated that kid and made this happen for a while.

That kid's ** power is terrible, it turned out to be the legendary ** supernatural power.

I estimate that his power can be used to fight against the ordinary cave world. "

The Wuchen elder slowly opened his eyes, looked towards the head of the Nanhai faction, and then spoke.

"**Supernatural powers, can you fight against the ordinary masters of the cave world?!"

After listening to the words of the Wuchen elder, the head of the Nanhai School, several hermit elders, and Patriarch Zhao were all shocked.

You know, body refiners generally make quicker progress in the early stage and take effect early.

However, as the level of cultivation gets higher and higher, the weaknesses of the practitioner will be exposed.

When the power of the body develops to a certain level and reaches a certain point, it is difficult for the body refiner to make much progress and stagnate.

Because human beings are relatively fragile.

Therefore, it is not easy to talk about reaching the highest peak of martial arts while refining the body.

However, there are exceptions.

It is said that the body refiner has cultivated to a certain level, once the supernatural powers are successfully developed, it will be a qualitative leap.

The body refiners who have developed supernatural powers have already undergone a qualitative change and got rid of the category of human beings. In this way, in the future, there will be unlimited development possibilities in terms of the power of the human being.

It can be said that the development of supernatural powers is the realm that all body refiners dream of.

"you sure?

A young kid who actually developed supernatural powers? ! "

A hidden elder of Nanhai sent a question to the Wuchen elder in an incredulous tone.

"Can't be wrong.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. "

The Wuchen elder smiled bitterly.

Then, in the sea of ​​her knowledge, a powerful force of divine consciousness burst out, continuously intertwined and outlined in the void in front of her.

Then, one picture after another appeared continuously.

It was the scene in which Lin Fei had just shown his supernatural powers and turned into a ten-foot-tall golden giant.

"It's really supernatural power!"

At this time, everyone no longer doubted, but each one still felt very shocked.

It seemed that a kid who was only in his early twenties had reached such a terrible step on top of refining his body.

"What kind of identity is this kid, why would he do this?"

The head of the Nanhai School said.

"Huh, this, I'm going to ask you Nanhai faction!

That kid, who claims to be the last married husband of your two female disciples!

Since those two female disciples already have the last husband, the head, why haven't you mentioned this to me.

This time, because of that kid, so many people in our Zhao family died, and my son also died tragically.

I hope that you Nanhai school can give me a satisfactory explanation.

Humph, otherwise, you Nanhaihai will count this blood account! "

After hearing the words of the head of the Nanhai School, the Patriarch of the Zhao family suddenly became out of anger and said harshly.


Claiming to be the last married couple of Rong Er and Wan Er! "

The head of the Nanhai School, as well as the few hidden elders, all exclaimed in a low voice after hearing Patriarch Zhao's words.

"Head, isn't it..."

Said a hidden elder.

"Elder Ruan, come here!"

The head of the Nanhai School turned around and his eyes fell on Elder Ruan.

The remaining hidden elders also looked at Elder Ruan.

Because everyone in the Nanhai School knows that Rong'er and Wan'er were brought back from another small world.

"Hey, the boss, judging from the situation when Rong'er and Wan'er met the little thief just now.

He is indeed the last married husband of Rong'er and Wan'er in that small world.

Unexpectedly, he found our Nanhai faction.

Moreover, that little thief came from that low-level little world. He should have been very weak.

However, I don't know why, his strength is so powerful that it is such a terrible level, and there is also a master of the sky cave who claims to be his servant.

The head, as I know, is so much. "

Elder Ruan sighed slightly, feeling very depressed and sluggish, and said slowly.

"A warrior from a low-level small world?

In that case, your two female disciples also come from a low-level small world? "

Patriarch Zhao asked, surprised and suspicious.

"Patriarch Zhao, I didn't explain the origins of the two female disciples to you in detail before. It is indeed mine.

However, the two female disciples came from a very low-level small world.

I originally thought that their previous last married husbands must have been very weak, and in this lifetime, they would never go back to that low-level small world and see the previous last married husbands.

So, I did not explain to you.

However, I didn't think that he had found the little thief.

Alright, Patriarch Zhao, why don't you go back to the headquarters of our Nanhai School with me now, and let's discuss the countermeasures slowly. "

Asked the head of the Nanhai School.

"Huh, no need.

Me and you Nanhai School, there is nothing more to say!

Huo Master, that thing, you will never want to get it from me! "

Patriarch Zhao finished speaking, and when he moved his body, it turned into a streamer, shot away, and instantly disappeared into the distant sky.

"Patriarch Zhao...!"

The head of the Nanhai faction was shocked and hurriedly shouted to stay, but there was no use.

"Hmph, that little thief, actually ruined my good deed..."

The head of the Nanhai School looked at the sky, and the Patriarch of the Zhao family, who had already disappeared, couldn't help but twist his face with anger.

It turned out that she originally wanted to use the two female disciples, Rong'er and Wan'er, to exchange for a treasure that was very useful to her cultivation base from the hands of the Patriarch of the Zhao family.

That treasure played a very important role in her practice.

If she can get that treasure smoothly, her cultivation level will surely be able to advance by leaps and bounds again.

Maybe you can break into the fairyland in your lifetime!

At that time, not only can he dominate the entire Nanling Mountains, but even the entire Holy Venerable Continent, calling for rain.

However, seeing that Rong'er and Wan'er are about to marry to Zhao's family, she is about to get the treasure that is so powerful.

Lin Fei appeared, and instantly destroyed her dream.

"Little thief, I will never let you go.

I want to smash you into pieces! "

The face of the head of the South China Sea School was distorted terribly.

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