Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1889: Nanling Sensation

Within a day, what happened over Nanhai City spread throughout Nanling.

The Zhao family and the Nanhai faction are all giants in Nanling, and they have always been one of the focal points of the entire Nanling.

Therefore, things related to these two big forces are naturally widely spread.

After the incident spread, the whole Nanling was boiling over, shocked!

A total of two to three hundred people died in the Zhao family's welcoming team.

Even the Zhao Family Master was beheaded in front of the Zhao Family Master!

Although the loss of the Nanhai faction was not great, the master of the faction, the elder Wuchen, was severely injured.

The opponents, only one old and one young, retreated all over.

"Damn, it's so exciting!

It is really unexpected that in our Nanling, there are still people who dared to **** Zhao's relatives, kill Zhao's young master in public, and take away his two brides..."

"Oh my God, it's too bold to provoke two super powers at the same time, that kid, what is the origin of his identity?"

"In my opinion, people are not bold, but have such confidence.

It is said that at that time, the Zhao family master even took out the Zhao family's extreme immortal soldier, guess what, the opponent also has an extreme immortal soldier! "

"Well, it seems that the young man has a lot of background!

Well, maybe, he also took a fancy to the beauty of the two female disciples of the Nanhai School, so he simply came to grab it! "


Throughout Nanling, there are warriors everywhere talking about it in shock and excitement.

Soon, news came out.

The young man who robbed the Zhao family and killed the young master of the Zhao family turned out to be the last married husband of the two brides. They did not provoke the Zhao family, but came to rescue the last married wife.

"This news, but the female disciples of the Nanhai Sect, came out privately. It is said to be true!"

Some people say it is conclusive, saying that they heard it with their own ears.

"Well, it seems that the two brides really know the young man who snatched their relatives.

No wonder, when the three of them met, the scene was very moving. It turned out that the last married husband had been found! "

Some people who witnessed it at the time stood up and said.

In short, in Nanling as a whole, this matter has been the focus of many warriors' most attention in the past few days.

At this time, in the Zhao family headquarters.

In the family meeting hall.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family, more than a dozen middle-aged men, and a few old men with introverted aura, deep as the sea, all sat in the hall, sitting separately.

These people in the hall are all high-ranking figures of the Zhao family, and the few deep-breathed elders are even the hidden elders of the Zhao family, all of them are masters of the cave world.

What happened in Nanhai City has made the entire Zhao family in Nanling almost a laughingstock.

These high-level members of the Zhao family have been immersed in anger for these two days.

"Does that little thief really come from a small world called Yuan Wujie?"

A middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, I went to the elder Ruan of the Nanhai School to learn more about it. That little thief is indeed from Yuanwu Realm.

Back then, Elder Ruan strayed into a fragmented space-time passage and went to the small world called Yuan Wujie. He found that Shangguan Rong'er and Shangguan Wan'er were both harboring a mind-conscious Buddha body, and then moved to love. Zhixin brought them back to the Holy Venerable Continent. "

A middle-aged man replied.

"Hmph, no matter where that little thief came from, he killed so many people in our Zhao family and made our Zhao family lose such a big face.

Our Zhao family, no matter what the price is, we must kill this thief! "

An elder sitting cross-legged on the floor opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Yes, from now on, mobilize the power of the whole family to hunt down that little thief throughout Nanling.

Also, contact all our allies in the Zhao family and ask them to send a team together to punish the thief! "

Another clan elder grinned his teeth and said, his eyes were full of coldness.

"I agree that what happened this time was a huge blow to the reputation of our Zhao family.

Therefore, our Zhao family must respond, let the entire Nanling warriors see, what will happen if we provoke our Zhao family! "

Another clan elder said coldly.

"At all costs, kill this son!"

A clan elder who looked the oldest, sitting cross-legged, looked downright old, but the other people in the hall showed a sense of awe when they occasionally glanced at him.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then I will use all the power of the entire family to hunt down that little thief!

Also, I have sent someone to contact the killer in the killing world to discuss the reward, so the killer in the killing world will also hunt down that little thief! "

Patriarch Zhao said, thinking of the little thief who killed his beloved son, a raging flame of hatred erupted in his eyes.

If Lin Fei was here, he would be surprised by what Patriarch Zhao said.

Because, in Nanling, there are actually killers who kill the world!

Almost at the same time.

In the headquarters of the Nanhai School.

"Well, that kid is good for me, I will never let him go!

Do everything possible to slay that little thief, so as to eliminate the anger in my heart! "

In a magnificent Buddhist temple, the head of the Nanhai School said coldly.

Then, she immediately gave an order to send out many elites from the Nanhai faction to pursue Lin Fei's whereabouts.

Even several masters of the Heavenly Caverns in the Nanhai faction were also dispatched to hunt down Lin Fei.

At the same time, the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction sent troops to hunt down Lin Fei.

At the same time, many factions that are close to the Zhao family and the South China Sea faction have also mobilized people to help hunt down Lin Fei.

With the strength of the Zhao Family and the Nanhai School, how influential is in Nanling.

Soon, all the people in Nanling were in a tense atmosphere.

There are people everywhere looking for and hunting down Lin Fei.

Nanling became a sensation again.

At this time, in the Nanling Mountains, outside a remote wilderness.

On a low mountain, there was an inconspicuous dust.

This dust is actually the slave tower.

The slave tower, as a magic weapon, is naturally of any size.

At this time, in the slave tower, in the nine-story secret room.

Rong'er and Wan'er were closely next to Lin Fei, and the three of them were sitting together, very warm and sweet.

In these two days, the three did not separate for a moment.

Under Rong'er and Wan'er's tireless questioning, after Lin Fei's separation, his various experiences, from beginning to end, were described in great detail.

Rong'er and Wan'er listened to Lin Fei's strange and tortuous experiences over the past few years, sometimes marveling, sometimes crying, and sometimes feeling excited...

Naturally, Lin Fei also turned the other way around. He kept asking Rong'er and Wan'er for being brought to Nanling by the Nanhai elder Ruan, and the various experiences after coming to Nanling. He also gave a detailed account of what happened to Rong'er and Wan'er. understanding.

The three of them, in these two days, were completely immersed in the joy and excitement of a reunion.

Of course, Lin Fei also confessed the matter between himself and Qing Luo to the two final wives.

"What, little Qi'er, you have deceived the queen of the evil shadow clan too!

Tell me honestly how you can do it! "

Wan'er was very interested, and the fan fist punched Lin Fei's arm, asking for details.

"Unexpectedly, you have a hand in picking up girls."

Rong Er also glanced at Lin Fei with her beautiful eyes, and, like Wan'er, pestered Lin Fei, asking what happened.

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